vFlow Capability Changes in the Z9432F-ON Platforms

Starting from NetVisor OS release 7.0.1 the Z9432F-ON platforms are supported. They introduce a new generation of programmable ASICs, which has some differences in vFlow support.

The new ASIC architecture changes the forwarding pipelines introducing various processing stages that are mostly backward compatible with previous generations. Some enhancements and changes are introduced.

Regarding QoS, a new vFlow table is introduced called Ingress-Policer-Table-1-0. The vflow-table-show and vflow-table-profile-show commands also display the new table.

The max-bw action (for traffic policing) is supported in the new Ingress-Policer-Table-1-0, as well as in the Egress-Table-1-0. For example:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name band scope local in-port 129 bw-max 1M table-name Ingress-Policer-Table-1-0 precedence 12

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show

name scope type  in-port bw-max precedence transparency tracking tracking-status enable table-name

---- ----- ----- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ -------- --------------- ------ --------------------

band local vflow 129     1M     12         disable      disable  disabled        enable Ingress-Policer-Table-1-0

Furthermore, the set-dscp action is not supported in the Egress-Table-1-0 and Egress-Table-v6-1-0 (to perform this action you can use the ingress tables). The action set-vlan-pri is not supported in System-VCAP-Table-1-0.  Only the Ingress-Policer-Table-1-0 and System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0 tables support it.

Switch ports support 4 dedicated queues for multicast, broadcast and unknown unicast (BUM, in short) traffic. The default weight of each queue is:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-cos-weight-show 

cos8-weight:  32

cos9-weight:  64

cos10-weight: 64

cos11-weight: 127

For BUM traffic CoS priorities from 0 to 4 are mapped to queue 8, CoS 5 is mapped to queue 9, CoS 6 is mapped to queue 10, and CoS 7 is mapped to queue 11.

Queues 8-11 can be configured like other queues: weights and bandwidth can be set and verified with the port-cos-weight-modify/show and port-cos-bw-modify/show commands, while the queue stats can be displayed with the port-cos-stats-show command.

The functionality of the port and vFlow commands has remained unchanged. The only difference is the addition of support for queues 8-11. For example, queue 8’s bandwidth limit can be configured on port 1 like so:

CLI (network-admin@switch*) > port-cos-bw-modify port 1 cos 8 max-bw-limit 90

CLI (network-admin@switch*) > port-cos-bw-show cos 8,9,10,11

cos port                               min-bw-guarantee max-bw-limit weight 

--- ---------------------------------- ---------------- ------------ ------

8   3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19,21,25,29,33-37 0%               100%         32     

8   1                                  0%               90%          32     

9   1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19,21,25        0%               100%         64     

10  1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19,21,25        0%               100%         64     

11  1,3,5,7,9,13,15,17,19,21,25        0%               100%         127

Queue 8-11’s stats can be displayed like so:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-cos-stats-show format port,cos8-obits,cos8-dropbits,cos9-obits,cos9-dropbits,cos10-obits,cos10-dropbits,cos11-obits,cos11-dropbits,

port cos8-obits cos8-dropbits cos9-obits cos9-dropbits cos10-obits cos10-dropbits cos11-obits cos11-dropbits 

---- ---------- ------------- ---------- ------------- ----------- -------------- ----------- -------------- 

1    11.3K      0             1.61K      0             0           0              1.22K       0              

13   0          0             53.0K      0             0           0              0           0              

97   2.20K      0             132K       0             0           0              11.0K       0              

101  2.30K      0             140K       0             0           0              11.0K       0              

113  11.7K      0             79.1K      0             0           0              0           0              

125  0          0             3.80K      0             0           0              0           0              

129  2.30K      0             137K       0             0           0              5.52K       0

Other vFlow functionality differences are

For details on the vFlow differences on Z9432F-ON Platforms, see the GSG for Dell Z9432F Platforms
