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M Commands


You can now limit the number of MAC addresses per port. You can configure port security only on ports. Details about port security for ports are as follows:

  • Access ports—You can configure port security on interfaces that you have configured as Layer 2 access ports. On an access port, port security applies only to the access VLAN.
  • Trunk ports—You can configure port security on interfaces that you have configured as Layer 2 trunk ports.

Syntax   mac-limit-modify

port port-list

Specify the port or port list.

mac-limit mac-limit-number

Specify the number of MAC addresses to limit on the port.

mac-limit-action log|disable

Specify the action to take if the MAC address limit is exceeded.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Version 2.6.0

Command introduced.

Version 5.2.0

The parameter, drop, deprecated.

Usage   Use this command to modify the MAC address limits on ports.

Examples  To modify the number of MAC addresses on ports, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > mac-limit-modify


You can now limit the number of MAC addresses per port. You can configure port security only on ports. Details about port security for ports are as follows:

  • Access ports—You can configure port security on interfaces that you have configured as Layer 2 access ports. On an access port, port security applies only to the access VLAN.
  • Trunk ports—You can configure port security on interfaces that you have configured as Layer 2 trunk ports.

Syntax   mac-limit-show

port port-list

Displays the port or port list.

mac-limit mac-limit-number

Displays the number of MAC addresses to limit on the port.

mac-limit-action log|disable

Displays the action to take if the MAC address limit is exceeded.

num-macs num-macs-number

Displays the number of MAC addresses learned on the port.

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Version 2.6.0

Command introduced.

Version 5.2.0

The parameter, drop, deprecated.

Usage   Use this command to display information about MAC address limits on ports.

Examples  To display information about MAC address limits on ports, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > mac-limit-show


This command displays multicast group information for a switch.

Syntax   mcast-show

group-ip muticast-ip-address

Specifies the IP address for the multicast group.

vnet vnet-name

Specifies the VNET name.

l2-net l2-net-name

Specifies the Layer 2 network name.

Defaults   Unless otherwise specified, all multicast group membership information for the local switch is displayed.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, l2-net, added.

Usage   Hosts and adjacent switches on IPv4 networks can establish multicast group memberships.

Examples  To display all multicast group memberships for the local switch, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > mcast-show

group-ip         vlan      group-id       group-ports

--------         -----     --------       -----------     1         28             43      1         27             43     1         26             17     1         25             17     1         24             17      1         23             17     1         22             17


In earlier versions of Netvisor, Netvisor did not support viewing current user sessions using the CLI.  This can be very useful for security and troubleshooting. Netvisor now lists all currently logged-in users along with the IP they are connecting from and the login time when you execute the command, mgt-session-show.

Syntax   mgmt-session-show

user user-string

Displays the user name.

cli-user cli-user-string 

Displays the name used to log into the switch.

pid pid-number

Displays the process ID.

terminal terminal-string

Displays the terminal.

from-ip ip-address

Displays the IP address for the user.

login-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss

Displays the time and date that the user logged into the switch.

remote-node remote-node-string

Displays the name of the remote node.

vnet vnet-string

Displays the VNET assigned to the user.

type cli|api|shell

Displays the type of login session.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 3.0.0

Usage   Use this command to display users logged into the switch.

Examples  To display users logged into the switch, NAT-1, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > mgmt-session-show

switch        user  cli-user      pid   terminal from-ip      login-time     type  

------------- ----- ------------- ----- -------- ------------ ------------   -------

Spine-ext-41  admin network-admin 13805 pts/3  11:20:52        cli

Spine-ext-41  root  network-admin 8589  pts/2 11-15,17:16:17  cli


This command is used to create mirror ports and flows. Network engineers or administrators use port mirroring to analyze and debug data or diagnose errors on a network. It helps administrators keep a close eye on network performance and alerts them when problems occur. It can be used to mirror either inbound or outbound traffic (or both) on single or multiple interfaces.

Syntax   mirror-create

name name-string

Specify a name for the mirror configuration.

direction ingress|egress|

Specify a direction for the mirrored traffic.

out-port port-list

Specify the port for outgoing traffic.

out-trunk trunk name

Specify the name of the outgoing trunk configuration.

in-port port-list

Specify the port for incoming traffic. Supported ports are 1-64 on the F64 platform. The parameter, all, is not supported.

filtering port|

Specify the filter type for the configuration.


Enable or disable the configuration.

other-egress-out allow|prevent

Specify if other outgoing traffic is allowed or prevented. The default value is prevent.

span-encap none|over-ip|over-vlan

Specify the mirror span type. The default type is none.

span-local-ip ip-address

Specify the local IPv4 address for the mirror span.

span-remote-ip ip-address

Specify the remote IPv4 address fpr the mirror span.

span-src-mac mac-address

Specify the source MAC address for the mirror span.

span-dst-mac mac-address

Specify the destination MAC address for the mirror span.

span-tagging-vlan vlan-id

Specify the mirror span VLAN tagging ID. The default value is none.

span-tos integer

Specify the mirror span ToS from 0 to 255. The default value is 0.


