
This command creates a new virtual network (VNET) for a fabric, cluster, or standalone switch.

Syntax   vnet-create name

name name-string

Specify the name of the virtual network (VNET).

scope local|fabric

Specify the scope of the virtual network (VNET)

Specify one or more of the following options:

vrg vrg-name

Specify the name of the virtual resource group (VRG).

vlan-type public|private

Specify the type of VLAN used by the VNET.

num-vlans number

Specify the number of VLANs to assign to the VNET. Using this parameter allows you to assign a group of VLANs rather than specific VLANs.

vlans vlan-list

Specify the list of VLANs to assign to the VNET. You can specify a list or range of VLANs that the VNET assigns to VNET interfaces.

num-private-vlans number

Specify the number of private VLANs that the VNET administrator can create for the VNET. This is a number between 1 and 4094.

vxlans vxlan-id

Specify the VLXN ID assigned to the VNET.

vxlan-end vxlan-id

Specify the last VXLAN ID assigned to the VNET.

managed-ports port-list

Specify the list of managed ports on the VNET.

shared-ports port-list

Specify the shared ports for the VNET.

shared-port-vlans vlan-list

Displays VLANs on the shared ports.


Specify an administrator for the VNET. This is optional.

admin user-name

Specify the user name for the admin role.


Specify if you want to create or not create a VNET manager.

vnet-mgr-name name-string

Specify the name of the VNET manager. If you don’t specify a name, one is automatically configured.

vnet-mgr-storage-pool storage-pool-name

Specify the storage pool for the VNET.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameter, config-admin, added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters, num-private-vlans, vxlans, and vxlan-end added.

Version 2.5.4

The parameter, create-vnet-mgr|
no-create-vnet-mgr was added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameter, shared-port-vlans, added.  

Usage   A fabric, cluster, or standalone switch can be virtualized into tenant networks called virtual networks (VNETs). This command creates a new VNET.

Examples  This example shows how to create a fabric-wide virtual network (VNET) named MyVMotionVNET.

CLI network-admin@switch > vnet-create name MyVMotionVNET scope fabric vlan 777 ports 35-37


This command is used to delete an existing VNET from the configuration on the switch.

Syntax   vnet-delete name name-string

name name-string

Specify the name of the VNET to delete.

Defaults   None.

Access    CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   A fabric, cluster, or standalone switch can be virtualized into tenant networks called virtual networks (VNETs). This command deletes a VNET.

Examples  To delete a fabric-wide virtual network (VNET) named MyVMotionVNET, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vnet-delete name MyVMotionVNET


This command is used to modify an existing VNET on the configuration on the switch.

Syntax   vnet-modify

name name-string

Specify the name of the VNET to modify.

vlans vlan-list

Specify the list of VLANs to modify.

managed-ports port-list

Specify the list of managed ports on the VNET.

num-private-vlans number

Specify the number of private VLANs that the VNET administrator can create for the VNET. This is a number between 1 and 4094.

public-vlans vlan-list

Specify the public VLANs assigned to the private VLAN VNET.

vxlans vxlan-id

Specify the VLXN ID assigned to the VNET.

vxlan-end vxlan-id

 Specify the last VXLAN ID assigned to the VNET.

shared-ports port-list

Specify the shared ports for the VNET.

shared-port-vlans vlan-list

Displays VLANs on the shared ports.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameter, vrg, is deprecated.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters, num-private-vlans, vxlans, and vxlan-end added.

Version 2.5

The parameter, public-vlans, added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameter, shared-port-vlans, added.  

Usage   A fabric, cluster, or standalone switch can be virtualized into tenant networks called virtual networks (VNETs). This command deletes a VNET.

Examples  To modify a fabric-wide virtual network (VNET) named MyVMotionVNET, and modify the VLANs to the range,11-15, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vnet-modify name MyVMotionVNET vlans 11-15


This command is used to display information about VNETs configured on the switch

Syntax   vnet-show

id id-num

Displays the identifier of the VNET.

name name-string

Displays the name of the virtual network (VNET).

scope local|fabric

Displays the scope of the virtual network (VNET)

vrg vrg-name

Displays the name of the virtual resource group (VRG).

vlan-type public|private

Displays the type of VLAN for the VNET.

num-vlans number

Displays the number of VLANs assigned to the VNET.

vlans vlan-list

Displays the list of VLANs assigned to the VNET.

num-private-vlans number

Displays the number of private VLANs that the VNET administrator can create for the VNET. This is a number between 1 and 4094.

public-vlans vlan-list

Displays the public VLANs assigned to the private VLAN VNET.

vxlans vxlan-id

Displays the VLXN ID assigned to the VNET.

vxlan-end vxlan-id

 Displays the last VXLAN ID assigned to the VNET.

managed-ports port-list

Displays the list of managed ports on the VNET.

shared-ports port-list

Displays the shared ports for the VNET.

shared-port-vlans vlan-list

Displays VLANs on the shared ports.

ports port-list

Displays the ports for the VNET.

admin user-name

Displays the user name for the admin role.

vnet-mgr-name name-string

Displays the name of the VNET manager.

vnet-mgr-storage-pool storage-pool-name

Displays the storage pool for the VNET.


Displays the VNET manager identifier.


Displays the VNET manager zone identifier.

vnet-mgr-location location-number

Displays the VNET manager location identifier.

vrg-created-by-vnet true|false

Displays if the VRG was created by the VNET.

global true|false

Displays if the VNET is global or not.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameter, global, added.

Version 2.5

The parameter, public-vlans, vlan-type, and shared-ports, added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameter, shared-port-vlans, added.  

Usage   A fabric, cluster, or standalone switch can be virtualized into tenant networks called virtual networks (VNETs). This command displays information about a VNET.

Examples  To display information about all VNETs, use the following command:

vnet-show layout vertical

switch:                pleiades24

name:                  red-os

scope:                 fabric

vlans:                 66-67,69

managed-ports:         none

admin:                 red-os-admin

vnet-mgr-name:         red-os-mgr

switch:                pleiades24

name:                  tester-1

scope:                 fabric

vlans:                 10

managed-ports:         65-69

admin:                 tester-1-admin

vnet-mgr-name:         tester-1-mgr

switch:                mitch-aquila2

name:                  tp-lab-global

scope:                 fabric

vlans:                 none

managed-ports:         none