W Commands


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-clear

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to delete certificates from the OS.

Examples  To delete a Web certificate, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-clear


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-import file-ca file-ca-string file-server file-server-string file-inter file-inter-string 

file-ca file-ca-string

Specify the name of the CA Certificate file.

file-server file-server-string

Specify the name of the Server Certificate file.

file-inter file-inter-string

Specify the name of the intermediate CA Certificate file.

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to import certificates into the OS.

Examples  To import a Web certificate, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-import


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-info-show cert-type ca|intermediate|server subject subject-string file-inter file-inter-string 

cert-type ca|intermediate|server

Specifies the type of the CA Certificate.

subject subject-string

Specifies the subject in the Certificate file.

issuer issuer-string

Specifies the issuer of the intermediate CA Certificate file.

serial-number serial-number-number

Specifies the serial number in the Certificate file.

valid-from valid-from-string

Specifies the valid from date in the Certificate file.

valid-to valid-to-string

Specifies the valid to date in the Certificate file.

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to display certificates in the OS.

Examples  To display a Web certificate, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-info-show


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-request

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to request certificates for the OS.

Examples  Torequest a Web certificate, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-request-create


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-request-show cert-request cert-request-string 

cert-request cert-request-string

Displays the certificate request parameters.

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to display certificate requests.

Examples  To display a certificate request, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-request-show


You can perform TLS certificate management for the Netvisor Web service. For HTTPS communication between a REST API client and the Web application server running on the switch, you must configure a server certificate and deploy it on the Web application server.

Syntax   web-cert-self-signed-create country country-string state state-string city city-string organization organization-string common-name common-name-string

country country-string

Specify the country for the certificate.

state state-string

Specify the state for the certificate

city city-string

Specify the city for the certificate

organization organization-string

Specify the organization for the certificate

common-name common-name-string

Specify the common name for the certificate. The common name must match the host for authentication.

Defaults   None

Access   Network admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.1.

Usage   Use this command to create self-signed certificate requests.

Examples  To create a self-signed certificate, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > web-cert-self-signed-create country us state ca city palo alto organization engineering common-name web-server