About the Default Configuration
By default, NetVisor OS creates a new fabric instance on VLAN 1.
However, VLAN 1 is often the default VLAN in most networks and therefore security best practices recommend using a non-default VLAN, whenever possible, for maximum robustness and error prevention.
To assign a non-default VLAN, for example, a VLAN ID between 2 and 4093, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > fabric-create name name-string vlan vlan-id
To change the VLAN ID of an existing fabric, use the command, fabric-local-modify.
Use the same command to change the fabric administration network, control plane network, and the network to send fabric advertisements.
CLI (network-admin@switch) > fabric-local-modify vlan vlan-id
Note: In order to change the VLAN number of an existing instance you must recreate it. Also, a switch can belong to only one fabric instance.
When you create a fabric, NetVisor OS uses the in-band network for fabric communication by default.
To create a simple fabric of two switches in the same subnet with in-band connectivity, follow the steps below:
Assign IP addresses to the in-band network on the switches by using the commands:
CLI (network-admin@switch1*) > switch-setup-modify in-band-ip
CLI (network-admin@switch2*) > switch-setup-modify in-band-ip
You can also specify an IPv6 addresses for in-band network by providing the in-band-ip6 parameter.
Create the fabric:
CLI (network-admin@switch1) > fabric-create name fabric1
Display the fabric configuration:
CLI (network-admin@switch1) > fabric-show
name id vlan fabric-network control-network tid fabric-advertisement-network
---------------- ---------------- ---- -------------- --------------- --- ----------------------------
fabric1 b002698:6078060b 1 in-band in-band 2 inband-mgmt
As seen from the output, the fabric and control networks are auto-configured to use the in-band network.
As the fabric uses VLAN 1 by default, verify the configuration using the vlan-show command:
CLI (network-admin@switch1) > vlan-show id 1
id type auto-vxlan replicators scope description active stats ports untagged-ports active-edge-ports
-- ------ ---------- ----------- ----- ----------- ------ ----- -------- -------------- -----------------
1 public no none local default-1 yes yes 0-72,272 0-72,272 0,2,272
You can verify that the ports that connect the two switches are untagged and belong to VLAN 1.