Configuring vNET High Availability (HA)
A vNET HA provides high availability for switch access through a vNET manager. As described in the Understanding vNET Manager section, the vNET manager is a zone with one IP interface that allows a vNET administrator to log into and administer a vNET using the CLI or REST API commands.
NetVisor OS enables access to the vNET managers when you add either standard or VRRP VIP interfaces to the vNET managers.
Without vNET HA, the vNET administrators have only a single point of access where the vNET manager zone runs on a particular switch. If that switch fails, the vNET administrator cannot log into the fabric and administer the vNET resources.
You can create or delete a vNET manager zone by using the vnet-manager-create and vnet-manager-delete commands. The vnet-manager-interface-add command accepts VRRP interfaces, which allows you to create VRRP interfaces on a vNET manager zone.
Note: While creating the vNET, the vnet-create command provides an option to create or not create a vNET manager zone.
Note: Copy and paste SSH host keys used on different vNET managers. This is needed when using a VRRP VIP to access the vNET managers to avoid SSH host key violations if the VIP fails over to the standby vNET manager. Install these keys on the client machine used to connect to the vNET managers.
Creating a vNET Manager Zone
To create additional vNET manager zones, use the vnet-manager-create command.
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-manager-create name name-string vnet vnet-name [disable|enable][location fabric-node name][storage-pool storage-pool name]
vnet-manager-create |
Creates a vNET manager |
name name-string |
The name of service configuration. |
vnet vnet-name |
The vNET assigned to the service. |
Specify any of the following options: |
disable|enable |
Enables or disables the service. |
location fabric-node name |
The location of the service. |
storage-pool storage-pool name |
The storage pool assigned to the service. |
Deleting a vNET Manager Zone
To delete a vNET manager zone, use the vnet-manager-delete command.
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-manager-delete name name-string
Specify the name of service configuration.
Copying and Pasting SSH Keys
To output SSH host keys to copy and paste to ~/.ssh/known_hosts file of the client host, use the vnet-manager-ssh-host-key-show command.
This allows you to SSH to any vNET manager zone and avoid issues with invalid key hosts.
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-manager-ssh-host-key-show [vnet vnet name]
vnet-manager-ssh-host-key-show |
Displays the vNET Manager host keys to copy and past to: ~/.ssh/known_hosts. |
name name-string |
Displays the name of service configuration. |
vNET Manager Command Options
This feature uses a new option [no-]create-vnet-mgr which controls whether to create a vNET manager.
The default behavior is creating a vNET manager as this is the current behavior of creating a vNET manager as part of vnet-create.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > no-create-vnet-mgr
vnet-create |
Creates a virtual network (vNET) |
name name-string |
The vNET name. |
scope local|cluster|fabric |
The vNET scope as local, cluster, or fabric. |
create-vnet-mgr|no-create-vnet-mgr |
Create or not create a vNET manager service. |
VRRP Interfaces Option
This feature now accepts options for VRRP interfaces. This allows you to create VRRP interfaces on vNET manager zones.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > vnet-manager-interface-add vnet-manager-name name-string [vrrp-id 0,,255][vrrp-primary vrrp-primary-string][vrrp-priority 0..254][vrrp-adv-int 300..40950]
vnet-manager-interface-add |
Adds an interface to a vNET manager. |
vnet-manager-name name-string |
The name of service configuration. |
vrrp-id 0..255 |
The ID assigned to VRRP. |
vrrp-primary vrrp-primary-string |
The VRRP primary interface. |
vrrp-priority 0..254 |
The VRRP priority for the interface. |
vrrp-adv-int 300..40950 |
The VRRP Advertisement Interval in milliseconds. The minimum interval is 300ms and the maximum interval is 40950ms. The default interval is 1000ms. |