This command is used to display information about the physical Layer 1 status of the local switch.
Syntax port-phy-show
port port-list |
Specifies the switch data port number, list of ports, or range of ports. Port numbers must be in the range of 1-64. |
state off|admin-down|adminpwrdown|bist|dfe-tuning|down|local-fault|partially-up| |
Specifies the state of the port PHY. |
mode off|admin-down|adminpwrdown|bist|dfe-tuning|down|local-fault|partially-up| |
Specifies the mode of the port PHY. |
autoneg autoneg-string |
Specifies the auto-negotiation setting of the port PHY. |
speed speed-number |
Specifies the speed of the port PHY. |
eth-mode 1000base-x|sgmii| |
Specify the Ethernet mode as 1000 base or Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (SGMII). |
max-frame max-frame-number |
Specifies the maximum number of frames. |
learning on|off |
Specifies the learning mode of the port PHY. |
def-vlan def-vlan-number |
Specifies the default VLAN identifier of the port PHY. |
dfe-mode static|one-shot| |
Specifies the Decision Feedback Equalizer (DFE) mode of the port PHY. |
dfe-coarse not-started|in-progress|complete|error |
Specifies the DFE status of the port PHY. |
dfe-fine not-started|in-progress|complete|error |
Specifies the DFE status of the port PHY. |
fec fec-string |
Specifies the FEC. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameter, eth-mode, added. |
Version 2.2 |
The options, disabled|1000base-kx|2500base-x|6Gbase-kr|6Gbase-cr|10Gbase-kr|10Gbase-cr|10Gbase-sr|AN-73|Xaui|10Gbase-kx4|10Gbase-cx4|24Gbase-kr4|24Gbase-cr4|40Gbase-kr4| XLaui|40Gbase-cr4|40Gbase-sr4|no-phy-present|MII|GMII|TBI| 10G-XGMII|1G-RGMII|10G-SFI|10G-XFI added. |
Version 3.0.0 |
The parameter, link-quality, deprecated. |
Version 3.1.0 |
The parameters, GII and disabled, added. |
Usage Switches are equipped with network data ports for host or inter-switch communication. Use this command to display the status of network data ports on the local switch.
Examples To display the status of network data ports on the switch, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > port-phy-show
port state speed eth-mode max-frame link-quality learning def-vlan
17 up 1000 1000base-x 1540 n/a on 1
19 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
21 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
23 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
45 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
65 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
69 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 10232 n/a on 1
Port Show Commands
This command displays information about network data port status.
Syntax port-show
port port-list |
Specifies the switch network data port number, list of ports, or range of ports. Port numbers must be in the range of 1 to 64. |
bezel-port bezel-port-string |
Specifies the bezel port. |
ip ip-address |
Specifies the IP address of a host connected to a switch data port. |
mac mac-address |
Specifies the MAC address of a host connected to a switch data port. |
vlan vlan-id |
Specifies the VLAN identifier. This is a value between 0 and 4095. |
vxlan vxlan-id |
Specifies the VXLAN identifier. This is a value between 0 and 16777215. |
hostname hostname |
Specifies the name of a host connected to a switch data port. |
status phy-up|up|disabled|hw-nat-loop|mirror-loop|mirror-to|inuse| PN-switch|PN-fabric|PN-other|PN-cluster|PN-internal| PN-hypervisor|PN-guest|snmp-host|host|uplink|drop-pkts|no-pktin|no-fwd|no-flood|STP-BPDUs|LLDP|trunk|l3-port|remote-l3-port|vdp|dhcp|dhcpsvrblocked|no-BPDU|LACP-PDUs|vlag-active|vlag-blocked|stp-edge-port|LACP-wait|adjacency-wait|adjacency-check|vlag-wait|multicast-router| host-disabled|loop|vxlan-loopback|vlan-up|vle|vle-wait|phy-down|down| enabled|err-disabled|err-bpdu-guard|mac-violation| stp-bpdu-guard|stp-root-guard||defer-bringup-wait |
Specifies the status of a switch data port. |
loop-vlans vlan-list |
Specifies VLANs looping on the ports. |
rem-ip ip-address |
Specifies the IP address of the remote switch. |
lport lport-number |
Specifies the logical port number on the switch. |
rport rport-number |
Specifies the port number on the remote switch. |
config fd|hd|10m|100m|1g|2.5g|10g|40g|loopback|mirror-only|autoneg| fiber|copper|qos|jumbo|pause|asymetric-pause|vxlan-termination|no-local-switching|fec |
Specifies the settings of a switch data port. |
description description-string |
Specifies the description of the port. |
trunk trunk-name |
Specifies the identifier of the trunk that a switch data port is a member of. |
hide-connections |
Specifies whether the connections on switch data ports should be displayed. |
recover-time duration: #d#h#m#s |
Specifies the time left for recovery from err-disable state. |
err-bpduguard err-bpduguard-number |
Specifies the total count of err-disables by BPDU guard. |
err-maclimit err-maclimit-number |
Specifies the total count of err-disables by MAC address limit. |
hide-connections |
Specifies if the connections are hidden. |
link-detail |
Specifies the details of the link such as PHY, link, etc. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.2.2 |
Options for status and config changed. |
Version 2.2.6 |
The parameters, LACP-wait|adjacency-wait|adjacency-check| |
Version 2.4 |
The options, host-disabled|loop|vxlan-loopback|vlan-up, added. The parameter, loop-vlans, added. |
Version 2.6.2 |
The parameters, rem-ip, recover-time, err-bpduguard, err-maclimit, hide-connections, link-detail, added. |
Usage Use this command to display information about port status on the switch.
Examples To display the port status for port 12, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > port-show port 12 layout vertical
switch: pubdev03
port: 45
mac: 64:0e:94:28:00:8e
hostname: pubdev01
status: up,PN-fabric,LLDP,trunk
lport: 45
rport: 45
config: fd,10g
trunk: trunk-info