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This command is used to create the scope and other parameters of syslog event collection.

Syntax   admin-syslog-create

name name-string

The name of the syslog file for the syslog event collection.

scope local|fabric

The scope of the syslog for the syslog event collection.

host host-string

The host name for the syslog event collection..

port port-number

The port for the syslog event collection.

transport tcp-tls|udp

The type of transport for log events - tcp/tls or udp

message-format structured|legacy

The message format you want to use in the syslog event collection. The default format is legacy.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.5

The parameter, transport, added.

Usage   Used to create a syslog file.

Examples  To create the syslog file, engoct12, with the scope local on port 24 and message format structured, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > admin-syslog-create name engoct12 scope local port 24 message-format structured


This command is used to delete a syslog from the configuration.

Syntax   admin-syslog-delete

name name-string

Specify the name of the syslog file to delete.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.

Usage   Used to delete a syslog file.

Examples  To delete the syslog file, eng-local, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > admin-syslog-delete eng-local


This command is used to modify the scope and other parameters of syslog event collection.

Syntax   admin-syslog-modify

name name-string

Specify the name of the syslog file to modify.

Specify one or more of the following options:

scope local|fabric

Specify the scope of the syslog to modify

host host-string

Specify the host to modify.

port port-number

Specify the port you want to modify.

transport tcp-tls|udp

The type of transport for log events - tcp/tls or udp

message-format structured|legacy

Specify the message format you want to modify.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.5

The parameter, transport, added.

Usage   Used to modify an existing syslog file.

Examples  To modify the port from port 24 to port 83 for syslog file, engoct12, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > admin-syslog-modify name engoct12 port 83


This command is used to display parameters about a syslog file.

Syntax   admin-syslog-show

name name-string

Specifies the name of the syslog file.

scope local|fabric

Specifies the scope of the syslog file.

host host-string

Specifies the host for the syslog file.

port port-number

Specifies the port for the syslog file.

transport tcp-tls|udp

The type of transport for log events - tcp/tls or udp

message-format structured|legacy

Specifies the message format for the syslog file.

status status-string

Specifies the syslog export status

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.5

The parameter, transport, added.

Usage   Use this command to display information about a syslog file.

Examples  Use this command to display administrative log information.

CLI network-admin@switch > admin-syslog-show

switch   name   scope host     port message-format

-------- ------ ----- -------- ---- --------------

pubdev01 syslog local pubdev01 25   legacy