
Open vSwitch is a multilayer virtual switch licensed by Apache 2.0. It is designed to enable massive network automation through programmable extensions. This command modifies an Open vSwitch interface to the switch.

Syntax   openvswitch-interface-modify

ovs-name name-string

This parameter is not configurable. It defaults to the name that you used to create the Open vSwitch service.

Specify one or both of the following options:

ip ip-address

Specify the IP address for the interface.

netmask netmask

Specify the netmask.

assignment none|static|dhcp|dhcpv6|autov6   

Specify the method of IP address assignment.

linklocal ip-address

Specify the IPv6 Link Local address.

vnet vnet-name

Specify interface VLAN vNET.

bd bridge-domain name

Specify the bridge domain name.

vlan vlan-id

Specify the VLAN assigned to the interface.

vlan-type public|private

Specify the type of VLAN for the interface.

if mgmt|data|span

Specify the interface type.

alias-on alias-on-string

Specify an alias if desired.


Specify if the interface is exclusive or not.


Specify if the NIC is enabled or disabled.

vrrp-id id 

Specify the ID assigned by VRRP.

vrrp-primary vrrp-primary-string

Specify the primary interface for VRRP.

vrrp-priority 0..254

Specify the VRRP priority for the interface.

vrrp-adv-int milliseconds

Specify the VRRP advertisement interval in milliseconds. The range is 10 to 40950 with a default value of 1000.

vrrp-preempt-mode disable|enable

Used to allow/prevent high priority BACKUP from becoming MASTER.

secondary-macs secondary-macs-string

Specify a secondary MAC address for the interface.

if-nat-realm internal|external

Specify the NAT interface realm.


Specify the VLAN 0 priority tag on forwarded traffic.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.4

Command introduced.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter vxlan deprecated. The parameter vlan-type added.

Version 2.6.2

The parameter if-nat-realm added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameter priority-tag|no-priority-tag added.

Usage   Use this command to modify an Open vSwitch interface.

Examples  To modify an Open vSwitch interface, and enable the NIC, openvswitch-1, use the following command:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > openvswitch-interface-modify name openvswitch-1 nic-enable
