Creating Switch Groups

This feature allows you to create a switch group, and you can create as many switch groups as needed. You provide a name to a group of switches, and a switch can be a member of more than one group.

If a switch is offline when you add it to a group, the configuration fails for that switch. Online switches are added normally.

Switch groups are static and you must manually remove a switch from a group. You cannot use a switch name for the switch group name and a warning message is displayed because the configuration is invalid.

Use the following commands:

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-create

name name-string

Specify a name for the switch group.

description description-string 

Specify a description for the switch group.

To create a switch-group with the name, rack-1-row-1, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-create name rack-1-row-1 description "datacenter rack 1"

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-delete

name name-string

Specify a name for the switch group.

description description-string 

Specify a description for the switch group.

To delete a switch-group with the name, rack-1-row-1, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-delete name rack-1-row-1 

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-modify

name name-string

Specify a name for the switch group.

To modify a switch-group with the name, rack-1-row-1, and change the description, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-modify name rack-1-row-1 description datacenter

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-show

name name-string

Displays the name of the switch group.

description description-string 

Displays a description of the switch group.

To display a switch-group with the name, rack-1-row-1, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-show name rack-1-row-1 

name         description

------------ -----------

rack-1-row-1 datacenter


Adding Switches to Switch-Groups

(CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-member-add

name name-string

Specify the name of the switch group to add the member.

member fabric-node name 

Specify the name of the switch to add as a member.

To add switch, Leaf-1, to switch-group, rack-1-row-1, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-member-add name rack-1-row-1 member Leaf-1

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-member-remove

name name-string

Specify the name of the switch group to remove the member.

member fabric-node name 

Specify the name of the switch to remove as a member.

To remove switch, Leaf-1, from switch-group, rack-1-row-1, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-member-remove name rack-1-row-1 member Leaf-1

CLI (network-admin@Spine1) > switch-group-member-show

name name-string

Displays the name of the switch group.

member fabric-node name 

Displays the name of the switches in a group.

To display switch-group, use the following syntax:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-group-member-show

switch  name         member        

------- ------------ ------

Spine-1 rack-1-row-1 Leaf-1

Support for Enabling or Disabling LLDP

This feature provides for a generic LLDP ON/OFF toggle function set at the system level.

Currently, to disable LLDP on a switch you must disable the LLDP configuration on all ports. This resets all related configurations of LLDP protocol setting and LLDP vFlows.

Use the following CLI command to enable and disable the protocol:

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > system-settings-modify [lldp|no-lldp]

LLDP packets are executed on the CPU with the help of LLDP vFlows.

To clear all LLDP protocol system flows use the parameter no-lldp.

To add all LLDP protocol system flows use the parameter lldp.

This approach ensures port LLDP configurations are not disturbed.

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > system-settings-show

switch:        Spine1

optimize-arps: on

lldp:          on
