Using Additional SNMP Commands

You can use the following additional SNMP commands to check the details of the SNMP configuration and notifications on the Pluribus switches:

  • snmp-trap-enable-show — Display enabled SNMP traps.

CLI (network-admin@switch1) > snmp-trap-enable-show

link-up-down:                   no

interface-up-down:              no

default-monitors:               no

physical-sensors:               no

low-disk-space:                 no

low-disk-space-threshold:       no

system-usage:                   no

high-system-usage-threshold:    no

login-failure:                  no

cluster-tr-diverge:             no

lacp-status:                    no

vport-modified:                 no

stp-port-modified:              no

mirror-to-cpu:                  no

stp-port-state-failed:          no

link-congestion-detected:       no

fabric-node-state-changed:      no

stp-new-root:                   no

stp-topology-changed:           no

vrrp-new-master:                no

disable-start-stop:             no

cert-expiry:                    no

sysup-alert:                    no

port-oir-error-state:           no

port-bw-threshold-exceed-event: no

  • snmp-trap-sink-show — Display SNMP trap sinks.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-trap-sink-show community community-string [type TRAP_TYPE_V1_TRAP|TRAP_TYPE_V2C_TRAP|TRAP_TYPE_V2_INFORM] dest-host dest-host-string [dest-port dest-port-number]

community community-string

Specify the community type.


Specify the trap type. The default trap is: TRAP_TYPE_V2C_TRAP.

dest-host dest-host-string

Specify the destination host. This can be an IP address or a hostname.

[dest-port dest-port-number]

Specify the destination port. The default port number is 162.

  • snmp-trap-sink-delete — Delete SNMP trap sinks.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-trap-sink-delete community community-string dest-host dest-host-string

The above command deletes the SNMP trap sink for the specified community. For details about the command parameters, see the CLI table for the snmp-trap-sink-show command.

  • snmp-v3-trap-sink-create —  Used to specify an SNMPv3 trap receiver.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-v3-trap-sink-create user-name user-name-string [type TRAP_TYPE_V3_TRAP|TRAP_TYPE_V3_INFORM] dest-host dest-host-string [dest-port dest-port-number]

user-name user-name-string

Specify the user name for the SNMPv3 trap.


Specify the SNMPv3 trap type.

dest-host dest-host-string

Specify the destination host. This can be an IP address or a hostname.

[dest-port dest-port-number]

Specify the destination port number. The default port number is 162.

The above command enables you to create an SNMPv3 trap receiver.

  • snmp-v3-trap-sink-delete —  Used to delete an SNMPv3 trap receiver.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-v3-trap-sink-delete user-name user-name-string dest-host dest-host-string [dest-port dest-port-number]

The above command deletes the SNMPv3 trap sink for the specified user. For details about the command parameters, see the CLI table for the snmp-v3-trap-sink-create command.

  • snmp-v3-trap-sink-show — Used to display an SNMPv3 trap receiver information.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-v3-trap-sink-show user-name user-name-string dest-host dest-host-string [dest-port dest-port-number]

The above command displays the SNMPv3 trap receivers for the specified options (see table below). Specify one or more of the formatting options to display the output in the desired format.

Specify one or more options:

user-name user-name-string

Displays the specified user name.

engine-id engine-id-string

Displays the engine ID.


Displays the trap type.

dest-host dest-host-string

Displays the destination host.

dest-port dest-port-number

Displays the destination port.


Displays the authentication status.


Displays the privacy status.

  • port-stats-snmp-show — Used to display the accumulated port statistics for SNMP.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-stats-snmp-show port port-list port-clear-count port-clear-count-number port-clear-time #d#h#m#s port_clear_time high resolution time: #ns all-ports

Specify any of the following options:

port port-list

Displays one or more switch network data port numbers. The port number must be in the range of 1 to 64. Multiple ports can be specified as a comma-separated list of numbers or a range (-).

port-clear-count port-clear-count-number 

Displays the number of times port-stats-clear or trunk-stats-clear commands were issued on a port or trunk.

port_clear_time high resolution time: #ns

Displays the high resolution time (ns)  since the last port-stats-clear command.

port-clear-time duration: #d#h#m#s

Displays the time since last port-stats-clear. It is initialized with time atnvOS_init by default.


A flag to specify if you want to view the stats of all ports on the switch. The default view contains only enabled ports.

counter counter-number

Displays the counter number.

ibytes ibytes-number

Displays the incoming number of bytes.

ibits ibits-number

Displays the number of bits.

iUpkts iUpkts-number

Displays the number of incoming unicast packets.

iBpkts iBpkts-number

Displays the number of incoming broadcast packets.

iMpkts iMpkts-number

Displays the number of incoming multicast packets.

iPauseFs iPauseFs-number

Displays the number of incoming pause frames.

iCongDrops iCongDrops-number

Displays the number of incoming packets dropped due to congestion.

idiscards idiscards-number

Displays the number of incoming packets discarded.

ierrs ierrs-number

Displays the number of incoming errors.

obytes obytes-number

Displays the number of outgoing bytes.

oUpkts oUpkts-number

Displays the number of outgoing unicast packets.

oBpkts oBpkts-number

Displays the number of outgoing broadcast packets.

oMpkts oMpkts-number

Displays the number of outgoing multicast packets.

oPauseFs oPauseFs-number

Displays the number of outgoing pause frames.

oCongDrops oCongDrops-number

DisplaysDisplays the number of outgoing packets dropped due to congestion.

odiscards odiscards-number

Displays the number of outgoing discarded packets.

oerrs oerrs-number

Displays the number of outgoing errors.

mtu-errs mtu-errs-number

Displays the number of MTU errors.

HER-packets HER-pts-number 

Displays the number of Head End Replicated (HER) packets.

HER-bytes HER-bytes-number

Displays the number of Head End Replicated (HER) bytes.

  • snmp-system-modify — Modify the system information for the SNMP configuration.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-system-modify syscontact syscontact-string syslocation syslocation-string

Specify one or more options:

syscontact syscontact-string

Specify or change the SNMP system contact.

syslocation syslocation-string

Specify or change the SNMP system location.

The above command enables you to modify the system details such as the system contact or location for the SNMP configuration.

  • snmp-system-show — Displays the system details for the SNMP configurations.

CLI (network-admin@switch) > snmp-system-show 

The above command displays the changed or modified system information for the SNMP configuration.
