
Netvisor uses this command to create route maps for BGP and OSPF vRouter configurations.

Syntax   vrouter-route-map-add


vrouter-name name-string

Specify the name of the vRouter.

name name-string

Specify the name of the route map.

seq number

Specify the sequence number to assign to the route map. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

action permit|deny

Specify the route map to permit or deny packets.

match-prefix prefix-list-name

Specify the prefixes used to match.

match-community match-community-string

Specify the community string to match. (BGP only)


Specify if the community string is an exact match or not. (BGP only)

community-attribute unset|none|no-export|no-advertise|

Specify the community attribute. If you specify a community attribute, you cannot add a generic community attribute as well.

community-attribute-generic community-attribute-generic-string

Specify a generic community attribute such as AA:NN. (BGP only)


Specify if a given community is appended to existing communities value.

comm-list-del vrouter community-list name 

Specify if you want to remove community values from BGP community attributes

local-pref integer

Specify a local preference. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

metric none

Specify a metric for the route map.

metric-type 1|2

Specify the metric type as 1 or 2.

as-path-prepend integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

as-path-prepend-last-as integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 10.

as-path-exclude integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

origin none|egp|igp|incomplete

Specify the origin of BGP prefix:

none — Resets the origin to none.

egp — Specifies the route as a remote EGP route.

igp  — Specifies the route as a local IGP route.

incomplete — Route is of unknown heritage.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI - Network Admin


Version 2.4.0

Command introduced.

Version 2.6.0

The parameters, metric and metric-type, added for OSPF. The parameters, as-path-*, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters for BGP communities added.

Version 3.0.3

The parameter, origin, added.

Usage   Use this command to create route maps for BGP or OSPF configurations to ensure that prefixes are installed into the route table.

Examples  To add a route map on vRouter1, with the name bgp-map, sequence number 75, action permit, match-prefix prefix1, community-attribue local-AS and local preference 25, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-route-map-add vrouter-name vRouter1 name bgp-map seq 75 action permit match-prefix prefix1 community-attribute local-AS local-pref 25


This command is used to modify route maps for BGP and OSPF vRouter configurations.

Syntax   vrouter-route-map-modify


vrouter-name name-string

Specify the name of the vRouter.

name name-string

Specify the name of the route map.

seq number

Specify the sequence number to assign to the route map. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

action permit|deny

Specify the route map to permit or deny packets.

match-prefix prefix-list-name

Specify the prefixes used to match.

match-community match-community-string

Specify the community string to match. (BGP only)


Specify if the community string is an exact match or not. (BGP only)

community-attribute unset|none|no-export|no-advertise|

Specify the community attribute. If you specify a community attribute, you cannot add a generic community attribute as well.

community-attribute-generic community-attribute-generic-string

Specify a generic community attribute such as AA:NN. (BGP only)


Specify if a given community is appended to existing communities value.

comm-list-del vrouter community-list name 

Specify if you want to remove community values from BGP community attributes

local-pref integer

Specify a local preference. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

metric none

Specify a metric for the route map.

metric-type 1|2

Specify the metric type as 1 or 2.

as-path-prepend integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

as-path-prepend-last-as integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 10.

as-path-exclude integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

origin none|egp|igp|incomplete

Specify the origin of BGP prefix:

none — Resets the origin to none.

egp — Specifies the route as a remote EGP route.

igp  — Specifies the route as a local IGP route.

incomplete — Route is of unknown heritage.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI - Network Admin


Version 2.4.0

Command introduced.

Version 2.6.0

The parameters, metric and metric-type, added for OSPF. The parameters, as-path-*, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters for BGP communities added.

Version 3.0.3

The parameter, origin, added.

Usage   Use this command to modify route maps for BGP or OSPF configurations to ensure that prefixes are installed into the route table.

Examples  To modify a route map on vRouter1, with the name bgp-map, and change the local preference to 27, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-route-map-modify vrouter-name vRouter1 name bgp-map local-pref 27


This command is used to remove route maps for BGP and OSPF vRouter configurations.

Syntax   vrouter-route-map-remove vrouter-name name-string name name-string seq number 

vrouter-name name-string

Specify the name of the vRouter.

name name-string

Specify the name of the route map.

seq number

Specify the sequence number to assign to the route map. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI - Network Admin

History   Command introduced in Version 2.4.

Usage   Use this command to remove route maps for BGP configurations.

Examples  To remove a route map on vRouter1, with the name bgp-map, sequence number 75, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-route-map-remove vrouter-name vRouter1 name bgp-map seq 75


This command is used to display route maps for BGP and OSPF vRouter configurations.

