Configuring Bridge Domain Aware vFlow
Starting from NetVisor OS release 6.1.0, you can create vFlows that accept bridge domains as a filtering parameter. This release also allows you to configure vFlows that use the direction of VXLAN traffic as a qualifier.
You can use the bd parameter in the vflow-create command to filter network traffic based on the bridge domain. For example, to configure a vFlow that drops packets that hits the ingress port 10 of bridge domain bd1, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name bd-vflow scope local bd bd1 in-port 10 action drop
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show name bd-vflow
switch name scope type bd in-port burst-size precedence action enable
------- -------- ----- ----- --- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ ------
switch bd-vflow local vflow bd1 10 auto default drop enable
Use the in-port and from-tunnel-decap parameters in the vflow-create command to filter traffic based on whether VXLAN traffic is entering a port or is decapsulated from a tunnel. For example, to configure a vFlow that copies VXLAN ingress traffic to the CPU, use the parameters vxlan and in-port in conjunction.
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vxlan-ingress-vflow scope fabric vxlan 10100 in-port 25 action copy-to-cpu
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show name vxlan-decap-vflow layout vertical
switch: switch
name: vxlan-ingress-vflow
scope: fabric
type: vflow
in-port: 25
burst-size: auto
precedence: 8
action: copy-to-cpu
vxlan: 10100
enable: enable
table-name: System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0
Similarly, to configure a vFlow that filters decapsulated VXLAN tunnel traffic, use the vxlan and from-tunnel-decap parameters together:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vxlan-decap-vflow scope fabric vxlan 10101 from-tunnel-decap action drop
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show name vxlan-decap-vflow layout vertical
switch: switch
name: vxlan-decap-vflow
scope: fabric
type: vflow
burst-size: auto
precedence: 8
action: drop
vxlan: 10101
from-tunnel-decap: yes
enable: enable
table-name: System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0
- You can configure the from-tunnel-decap parameter only if the vxlan parameter is configured.
- The from-tunnel-decap and in-port parameters are mutually exclusive when used along with the vxlan parameter as these parameters pertain to opposite directions of traffic flow.