
This command displays information about all nodes in the fabric. This command can only be invoked at the network-administrator access level.

Syntax   node-show

name fabric-node-name

Name of the fabric node to display information.

id id-string

The identifier for the fabric node

serial serial-string

The serial string for the fabric node

fab-name fab-name

Name of the fabric node


The fabric identifier


The cluster identifier.

local-mac mac-address

The local MAC address of the fabric

fabric-network in-band|mgmt|vmgmt

The interface for sending fabric packets.

mgmt-vnet vnet-name

The management vNET.

mgmt-public-vlan vlan-id

The management public VLAN ID.

mgmt-ip ip-address

The IP address for the management NIC

mgmt-netmask netmask

The netmask for the IP address

mgmt-mac mac-address

The MAC address for the management interface.

vmgmt-ip ip-address

The IP address of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-netmask netmask

The netmask of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-mac mac-address

The MAC address of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-vnet vnet name

The vNET name for the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-vlan vlan-id

The VLAN ID of the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-public-vlan vlan-id

The public VLAN for the virtual management interface.

vmgmt-secondary-macs secondary-macs-string

The secondary MAC address of the virtual management interface.

mgmt-secondary-macs secondary-mac-string

The secondary MAC address for the management interface.

in-band-ip ip-address

The IP address for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-netmask netmask

The netmask for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-mac mac-address

The MAC address for the in-band interface to the switch control plane.

in-band-vnet vnet-name

The in-band vNET.

in-band-vlan vlan-id

The VLAN identifier for the in-band interface to the switch control plane can be reached on Layer 2.

in-band-vlan-type public|private

The in-band VLAN type as public or private.

in-band-public-vlan vlan-id

The public VLAN ID.



The secondary MAC address for the in-band interface.

fab-tid fab-tid-number

The fabric identifier.

cluster-tid cluster-tid-number

The cluster identifier.

out-port out-port-number

The port number where the switch multicasts the fabric discovery messages to other Pluribus Networks switch.

version version-string

The current OS version.

state offline|online|in-band-only-online|mgmt-only-online|fabric_joined|setup-required|fabric-required| fresh-install

The state of the fabric.

firmware_upgrade not-required|required|reboot-required

Specifies if a firmware upgrade is required.

device_state ok|error|simulator

The state of the switch.

ports ports-number

The port list used by the fabric.

keepalive-timeout high resolution time: #n

The keepalive timeout.

Defaults   None.

Access   network-admin


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.3

The parameter fab-mcast deprecated.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters mgmt-vnet, mgmt-public-vlan, in-band-vnet, in-band-vlan-type, and in-band-public-vlan added. The options in-band-only-online and mgmt-only-online added to the parameter state.

Version 2.6.2

The parameters vmgmt-*, and keepalive added.

Usage   To show information about all switch nodes on the network, use this command. This command is useful if you have a node that hasn’t joined a fabric, and you want to view all nodes on the network. This command is not available at the vNET manager access level.

Examples  Use the following command to display node information:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > node-show

id:                     167772387

name:                   pubdev03

fab-name:               TAC

fab-id:                 a0000e3:57c0c0ea

cluster-id:             a000024:1

local-mac:              64:0e:94:28:03:56

fabric-network:         in-band

control-network:        in-band


mgmt-mac:               64:0e:94:28:03:58


mgmt-public-vlan:       0



in-band-mac:            64:0e:94:28:03:56


in-band-vlan:           0

in-band-vlan-type:      public

in-band-public-vlan:    0


fab-tid:                66

cluster-tid:            8

out-port:               0

version:                2.4.204019818,pn-nvOS-2.4.1-2040112371

state:                  online

firmware-upgrade:       not-required

device-state:           ok

ports:                  72
