This command is used to clear service statistics for a switch.
Syntax service-stats-clear
service ftp-data|ftp-control|ssh|telnet|http|https|rpc|sql|imap|ldap|iSCSI|oracle-db|nfs|cifs|iSCSI-target|lockd|openstack-nova|openstack-keystone|openstack-metering|openstack-neutron| openstack-glance|openstack-cinder| and more |
Specifies the name of the service associated with the well-known UDP or TCP port number. HDFS entries indicate Hadoop services. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.4.1 |
The parameters, port and bytes, deprecated. |
Usage Unless otherwise specified, aggregate statistics are displayed for all UDP and TCP services on the switch. Each switch maintains a set of standard flow-based statistics that are continuously tracked and updated by the switch. Use this command to clear traffic statistics for all UDP and TCP services on the switch.
Examples To clear service statistics, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > service-stats-clear