Upgrading NetVisor OS Software for Freedom Series Switches

The NetVisor Freedom series switch always comes pre-loaded with NetVisor OS software. However it is recommended to upgrade the NetVisor OS software to the latest release, which can be obtained from Pluribus Networks Cloud (PNC).

For a quick introduction on the services offered by Pluribus Networks Cloud (PNC),  refer to the following links:

Getting started: https://www.pluribusnetworks.com/get-started/

PN Cloud Overview video: https://www.pluribusnetworks.com/resources/pluribus-networks-cloud-overview/

Warning: If you are upgrading from NetVisor OS version 3.0.4 or earlier to NetVisor OS version 5.x.x, 6.x.x, or 7.x.x, then, you must first upgrade to NetVisor OS version 3.1.1 before upgrading to a later release.  The direct upgrade from version 3.0.4 or earlier to version 5.x.x/6.x.x/7.x.x  is not supported.

Follow the steps described here to download and upgrade the NetVisor OS software on Freedom series switches:

1)Access the latest NetVisor OS software from PNC: click  DOWNLOADS --> CURRENT in the left-hand menu panel (see Figure 9). For upgrade images scroll down to the OPEN NETVISOR LINUX - UPGRADES section on the page.

2)Click the Download button to download an image (see Figure):

Figure 9 - Pluribus Network Cloud SoftwareUpgrades

3)Verify the MD5 checksum of the downloaded file against the MD5 value posted on the cloud (by hovering over the MD5 label, as shown in Figure 9).

4)After the image is downloaded, apply the following procedure to upgrade the software on the Freedom series switch:

oEnable SFTP from the CLI using the command:

(admin@netvisor) > admin-sftp-modify enable

sftp password:

confirm sftp password:

Note: The default SFTP username is sftp and the password can be changed using the admin-sftp-modify command:

oEnable the shell access for the network-admin user using the command:

(admin@netvisor) > role-modify name network-admin shell

oGo to the shell from the CLI by typing the command “shell” and going to the “sftp” folder:

(admin@Spine) > shell

admin@netvisor:~$ cd /sftp/import/

oTo exit the shell, type exit so that the prompt goes back to the cli

oCopy the file to the /sftp/import folder on the switch

oTo upgrade the image, run the command:

(admin@Spine) > software-upgrade package <upgrade-image-name>

oCheck the status of the upgrade process using the command:

(admin@Spine) > software-upgrade-status-show

The switch reboots after the upgrade and comes back up with the new image.

oVerify the license on the switch by using the command:

(admin@Spine) > software-license-show
