This command is used to display system flow details for vFlow.
Syntax vflow-system-show
Specify any of the following options: |
name name-string |
Name for the vFlow. |
id |
ID assigned to the vFlow |
scope local|fabric |
The scope for the vFlow. |
type ofp|vflow|ofp-default|acl-ip|acl-mac|vxlan|nat|qos|nat-twice|hog-violator|pbr|iptable |
The type of the vFlow. |
hidden true|false |
Specifies whether the vFlow is hidden or not. |
vnet vnet name |
VNET assigned to the vFlow. |
bd bridge-domain name |
The bridge domain for the vFlow. |
vlan 0..4095 |
The VLAN identifier for the flow. The value ranges between 0-4095. |
inner-vlan 0..4095 |
The inner VLAN ID of the QinQ frame. |
in-port port-list |
The ingress (input) port for the vFlow. |
out-port port-list |
The egress (output) port for the VFlow. |
ether-type ipv4|arp|wake|rarp|vlan|ipv6|lacp|mpls-uni|mpls-multi|jumbo| dot1X|aoe|qinq|lldp|macsec|ecp|ptp|fcoe|fcoe-init|qinq-old |
The EtherType for the flow. |
src-mac mac-address |
The source MAC address for the flow . |
src-mac-mask mac-address |
The source MAC address wildcard mask for the flow. |
dst-mac mac-address |
The destination MAC address for the flow. |
dst-mac-mask mac-address |
The destination MAC address wildcard mask for the flow. |
src-ip ip-address |
The source IP address for the flow. |
src-ip-mask ip-address |
The source IP address wildcard mask for the flow. |
dst-ip ip-address |
The destination IP address for the flow. |
dst-ip-mask ip-address |
The destination IP address wildcard mask for the flow. |
src-port src-port-number |
The Layer 3 protocol source port for the flow. |
src-port-end src-port-end-number |
The ending port for a range of source ports. |
src-port-mask src-port-mask-number |
The source port mask. |
dst-port dst-port-number |
The Layer 3 protocol destination port for the flow. |
dst-port-end dst-port-end-number |
The ending port for a range of destination ports. |
dst-port-mask dst-port-mask-number |
The destination port mask. |
dscp-start number |
The starting DSCP number. This is a value between 0, and 63. |
dscp-end number |
The ending DSCP number. This is a value between 0, and 63. |
dscp dscp-number |
The 6-bit Differentiated Services Code Point (DSCP) for the vFlow with range 0 to 63. |
dscp-map dscp-map name|none |
The DSCP map to apply on the flow. Please reapply if map priorities are updated. |
tos-start tos-start-number |
The starting ToS number. |
tos-end tos-end-number |
The ending ToS number. |
tos tos-number |
The Type of Service (ToS) number for the flow. |
dropped|no-dropped |
Specify if the vFlow matches a dropped packet or forwards the packet. |
vlan-pri number |
The priority for the VLAN. This is a value between 0 (lowest), and 7 (highest). |
inner-vlan-pri number |
The priority for the inner VLAN. This is a value between 0 (lowest), and 7 (highest). |
internal-pri 0..7 |
The internal priority as a value between 0, and 7. |
vrf vrf-name |
The name of the VRF. |
ttl ttl-number |
The time to live in seconds. |
proto tcp|udp|icmp|igmp|ip|icmpv6 |
The Layer 3 protocol for the flow. |
tcp-flags fin|syn|rst|push|ack|urg|ece|cwr |
The TCP flags to filter a vFlow. |
local-subnet|no-local-subnet |
Specifies whether to use local subnet or not. |
flow-class vflow-class name |
The vFlow classname. |
ingress-tunnel tunnel-name |
The name of the ingress tunnel. |
egress-tunnel tunnel name |
The name of the egress tunnel. |
bw-min bw-min-number |
The minimum bandwidth in Gbps for the vFlow. This is a range from 0 to 40Gbps. |
bw-max bw-max-number |
The maximum bandwidth in Gbps for the vFlow. This is a range from 0 to 40Gbps. |
burst-size auto |
The burst size. This parameter auto-calculates the burst size based on the maximum bandwidth settings for the vFlow. You can also configure a burst-size number between 256B through 128MB. |
vrouter-name vrouter name |
The vRouter name if you are configuring Policy-based Routing (PBR). You should not use this parameter unless you are configuring PBR. |
precedence default|0..15 |
The traffic priority for the flow (between 0, and 15) |
