Use Cases for Network Packet Broker
- From NetVisor OS version 7.0.0, you can add the same port to multiple destination vPGs.
For example, you can add a common port to two distinct destination vPGs dvpg1 and dvpg2 to obtain partially overlapping traffic on the destination ports, as demonstrated by the configuration steps below:
Configure the source vPG:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > vpg-create name svpg1 type source ports 27
Configure destination vPGs dvpg1 and dvpg2 with a common port 30:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf2) > vpg-create name dvpg1 type destination ports 30,40
CLI (network-admin@Leaf2) > vpg-create name dvpg2 type destination ports 30
Configure vFlows that forward ICMP traffic to dvpg1 and HTTP traffic to dvpg2.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > vflow-create name flow1 scope fabric src-vpg svpg1 dst-vpg dvpg1 proto icmp
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > vflow-create name flow2 scope fabric src-vpg svpg1 dst-vpg dvpg2 proto http
With this configuration, port 30 receives both HTTP and ICMP traffic as it is a part of both the destination vPGs, while port 40 receives ICMP traffic alone.
- From NetVisor OS version 7.0.0, to configure a vFlow to send traffic from a source vPG to destination vPG after stripping the outer VLAN tag of single-tagged or double-tagged packets, use the vFlow action strip-outer-vlan. For example:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name flow1 scope fabric src-vpg vpg1 dst-vpg vpg2 action strip-outer-vlan
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show format name,scope,src-vpg,dst-vpg,action,table-name
name scope src-vpg dst-vpg action table-name
----- ------ ------- ------- ---------------- ---------------------
flow1 fabric vpg1 vpg2 strip-outer-vlan System-VCAP-table-1-0
- From NetVisor OS 6.1.0 onward, the vFlow parameters src-mac and dst-mac are supported in the System-VCAP table in addition to the System-L1-L4 table. This enhancement allows you to use these parameters while configuring the Network Packet Broker (NPB) solution. For example:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name flow1 scope fabric src-mac 00::0a dst-mac 00::aa src-vpg vpg1 dst-vpg vpg2
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show format,name,id,scope,in-port,src-mac,dst-mac,src-vpg,dst-vpg,table-name
name id scope type in-port src-mac dst-mac src-vpg dst-vpg table-name
----- ---------- ------ ----- ------- ------- ------- ------- ------- ---------------------
flow1 9000a92:41 fabric vflow 13 00::aa 00::aa vpg1 vpg2 System-VCAP-table-1-0
- NetVisor OS version 6.1.0 introduces the inner-vlan vFlow parameter to support filtering of traffic based on the inner VLAN of a QinQ frame. This parameter is supported by the System-L1-L4 hardware table and can be configured as part of NPB deployments. You can set a metadata value for the NPB vFlow in System-VCAP table, and this value can be supplied along with inner-vlan parameter in another vFlow for filtration of NPB traffic based on inner VLAN ID.
For example, create a NPB vFlow and assign a metadata value to it:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow2 scope fabric src-vpg vPG1 dst-vpg vPG2 set-metadata action-value 201
Use the metadata value to configure vFlows that permit and drop NPB traffic with respect to the inner-vlan parameter.
Create a vFlow to permit NPB traffic with inner VLAN ID 10:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow3 scope fabric metadata 201 inner-vlan 10 precedence 14 action none
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show
switch name scope type inner-vlan in-port burst-size precedence enable table-name
------ ----- ----- ----- ---------- ------- ---------- ---------- ------ --------------------
switch flow2 local vflow 10 10 auto default enable System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0
Create a vFlow to drop all other NPB traffic:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow4 scope fabric metadata 201 precedence 13 action drop
- NetVisor OS version 6.1.0 supports the configuration of a vFlow action along with traffic redirection from a source vPG to a destination vPG, using a single command. In earlier versions of NetVisor OS, this required two separate vFlow commands: one for configuring source and destination vPGs and another for configuring the action.
For example, you can configure an action of setvlan to assign a VLAN to all the packets that are copied between the source and destination vPGs:
CLI (network-admin@switch1) > vflow-create name TAP1-TOOL2 scope fabric proto tcp src-vpg TAP-GROUP-1 dst-vpg TOOL-GROUP-2 action setvlan action-value 20
The command above assigns VLAN 20 to the copied packets.