Specify to mark this mirroring as an NVIE mirror and mirror traffic to NVIE VM.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.4

 The parameter, span-, introduced.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter, nvie-mirror, added.

Usage   Use this command to create mirrored traffic or ports for analyzing traffic.

Examples  To create a mirror configuration, mirror-port, with the direction egress, port 73, inbound port 33, filtering by port, and allow other egress traffic, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > mirror-create name mirror-port direction egress out-port 73 in-port 33 enable other-egress-out allow


This command is used to delete a mirror configuration.

Syntax   mirror-delete name name-string 

name name-string

Specify a name for the mirror configuration.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.2.

Usage   Use this command to delete a mirror configuration.

Examples  To delete a mirror configuration, mirror-port, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > mirror-delete name mirror-port


This command allows you to modify a port mirror configuration.

Syntax   mirror-modify

name name-string

Specify the name of the mirror configuration to modify.

Specify any of the following options:

direction disabled|ingress|

Specify the direction of the traffic that you want to mirror on the port.

out-port port-list

Specify the list of ports for outgoing network traffic.

out-trunk trunk-name

Specify the trunk name for the outgoing trunk.

in-port port-list

Specify the list of ports for incoming network traffic.

filtering port|vflow-and-port|

Specify the type of traffic to filter.


Enable or disable port mirroring on the network.

other-egress-out allow|prevent

Specify if other outgoing traffic is allowed or prevented.

span-encap none|over-ip|over-vlan

Specify the mirror span type. The default type is none.

span-local-ip ip-address

Specify the local IPv4 address for the mirror span.

span-remote-ip ip-address

Specify the remote IPv4 address fpr the mirror span.

span-src-mac mac-address

Specify the source MAC address for the mirror span.

span-dst-mac mac-address

Specify the destination MAC address for the mirror span.

span-tagging-vlan vlan-id

Specify the mirror span VLAN tagging ID. The default value is none.

span-tos integer

Specify the mirror span ToS from 0 to 255. The default value is 0.


Specify to mark this mirroring as an NVIE mirror and mirror traffic to NVIE VM.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

port-mirror-modify introduced.

Version 2.0

Command changed to mirror-modify.

Version 2.1

The parameter, out-trunk, added.

Version 2.2.2

The parameter, direction, added.

Version 2.2.3

The parameter, policy, changed to filtering. The parameter other-egress-out added. j

Version 2.4

 The parameter, span-, introduced.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter, nvie-mirror, added.

Usage   Port mirroring is used to send copies of network traffic on one port to a network monitoring connection on another port. You can use this command to enable or disable port mirroring as well as designate the ports to use for it.

Examples  To enable port mirroring on outbound ports 3-5 and inbound ports 8-9, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > mirror-modify out-port 3-5 in-port 8-9 mirroring


This command is used to display information about port mirroring on the switch.

Syntax   mirror-show

name name-string

Specifies a name for the mirror configuration.


Specifies the mirror ID assigned by nvOS.

direction ingress|egress|

Specifies a direction for the mirrored traffic.

out-port port-list

Specifies the port for outgoing traffic.

out-trunk trunk name

Specifies the name of the outgoing trunk configuration.

loopback-port loopback-port-number

Specifies the loopback port for mirrored traffic.

in-port port-list

Specifies the port for incoming traffic.

filtering port|

Specifies the filter type for the configuration.


Enable or disable the configuration.

other-egress-out allow|prevent

Specifies if other outgoing traffic is allowed or prevented.

span-encap none|over-ip|over-vlan

Specify the mirror span type. The default type is none.

span-local-ip ip-address

Specify the local IPv4 address for the mirror span.

span-remote-ip ip-address

Specify the remote IPv4 address fpr the mirror span.

span-src-mac mac-address

Specify the source MAC address for the mirror span.

span-dst-mac mac-address

Specify the destination MAC address for the mirror span.

span-tagging-vlan vlan-id

Specify the mirror span VLAN tagging ID. The default value is none.

span-tos integer

Specify the mirror span ToS from 0 to 255. The default value is 0.


Specify to mark this mirroring as an NVIE mirror and mirror traffic to NVIE VM.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.0

Command changed to mirror-show.

Version 2.4

 The parameter, span-, introduced.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter, nvie-mirror, added.

Usage   Use this command to display port mirroring information.

Examples  To display information about port mirroring, use the following command:

CLI (network-admin@pleiades25) > mirror-show

switch:        pleiades25

mirroring:     disable