Displaying Default Timers for OSPF Configurations
NetVisor OS now allows you to display default timers for OSPF configurations. To add a timer or modify an existing timer, use the following commands:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-interface-config-add
ospf-retransmit-interval seconds |
Specify the OSPF retransmit interval from 3 to 65535 seconds. The default is 5 seconds. (IPv4 orIPv6) |
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-interface-config-modify
ospf-retransmit-interval seconds |
Specify the OSPF retransmit interval from 3 to 65535 seconds. The default is 5 seconds. (IPv4 orIPv6) |
A new command displays the OSPF configuration for an interface:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-ospf-interface-show
vrouter-name name-string |
Displays the name of the vRouter. |
Specify any of the following optional OSPF parameters: |
nic vrouter interface nic |
Displays the name of the vNIC. |
nic-state down|up |
Displays the NIC state. |
l3-port l3-port-number |
Displays the Layer 3 port numbers. |
ip ip-address |
Displays the IPv4 address of the interface. |
netmask netmask |
Displays the netmask of the IPv6 address. |
broadcast ip-address |
Displays the broadcast IP address. |
area ip-address |
Displays the area ID for the interface in IPv4 format. |
mtu mtu-number |
Displays MTU for the interface. |
mtu-mismatch-detection| |
Displays if MTU mismatch detection is configured. |
router-id ip-address |
Displays the router ID as an IP address. |
network-type point-to-point|broadcast|loopback |
Displays the OSPF network type. |
state down|loopback|waiting|point-to-point|dr-other|backup|dr |
Displays OSPF interface state. |
dr-id ip-address |
Displays the designated router ID. |
dr-ip ip-address |
Displays the designated router IP address. |
bdr-id ip-address |
Displays the backup designated router ID. |
bdr-ip ip-address |
Displays the designated router IP address. |
priority priority-number |
Displays the priority. |
cost cost-number |
Displays the cost. |
hello hello-number(s) |
Displays the hello-interval in seconds. |
dead dead-number(s) |
Displays the dead time in seconds. |
retransmit retransmit-number(s) |
Displays the retransmit interval time in seconds. |
hello-due hello-due-string |
Displays the hello due in. |
neighbor neighbor-number |
Displays the neighbor count. |
adjacent adjacent-number |
Displays the adjacent number count. |
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-ospf6-interface-show
vrouter-name name-string |
Displays the name of the vRouter. |
Specify any of the following optional OSPF parameters: |
nic vrouter interface nic |
Displays the name of the vNIC. |
nic-state down|up |
Displays the vNIC state. |
l3-port l3-port-number |
Displays the Layer 3 port numbers. |
link-local ip-address |
Displays the IPv6 link-local IP address. |
ip6 ip-address |
Displays the IPv6 address of the interface. |
netmask-ip6 netmask |
Displays the netmask of the IP address. |
area ip-address |
Displays the area ID for the interface in IPv4 format. |
mtu mtu-number |
Displays MTU for the interface. |
mtu-mismatch-detection| |
Displays if MTU mismatch detection is configured. |
state down|loopback|waiting|point-to-point|dr-other|backup|dr |
Displays OSPF interface state. |
dr-id ip-address |
Displays the designated router ID. |
bdr-id ip-address |
Displays the backup designated router ID. |
priority priority-number |
Displays the priority. |
cost cost-number |
Displays the cost. |
hello hello-number(s) |
Displays the hello-interval in seconds. |
dead dead-number(s) |
Displays the dead time in seconds. |
retransmit retransmit-number(s) |
Displays the retransmit interval time in seconds. |
if-scoped-lsa if-scoped-lsa-number |
Displays the number of interface LSAs scoped for the area. |
ls-update ls-update-number |
Displays the number of pending LSAs for LSUpdate. |
ls-ack ls-ack-number |
Displays the number of pending LSAs for LSAck. |