This command is used to create users on the local switch or fabric.
Syntax user-create
name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
scope local|fabric |
Specify a scope for the user. Select local to allow access to the local switch only. Selecting fabric allows access to the fabric. |
password password-string |
Specify a password for the user. |
initial-role role name |
Optionally, specify the initial role for the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameters, password and initial-role, added. |
Usage Use this command to create users on the local switch or fabric. When you specify a role, it is a role defined using the role- commands.
Examples To create the user, net-access, password, sw0rdf1ght, on the fabric, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-create name netaccess scope fabric
Confirm password:
This command is used to delete users on the local switch or fabric.
Syntax user-delete
name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameter, scope, deprecated. |
Usage Use this command to delete users on the local switch or fabric.
Examples To delete the user, net-access, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-delete name netaccess
This command is used to modify users on the local switch or fabric.
Syntax user-modify
name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
Specify one or more of the following options: |
password password-string |
Specify a password for the user. You are prompted for the password after you press the enter key. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameters, password and initial-role, added. The parameter, scope, deprecated. |
Version 2.2 |
The parameter, initial-role, deprecated. |
Usage Use this command to modify users on the local switch or fabric.
Examples To change the password the user, net-access user, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-modify name netaccess
This command is used to display a list of users on the local switch or fabric.
Syntax user-show
name name-string |
Displays the name of the user. |
scope local|fabric |
Filters the scope for the user. Select local to allow access to the local switch only. Selecting fabric allows access to the fabric. |
uid uid-number |
Filters the user identifier. |
server aaa-tacacs name |
Filters the AAA TACACS server name. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameters, password, server, and initial-role added. |
Usage Use this command to display users on the local switch or fabric.
Examples To display the list of users, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-show
switch name scope uid
------------- ----------------- ------ -----
network-admin fabric 39999
vlb-web-svr-admin fabric 40000
test-admin fabric 40002
vlan-test-admin fabric 40003
laurap fabric 40004
ops-vnet-admin fabric 40005
ops-test1-admin fabric 40006
pleiades24 java-api-admin local 20000
pleiades24 tester local 20001
This command is used to set a password for a user on the switch.
Syntax user-password-set name name-string scope local|fabric uid uid-number server aaa-tacacs-name initial-role role-name
name name-string |
Specify the name of the user to set the password. |
Specify any of the following options: |
scope local|fabric |
Specify the scope for the user. |
uid uid-number |
Specify the user ID. |
type netvisor|unix|tacacs|web-token|mfg |
Specify the type of user. |
server aaa-tacacs-name |
Specify the name of the TACACS+ server. |
initial-role role-name |
Specify the initial role of the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
Command changed to user-password-set. |
Version 2.6.2 |
The parameter, type, added. |
Usage You can set the password for the user.
Examples To set the password for user, admin-net, on the TACACS+ server, aaa-tacacs, with the user ID 23, with the initial role, admin, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-password-set name admin-net scope local uid 23 server aaa-tacacs initial-role admin
This command is used to create a user role on the switch.
Syntax user-role-add user-name name-string scope role role-name
user-name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
Specify the following role arguments: |
role role-name |
Specify a role for the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage Use this command to create user roles on the switch.
Examples To create the user, net-access, with the role, net-admin, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-add user-name net-access role net-admin
This command is used to remove a user role from the switch.
Syntax user-role-remove user-name name-string scope role role-name
user-name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
Specify the following role arguments: |
role role-name |
Specify a role for the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage Use this command to remove user roles on the switch.
Examples To remove the user, net-access, with the role, net-admin, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-remove user-name net-access role net-admin
This command is used to display a list of users and the assigned roles.
Syntax user-role-show user-name name-string role role-name
user-name name-string |
Specify a name for the user. |
Specify the following role arguments: |
role role-name |
Specify a role for the user. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage Users must hold the proper credentials to manage a switch, cluster, or fabric. Use this command to display roles assigned to users.
Examples To display a list of users and their roles, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > user-role-show
switch user-name role
-------- ------------- -------------
network-admin network-admin
pubdev02 lab-admin lab-admin