Moving UNUM Archiver Files
Moving UNUM Archiver Files
There are features and functions used in UNUM Manager and UNUM Analytics that are common throughout the user interface (UI). Please refer to the Common Functions section for more information on the use of these functions and features.
The following process moves Archiver files from an NFS Share to long term storage using Windows 2016.
1)During initial NFS setup add the folder "Primary" to the NFS Share path:
For Example:
2)Mount the NFS Share on the Archiver and Viewer UNUM instances using the ./UNUM_setup.sh script (described in more detail here):
3)Copy and Paste the named folder /Primary to another location and rename it to July2020.
4)At this point, there are two available options:
a)If there is sufficient storage space, copy the July2020 folder to the NFS parent directory. There is now a new share path: -
1.Using the Viewer UNUM setup script, shut down UNUM.
2.Unmount the old NFS Share.
3.Mount the new NFS Share:-
4.Restart UNUM.
5.From the UNUM Browser, go to the Archiver setup and load the snapshot.
b)Create a new nfs share with the new folder.
1.Enter a new IP or use the same IP address but change the folder properties.
2.Using the Viewer UNUM setup script, shut down UNUM.
3.Unmount the old NFS Share.
4.Mount the new NFS Share -
5.Restart UNUM.
6.From the UNUM browser interface, go to the Archiver setup and load the snapshot.
In either option, the files move to another location. These files can be copied to the existing NFS Share or on a new Share and accessed by UNUM.