Displaying NIC Information and Statistics
Starting from NetVisor OS version 6.0.0, you can view the NIC information and packet statistics for management and rear-facing interfaces.
To view the switch NIC information, use the command: switch-nic-info-show.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-info-show
switch-nic-info-show |
Display switch NIC information. |
name switch-nic-stats-list-name |
Specify the name of the interface. |
For example, to display the NIC information for the interface eth0, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-info-show name eth0
name driver version firmware speed rxqnum txqnum rxqsize txqsize autoneg rxpause txpause
---- ------ ------- --------------- ----- ------ ------ ------- ------- ------- ------- -------
eth0 igb 5.4.0-k 3.25,0x800005cd 1000 4 4 4096 4096 on on off
The output displays the interface name, driver, version, firmware, speed, reception queue size, and transmitter queue size, among other details.
The switch-nic-stats-show command displays NIC statistics including the number of input packets, input bytes, output packets, output bytes, errors, and drops.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-show
switch-nic-stats-show |
Display switch NIC statistics. |
time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Specify the time to start statistics collection. |
start-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Specify the start date and time for statistics collection. |
end-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddTHH:mm:ss |
Specify the end date and time for statistics collection. |
duration duration: #d#h#m#s |
Specify the duration for statistics collection. |
interval duration: #d#h#m#s |
Specify the interval for statistics collection. |
since-start |
Displays statistics from the start. |
older-than duration: #d#h#m#s |
Displays statistics older than the specified date and time. |
within-last duration: #d#h#m#s |
Displays statistics within the specified duration. |
name switch-nic-stats-list name |
Specify the name of the interface. |
For example, to display the NIC statistics on eth0 interface within last 2 minutes, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-show name eth0 within-last 2m layout vertical
time: 00:22:35
name: eth0
ipkts: 3.22M
ibytes: 1.92G
opkts: 1.10M
obytes: 277M
ierrs: 0
oerrs: 0
idrops: 0
odrops: 0
imcast: 2.08M
omcast: 119K
ibcast: 121K
obcast: 37.3K
mcast: 2.08M
bcast: 0
ioverruns: 0
rxnobuf: 0
icrcerrs: 0
iframeerrs: 0
ififoerrs: 0
ofifoerrs: 0
ilongerrs: 0
ishorterrs: 0
To display the statistics between a specified start-time and end-time, use the sample command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-show start-time 2020-07-21T05:00:00 end-time 2020-07-21T06:00:00 layout vertical
time: 05:26:27
name: eth0
ipkts: 25.2M
ibytes: 3.76G
opkts: 29.7M
obytes: 3.95G
ierrs: 0
oerrs: 0
idrops: 0
odrops: 0
imcast: 834K
omcast: 10.6K
ibcast: 291K
obcast: 352
mcast: 834K
bcast: 0
ioverruns: 0
rxnobuf: 0
icrcerrs: 0
iframeerrs: 0
ififoerrs: 0
ofifoerrs: 0
ilongerrs: 0
ishorterrs: 0
time: 05:26:27
To modify the settings for statistics collection, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-settings-modify
switch-nic-stats-settings-modify |
Modify switch NIC statistics settings. |
Specify one or more of the following options: |
enable|disable |
Enable or disable statistics collection. |
interval duration : #d#h#m#s |
Specify the time interval to collect NIC statistics. The default value is 1 minute. |
disk-space disk-space-number |
Specify the disk-space allocated for statistics (including rotated log files). The default value is 50M. |
For example, use the command below to modify the interval for statistics collection:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-settings-modify interval 50s
To view the current settings, use the command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > switch-nic-stats-settings-show
switch: Leaf1
enable: yes
interval: 50s
disk-space: 50M