Syntax   vrouter-route-map-show

vrouter-name name-string

Specify the name of the vRouter.

name name-string

Specify the name of the route map.

seq number

Specify the sequence number to assign to the route map. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

action permit|deny

Specify the route map to permit or deny packets.

match-prefix prefix-list-name

Specify the prefixes used to match.

match-community match-community-string

Specify the community string to match. (BGP only)


Specify if the community string is an exact match or not. (BGP only)

community-attribute unset|none|no-export|no-advertise|

Specify the community attribute. If you specify a community attribute, you cannot add a generic community attribute as well.

community-attribute-generic community-attribute-generic-string

Specify a generic community attribute such as AA:NN. (BGP only)


Specify if a given community is appended to existing communities value.

comm-list-del vrouter community-list name 

Specify if you want to remove community values from BGP community attributes

local-pref integer

Specify a local preference. This is a value between 1 and 4294967295.

metric none

Specify a metric for the route map.

metric-type 1|2

Specify the metric type as 1 or 2.

as-path-prepend integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

as-path-prepend-last-as integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 10.

as-path-exclude integer

Specify an integer from 1 to 4294967295.

origin none|egp|igp|incomplete

Specify the origin of BGP prefix:

none — Resets the origin to none.

egp — Specifies the route as a remote EGP route.

igp  — Specifies the route as a local IGP route.

incomplete — Route is of unknown heritage.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI - Network Admin


Version 2.4.0

Command introduced.

Version 2.6.0

The parameters, metric and metric-type, added for OSPF. The parameters, as-path-*, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters for BGP communities added.

Version 3.0.3

The parameter, origin, added.

Usage   Use this command to display route maps for BGP configurations.

Examples  To display a route map on vRouter1, with the name bgp-map, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-route-map-show vrouter-name vRouter1 name bgp-map

vrouter-name   name    seq action match-prefix community-attribute

-------------- ------- --- ------ ------------ -------------------

vRouter1       bgp-map 75 permit prefix1       local-AS


This command allows you to display information about multicast routes on a vRouter configured on the switch.

Syntax   vrouter-routes-multicast-show

vrouter-name name-string

Specifies the vRouter name.

source ip-address

Specifies the source IP address.

group ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the group.

proto rip|connected|static|ospf|bgp|missing|

Specifies the protocol used by the routes.

input input-string

Specifies the input interface for incoming routes.

iVifI iVifI-number

Specifies the input index for on a virtual interface (VNIC).

output output-string

Specifies the output interface for an outgoing routes.

oVifI oVifI-number

Specifies the output index for a virtual interface (VNIC).

ttl ttl-number

Specifies the time-to-live (TTL) value.

uptime uptime-string

Specifies the uptime for the route.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1

Usage   You can display information about the multicast routes on a vRouter.

Examples  To display multicast route information, use the following command:

vrouter-routes-multicast-show layout vertical

vrouter-name:              vr1



proto:                     vr1.eth0

iVifI:                     2

output:                    vr1.eth1

oVifI:                     3

ttl:                       1

uptime:                    00:00:01


This command is used to display information about all routes on one or all configured vRouters.

Syntax   vrouter-routes-show

vrouter-name name-string

Specifies the name of a vRouter.

Any of the routes arguments:


network ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the vRouter.

netmask netmask

Specifies the netmask.

type rip|connected|static|

Specifies the type of route on the vRouter.

interface interface-string

Specifies the interface for the route.

next-hop ip-address

Specifies the next-hop IP address.

distance number

Specifies the administrative distance in a number from 0 to 255.

• 0 — Connected interface

• 1 — Static route

• 110 — OSPF

• 120 — RIP

• 200 — Internal BGP

metric metric-number

Specifies the cost of advertised routes on the network.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.0

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters, next-hop and distance, added.

Version 2.2

The parameter, metric, added.

Usage   Use this command to identify routes on vRouters configured on the switch.

Examples  To display all route information for all vRouters, use the following command:


vrovrouter-name network       type      interface       

--------------- -------       --------  --------------

vr-ext-50 connected   ext.50.mgr.eth0

vr-ext-50 rip         ext.50.mgr.eth0

vr-ext-50   connected   lo0             

vr-www-51 connected   www.51.mgr.eth1

vr-www-51  connected   www.51.mgr.eth0

vr-www-51   connected   lo0



This command is used to display statistical information about all routes on one or all configured vRouters.

Syntax   vrouter-routes-stats-show vrouter-name name-string 

vrouter-name name-string

Specifies the name of a vRouter.

fib-max-routes fib-max-routes-number

Specifies the maximum number of routes in the Forwarding Information Database.

fib-current-routes fib-current-routes-number

Specifies the number of current routes in the Forwarding Information Database.

rib-current-routes rib-current-routes-number

Specifies the number of current routes in the Routing Information Database

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.3.3.

Usage   Use this command to identify routes on vRouters configured on the switch.

Examples  To display all route information for all vRouters, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-routes-stats-show

vrouter-name network       type        interface

------------ ------------- ---------   ---------------

vr-ext-50 connected   ext.50.mgr.eth0

vr-ext-50 rip         ext.50.mgr.eth0

vr-ext-50   connected   lo0             

vr-www-51 connected   www.51.mgr.eth1

vr-www-51 connected   www.51.mgr.eth0

vr-www-51   connected   lo0