Configuring BGP Route Summarization
BGP Route Aggregation also known as BGP Route Summarization is a method used to minimize the size of the routing table as well as increase network stability.
Figure 5-10: Three node topology for BGP Route Aggregation
Configuring BGP Route Summarization using aggregate-address commands:
To add a BGP aggregate address to a vRouter, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-add vrouter-name <NAME> network <A.B.C.D> netmask <M> [vrf <NAME>][as-set <true|false>][summary-only <true|false>][matching-MED-only <true|false>][origin <egp|igp|incomplete>][route-map <NAME>][suppress-map <NAME>]
vrouter-name name-string |
Specify the name of the service configuration. |
Specify the following bgp-aggregate-address arguments: |
network ip-address |
Specify an IP address for BGP aggregate address. |
netmask netmask |
Specify the netmask for BGP aggregate address. |
Specify one or more of the following options: |
[ vrf vrouter vrf vrf | default ] |
Specify the name of the VRF. |
[ as-set true|false ] |
Specifies to generate AS set path information. |
[ summary-only true|false ] |
Specifies to filter more specific routes from updates. |
[ matching-MED-only true|false ] |
Specifies the only aggregate routes with matching MED. |
[ origin none|egp|igp|incomplete ] |
Specifies the origin code of BGP prefix. |
[ route-map vrouter route-map name ] |
Specifies the route map to aggregate network. |
[ suppress-map vrouter route-map name ] |
Specifies to suppress the selected more specific routes. |
To modify a BGP aggregate address on a vRouter, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-modify vrouter-name <NAME> network <A.B.C.D> netmask <M>
To remove a BGP aggregate address from a vRouter, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-remove vrouter-name <NAME> network <A.B.C.D> netmask <M>
To display a BGP aggregate address on a vRouter, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-show