
This command is used to create users on the local switch or fabric.

Syntax   user-create  

name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

scope local|fabric

Specify a scope for the user. Select local to allow access to the local switch only. Selecting fabric allows access to the fabric.

password password-string

Specify a password for the user.

initial-role role name

Optionally, specify the initial role for the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters, password and initial-role, added.

Usage   Use this command to create users on the local switch or fabric. When you specify a role, it is a role defined using the role- commands.

Examples  To create the user, net-access, password, sw0rdf1ght, on the fabric, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-create name netaccess scope fabric


Confirm password:


This command is used to delete users on the local switch or fabric.

Syntax   user-delete  

name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameter, scope, deprecated.

Usage   Use this command to delete users on the local switch or fabric.

Examples  To delete the user, net-access, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-delete name netaccess


This command is used to modify users on the local switch or fabric.

Syntax   user-modify  

name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

Specify one or more of the following options:

password password-string

Specify a password for the user. You are prompted for the password after you press the enter key.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters, password and initial-role, added. The parameter, scope, deprecated.

Version 2.2

The parameter, initial-role, deprecated.

Usage   Use this command to modify users on the local switch or fabric.

Examples  To change the password the user, net-access user, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-modify name netaccess


This command is used to display a list of users on the local switch or fabric.

Syntax   user-show

name name-string

Displays the name of the user.

scope local|fabric

Filters the scope for the user. Select local to allow access to the local switch only. Selecting fabric allows access to the fabric.

uid uid-number

Filters the user identifier.

server aaa-tacacs name

Filters the AAA TACACS server name.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters, password, server, and initial-role added.

Usage   Use this command to display users on the local switch or fabric.

Examples  To display the list of users, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-show

switch        name              scope  uid   

------------- ----------------- ------ -----

              network-admin     fabric 39999

              vlb-web-svr-admin fabric 40000

              test-admin        fabric 40002

              vlan-test-admin   fabric 40003

              laurap            fabric 40004

              ops-vnet-admin    fabric 40005

              ops-test1-admin   fabric 40006

pleiades24    java-api-admin    local  20000

pleiades24    tester            local  20001


This command is used to set a password for a user on the switch.

Syntax   user-password-set name name-string scope local|fabric uid uid-number server aaa-tacacs-name initial-role role-name

name name-string

Specify the name of the user to set the password.

Specify any of the following options:

scope local|fabric

Specify the scope for the user.

uid uid-number

Specify the user ID.

type netvisor|unix|tacacs|web-token|mfg

Specify the type of user.

server aaa-tacacs-name

Specify the name of the TACACS+ server.

initial-role role-name

Specify the initial role of the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

Command changed to user-password-set.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter, type, added.

Usage   You can set the password for the user.

Examples  To set the password for user, admin-net, on the TACACS+ server, aaa-tacacs, with the user ID 23, with the initial role, admin, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-password-set name admin-net scope local uid 23 server aaa-tacacs initial-role admin


This command is used to create a user role on the switch.

Syntax   user-role-add user-name name-string scope role role-name 

user-name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

Specify the following role arguments:

role role-name

Specify a role for the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   Use this command to create user roles on the switch.

Examples  To create the user, net-access, with the role, net-admin, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-add user-name net-access role net-admin


This command is used to remove a user role from the switch.

Syntax   user-role-remove user-name name-string scope role role-name 

user-name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

Specify the following role arguments:

role role-name

Specify a role for the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   Use this command to remove user roles on the switch.

Examples  To remove the user, net-access, with the role, net-admin, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-remove user-name net-access role net-admin


This command is used to display a list of users and the assigned roles.

Syntax   user-role-show user-name name-string role role-name

user-name name-string

Specify a name for the user.

Specify the following role arguments:

role role-name

Specify a role for the user.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   Users must hold the proper credentials to manage a switch, cluster, or fabric. Use this command to display roles assigned to users.

Examples  To display a list of users and their roles, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-show

switch   user-name     role          

-------- ------------- -------------

         network-admin network-admin

pubdev02 lab-admin     lab-admin