Configuration Using Port Description instead of Port Number
With NetVisor OS version 7.0.0, you can use the port description as a port selector for configuring various features and functionalities. You can assign port descriptions and trunk descriptions to ports and use these descriptions to create VLAN, vLE, or vPG configurations.
While creating configurations using port or trunk descriptions, various scenarios that arise are discussed below in the context of VLAN creation.
As a basic configuration to illustrate different scenarios, create trunks trunk1 and trunk2 with different trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-create name trunk1 ports 15 description vlan_test_trunk1
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-create name trunk2 ports 18,20 description vlan_test_trunk1
Case 1: You cannot use a description that is shared by multiple trunks for VLAN configuration.
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description
trunk-id ports description
-------- ----------- ----------------
275 15 vlan_test_trunk1
276 18,20 vlan_test_trunk1
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1 trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk1 trunk2
switch 20 20 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1 trunk2
Try creating a VLAN by using the trunk description shared by two trunks:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk1
vlan-create: Multiple ports found with description 'vlan_test_trunk1'
Case 2: You cannot use a description that is shared by a trunk port and a trunk member port for VLAN configuration.
Modify the configuration such that a trunk port and a member port from the other trunk have the same description:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-modify name trunk2 ports 18,20 description vlan_test_trunk2
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 18 description vlan_test_trunk1
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description,
trunk-id ports description
-------- ----------- ----------------
275 15 vlan_test_trunk1
276 18,20 vlan_test_trunk2
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1 trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk1 trunk2
switch 20 20 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk2 trunk2
Try creating a VLAN with a description that is shared by a trunk and a member port:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk1
vlan-create: Multiple ports found with description 'vlan_test_trunk1'
Case 3: You cannot use a description that is shared by a trunk port and a physical port for VLAN configuration.
Modify the current configuration such that a trunk port and a physical port has the same description:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-modify name trunk2 ports 18 description vlan_test_trunk2
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 20 description vlan_test_trunk1
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description,
trunk-id ports description
-------- ----------- ----------------
275 15 vlan_test_trunk1
276 18 vlan_test_trunk2
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1 trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk2 trunk2
switch 20 20 fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1
Try creating a VLAN using the port description shared by a trunk and a physical port:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk1
vlan-create: Multiple ports found with description 'vlan_test_trunk1'
Case 4: You can use a description shared by a trunk and all its member ports for configuring a VLAN.
Modify the current configuration such that a trunk port and its member ports have the same description:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-modify name trunk2 ports 18,20 description vlan_test_trunk2
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description
trunk-id ports description
-------- ----------- ----------------
275 15 vlan_test_trunk1
276 18,20 vlan_test_trunk2
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk1 trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk2 trunk2
switch 20 20 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk2 trunk2
Create a VLAN using the port description of the trunk member ports:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk2
Vlans 2 created
Display the VLAN configuration for the ports:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-vlan-show vlans 2 ports 18,20
switch bezel-port port vlans untagged-vlan description active-vlans
------ ---------- ---- ----- ------------- ---------------- ------------
switch 18 18 1-2 1 vlan_test_trunk2 none
switch 20 20 1-2 1 vlan_test_trunk2 none
Case 5: You cannot use a port description shared by member ports of different trunks (with no trunk description) to configure a VLAN.
Modify the current configuration such that the port descriptions of member ports of two different trunks are the same:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-modify name trunk1 ports 15 description ""
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-modify name trunk2 ports 18,20 description ""
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 15 description vlan_test_trunk_member
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 18 description vlan_test_trunk_member
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description
trunk-id ports
-------- ------
275 15
276 18,20
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk_member trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk_member trunk2
switch 20 20 trunk fd,10g,autoneg trunk2
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk_member
vlan-create: Multiple ports found with description 'vlan_test_trunk_member'
Case 6: You can use a unique trunk member port description (with no trunk description) to configure a VLAN.
Modify the current configuration such that there is a unique port description for a trunk member port:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 18 description vlan_test_trunk2
Display the trunk descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > trunk-show format trunk-id,ports,description
trunk-id ports
-------- ------
275 15
276 18,20
Display the port descriptions:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show port 15,18,20
switch port bezel-port status config description trunk
------------ ---- ---------- ------ -------------- ---------------------- ------
switch 15 15 trunk fd,10g,autoneg vlan_test_trunk_member trunk1
switch 18 18 trunk fd,10g vlan_test_trunk2 trunk2
switch 20 20 trunk fd,10g,autoneg trunk2
Create a VLAN using a unique trunk member description:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 2 scope local port-desc vlan_test_trunk_member
Vlans 2 created
Display the VLAN configuration for the ports:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-vlan-show vlans 2 ports 15
switch bezel-port port vlans untagged-vlan description active-vlans
------------ ---------- ---- ----- ------------- ---------------------- ------------
switch 15 15 1-2 1 vlan_test_trunk_member none