Supported Releases


Netvisor ONE Version

trunk-modify name vxlan-loopback-trunk

Commands with parameters first supported in version 2.4


Command added in version 1.2.

The option, cluster, was added to scope and the parameters, vrouter-name and peer-vrouter-name, were added in version 2.4.


In version 1.2 the command was introduced. In version 2.4 the parameter, vxlan, was added.

vtep-create, vtep-delete, vtep-show

Commands introduced in version 2.6.0. 

vtep-vxlan-add, vtep-vxlan-remove, vtep-vxlan-show

Commands introduced in version 2.6.0.

vrf-create, vrf-delete, vrf-modify, vrf-show, subnet-create, subnet-delete, subnet-modify, subnet-show

Commands introduced in version 3.0.0

igmp-snooping-modify vxlan|no-vxlan

Parameter introduced in version 3.1.1

vrf-multicast-modify, vrf-mroute-show

Commands introduced in version 5.1.0

vle-create, subnet-delete, subnet-modify, subnet-show

Commands introduced in version 2.5.4

vlan-create vxlan-mode standard|transparent

In version 2.5.2 the parameter vxlan-mode was added.

Please also refer to the Pluribus Command Reference document.