Additional  MIBs Supported in Netvisor ONE




This module defines Entity MIB extensions for physical sensors.

The Entity Sensor MIB contains a single group called,

entitySensorValueGroup, which allows objects to convey the current value
and status of a physical sensor. Click here for the RFC details.

entPhySensorOperStatus — Object identifies the current operational
status of the sensor (as it is known to the agent).

For example,

entPhySensorUnitsDisplay.1       STRING: Temp Outlet. >60

entPhySensorUnitsDisplay.2       STRING: Temp Inlet.


entPhySensorUnitsDisplay.22      STRING: PS1 Status.

Host-Resources (For CPU Utilization)

Use this MIB in managing host systems. Click  here for the RFC details.

  • To monitor the CPU utilization of the switch, use the
    custom MIB: PN-HR-MIB: PnHrCpuTable
  • To monitor the fabric node status change, use the
    custom MIB: PN-FABRIC-MIB: PnFabricTable 

IF-MIB, Entity-Sensor-MIB        

The MIB module to describe generic objects for network interface sub-layers.
This MIB is an updated version of the ifTable for MIB-II, and incorporates the
extensions defined in RFC 1229.


This MIB addresses the information collected with the VRRP master change trap and supports  IPv6 VRRP state change.