Configuring Layer 2 Static Multicast Groups
The traffic addressed to a multicast group is confined to the ports in the group, which prevents flooding of traffic on all the ports. Hosts join multicast groups either by sending an unsolicited IGMP join message or by sending an IGMP join message in response to a general query from a multicast router (the switch forwards general queries from multicast routers to all ports in a VLAN). When you specify group membership for a multicast group address statically, the static setting supersedes any IGMP snooping learning. Hence, static multicast groups can prevent L2 multicast flooding, if the hosts do not implement the desired IGMP mechanism to restrict the traffic to certain ports, or if IGMP snooping is disabled.
To create an L2 static multicast group, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-create
l2-static-multicast-group-create |
Create a Layer 2 static multicast group. |
group-mac mac-address |
Specify a MAC address for the multicast group. |
vlan vlan-id |
Specify a VLAN ID for the multicast group. |
ports port-list |
Specify a list of ports for the multicast group. |
For example, to create an L2 static multicast group for the MAC address 01:00:5e:7f:00:12, VLAN 25, and ports 30-35, use the following syntax:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-create group-mac 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 vlan 25 ports 30-35
To add ports to a preconfigured multicast group, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-port-add
l2-static-multicast-group-port-add |
Add ports to a L2 static multicast group. |
group-mac mac-address |
Specify a MAC address for the multicast group. |
vnet vnet-name |
Specify a vNET for the multicast group. |
bd bridge-domain-name |
Specify a bridge domain for the multicast group. |
vlan vlan-id |
Specify a VLAN ID for the multicast group. |
switch switch-name |
Specify the name of the switch. |
ports port-list |
Specify a list of ports. |
For example, to add port 36 to the multicast group created above, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-port-add group-mac 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 vlan 25 ports 36
To view the configuration, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-show
switch group-mac vnet bd vlan ports
------ ----------------- ---- -- ---- --------
leaf1 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 25 30-36
To remove port 36 from the multicast group, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-port-remove group-mac 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 vlan 25 ports 36
To view the updated configuration, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-show
switch group-mac vnet bd vlan ports
------ ----------------- ---- -- ---- --------
leaf1 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 25 30-35
To delete the L2 static multicast group, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > l2-static-multicast-group-delete group-mac 01:00:5e:7f:00:12 vlan 25