
This command is used to modify a destination port for a VXLAN.

Syntax   vxlan-dest-port-modify port port-number

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.3.

Usage   Use this command to modify a destination port for a VXLAN.

Examples  To modify the port, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vxlan-dest-port-modify port 21


This command is used to display a destination port for a VXLAN.

Syntax   vxlan-dest-port-show

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.3.

Usage   Use this command to display a destination port for a VXLAN.

Examples  To display the port, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vxlan-dest-port-show


This command is used to modify settings for VXLAN statistics collection.

Syntax   vxlan-stats-settings-modify


Enable or disable statistics collection.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify the interval between statistics collection.

disk-space disk-space-numbe

Specify the amount of disk space for statistics collection.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.1.

Usage   Use this command to display a settings for VXLAN statistics collection.

Examples  To enable the statistics collection, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vxlan-stats-settings-modify enable


This command is used to display statistics settings for a VXLAN.

Syntax   vxlan-stats-settings-show

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.5.1.

Usage   Use this command to display settings for VXLAN statistics collection.

Examples  To display the statistics collection, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > vxlan-stats-settings-show

switch:     Spine1

enable:     yes

interval:   30m

disk-space: 50M

switch:     Leaf1

enable:     yes

interval:   30m

disk-space: 50M


This command displays Virtual Extensible LANs (VXLAN) statistics on a fabric, cluster, virtual network (VNET), or a standalone switch.

Syntax   vxlan-stats-show

time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss]

Specifies the time to start statistic collection.

start-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss

Specifies the start-time of statistic collection.

end-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss

Specifies the end-time of statistic collection.

duration duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the duration of statistic collection.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the interval between statistic collection.


Specifies the statistics collected since start time.

older-than duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies statistics older than the specified time.

within-last duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the statistics collected within the specified duration.

vnid vnid-number

Specifies a number for VNID. This is a value from 0 and 16777215.

vxlan-name vxlan-name

Specifies a name for the VXLAN

vlan vlan-name

Specifies the name of the VLAN.

vnet vnet name

Specifies the VNET for the VLAN.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters, multicast, deep-inspection, and untagged-ports, deprecated. The parameter, vlan, added.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter, vnet, added.

Version 3.0.0

The output is now displayed in bits instead of bytes.

Usage   Virtual Extensible LAN (VXLAN) is an encapsulation protocol for running an overlay network on existing Layer 3 infrastructure on a fabric, cluster, VNET, or standalone switch. Use this command to display information about a VXLAN.

Examples  To display information about the VXLAN, MyVXLAN, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vxlan-stats-show name MyVXLAN layout vertical