
This command is used to modify an existing sFlow Agent on the network. 

Syntax   sflow-modify

name name-string

Specify the sFlow name you want to modify.

type ingress|egress

Modify the type of packet between ingress, and egress. Specify ingress to capture incoming packets, and egress for outgoing packets.

sample-type raw|cooked

Modify the sample type for the sFlow agent. Raw indicates that the packet retains the link level header, and cooked indicates that link level header is removed.

The default mode is raw.

ports port-list

Modify the list of ports to capture packets.

sample-rate 256-16000

Modify the rate of packet sampling by the sflow Agent.

counter-polling-interval 0..120

Modify the sFlow counter polling interval.  This is the periodic sampling or polling counters associated with a data source.

trunc-length trunc-length-number

Modify the truncated length of the captured packet.

agent-id ip-address

Modify the IP address of the sFlow Agent. This is usually a switch management IP address, and indicates the originator or sample frames provider.

Defaults   The sample-type default mode is raw. The sample-rate default value is 4096.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameter scope is deprecated. The parameter agent-id added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter vnet added.

Version 6.1.0

The parameter counter-polling-interval added. 

The parameters sample-interval, and vnet are deprecated.

Usage   sFlow Agents capture packets on the network, and send them to the sFlow Collector for analysis. Use this command to configure an sFlow Agent.

Examples  To modify an sFlow Agent, SF-agent1, with sample type raw on ports 21-25, use the following command:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > sflow-modify name SF-agent1 sample-type raw ports 21-25
