
This command displays information about all nodes in the fabric. This command can only be invoked at the network-administrator access level.

Syntax   node-show

name fabric-node-name

Specifies the name of the fabric node to display information.

id id-string

Specifies the identifier for the fabric node

serial serial-string

Specifies the serial string for the fabric node

fab-name fab-name

Specifies the name of the fabric node


Specifies the fabric identifier


Specifies the cluster identifier.

local-mac mac-address

Specifies the local MAC address of the fabric

fabric-network in-band|mgmt|vmgmt

Specifies the interface for sending fabric packets.

mgmt-vnet vnet-name

Specifies the management VNET.

mgmt-public-vlan vlan-id

Specifies the management public VLAN ID.

mgmt-ip ip-address

Specifies the IP address for the management NIC

mgmt-netmask netmask]

The netmask for the IP address

mgmt-mac mac-address

Specifies the MAC address for the management interface.

vmgmt-ip ip-address

Specifies the IP address of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-netmask netmask

Specifies the netmask of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-mac mac-address

Specifies the MAC address of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-vnet vnet name

Specifies the VNET name for the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-vlan vlan-id

Specifies the VLAN ID of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-public-vlan vlan-id

Specifies the public VLAN for the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-secondary-macs secondary-macs-string

Specifies the secondary MAC address of the virtual management interface.



Specifies the secondary MAC address for the management interface.

in-band-ip ip-address

Specifies the IP address for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-netmask netmask

Specifies the netmask for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-mac mac-address

Specifies the MAC address for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-vnet vnet-name

Specifies the in-band VNET.

in-band-vlan vlan-id

Specifies the VLAN identifier for the in-band interface to the switch control plane can be reached on Layer 2.

in-band-vlan-type public|private

Specifies the in-band VLAN type as public or private.

in-band-public-vlan vlan-id

Specifies the public VLAN ID.



Specifies the secondary MAC address for the in-band interface.

fab-tid fab-tid-number

Specifies the fabric identifier.

cluster-tid cluster-tid-number]

Specifies the cluster identifier.

out-port out-port-number

Specifies the port number where the switch multicasts the fabric discovery messages to other Pluribus Networks switch.

version version-string

Specifies the current OS version.

state offline|online|in-band-only-online|mgmt-only-
required| fresh-install]

Specifies the state of the fabric.



Specifies if a firmware upgrade is required.

device_state ok|error|simulator

Specifies the state of the switch.

ports ports-number

Specifies the port list used by the fabric.

keepalive-timeout high resolution time: #n

Specifies the keepalive timeout.

Defaults   None.

Access   network-admin

History   .

Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.3

The parameter, fab-mcast, deprecated.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters, mgmt-vnet, mgmt-public-vlan, in-band-vnet, in-band-vlan-type, and in-band-public-vlan added. The options, in-band-only-online and mgmt-only-online, added to the parameter, state.

Version 2.6.2

The parameters, vmgmt-* and keepalive, added.

Usage   To show information about all switch nodes on the network, use this command. This command is useful if you have a node that hasn’t joined a fabric and you want to view all nodes on the network. This command is not available at the VNET manager access level.

Examples  Use the following command to display node information:

CLI network-admin@switch > node-show

id:                     167772387

name:                   pubdev03

fab-name:               TAC

fab-id:                 a0000e3:57c0c0ea

cluster-id:             a000024:1

local-mac:              64:0e:94:28:03:56

fabric-network:         in-band

control-network:        in-band


mgmt-mac:               64:0e:94:28:03:58


mgmt-public-vlan:       0



in-band-mac:            64:0e:94:28:03:56


in-band-vlan:           0

in-band-vlan-type:      public

in-band-public-vlan:    0


fab-tid:                66

cluster-tid:            8

out-port:               0

version:                2.4.204019818,pn-nvOS-2.4.1-2040112371

state:                  online

firmware-upgrade:       not-required

device-state:           ok

ports:                  72