action none|drop|to-port|to-cpu|trap|copy-to-cpu|copy-to-port|setvlan|add-outer-vlan|set-tpid|to-port-set-vlan|to-span|set-metadata|set-dscp|set-dmac|to-next-hop-ip|set-dmac-to-port|to-ports-and-cpu|set-vlan-pri|set-smac|drop-cancel-trap|to-ecmp-group|redirect-to-vrouter|strip-outer-vlan|cancel-switch-to-cpu |
The forwarding action to apply to the flow. |
action-value action-value-number |
An optional value argument for the forwarding action above (for example, a switch port number to forward the packet to). This is a value between 1, and 64. |
action-value1 1..4096 |
The second optional value argument for the forwarding action between 1, and 64. |
action-set-mac-value mac-address |
Specify a MAC address to apply the action. |
action-to-next-hop-ip-value ip-address |
The next-hop IP address for packet redirection. |
action-to-ecmp-group-value static-ecmp-group group-name |
The ECMP group for packet redirection. |
action-to-ports-value port-list |
Specify a port list to apply the action. |
mirror mirror-name |
The name of the mirror configuration. |
process-mirror|no-process-mirror |
Specify to process mirrored traffic for the vflow. |
log-stats|no-log-stats |
Specify if you want to log statistics or not. |
stats-interval seconds |
The interval to update packet statistics for the log (in seconds). This is a value between 1, and 604800. |
dur dur-number |
The minimum duration required for the flow to be captured (in seconds). |
metadata metadata-number |
Specify a metadata number for the flow. |
metadata-mask metadata-mask-number |
The metadata mask for the vFlow. |
transient|no-transient |
Specifies to capture transient flows. |
vxlan vxlan-name |
The name of the VXLAN. |
vxlan-ether-type ipv4|arp|wake|rarp|vlan|ipv6|lacp|mpls-uni|mpls-multi| jumbo|dot1X|aoe|qinq|lldp|macsec|ecp|ptp|fcoe|fcoe-init|qinq-old |
The type of VXLAN. |
from-tunnel-decap|no-from-tunnel-decap |
Specify if you want to include tunnel terminated VXLAN packets. |
stp-state Disabled|Discarding|Learning|Forwarding packet-res l2-unicast|l2-unknown-unicast|l2-multicast|l2-unknown-multicast|l2-broadcast |
The STP state. |
packet-res l2-unicast|l2-unknown-unicast|l2-multicast|l2-unknown-multicast|l2-broadcast |
The packet resolution in ASIC. |
fwding-type vlan|vxlan|vle |
The ASIC forwarding type. |
set-src ip-address |
The source IP address of IPv4 packets. |
set-dst ip-address |
The destination IP address of IPv4 packets. |
set-src-port set-src-port-number |
The source port of IPv4 packets. |
set-dst-port set-dst-port-number |
The destination port of IPv4 packets. |
src-vpg vpg-name |
The source vPG name for Network Packet Broker (NPB) configuration. |
dst-vpg vpg-name |
The destination vPG name for Network Packet Broker (NPB) configuration. |
bidir-vpg-1 vpg name |
The name of the first bidirectional vPG for NPB configuration. |
bidir-vpg-2 vpg name |
The name of the second bidirectional vPG for NPB configuration. |
transparency enable|disable |
Specify if you want to enable or disable protocol transparency. |
udf-name1 udf name |
The User-Defined Field name. |
udf-data1 udf-data1-number |
The User-Defined Field data. |
udf-data1-mask udf-data1-mask-number |
The mask for the User-Defined Field data. |
udf-name2 udf name |
The User-Defined Field name. |
udf-data2 udf-data2-number |
The User-Defined Field data. |
udf-data2-mask udf-data2-mask-number |
The mask for the User-Defined Field data. |
udf-name3 udf name |
The User-Defined Field name. |
udf-data3 udf-data3-number |
The User-Defined Field data. |
udf-data3-mask udf-data3-mask-number |
The mask for the User-Defined Field data. |
enable|no-enable |
Specify if you want to enable or disable flows in hardware. |
table-name vflow-table name |
Specify a table name from the following list:
The following actions are supported for this parameter:
flow-cb default-cb|arp-cb|bcast-cb|igmp-cb|pim-cb|dhcp-cb|dhcpv6-cb|dmac-miss-cb|l2-miss-cb|no-cb |
CPU to process, vFlow callback function. |
cpu-class cpu-class name |
The CPU class name. |
description description-string |
Specify a vFlow description. |
if mgmt|data |
The administrative service interface. |
phy-dst-port phy-dst-port-number |
The packet destination port for the vFlow. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameter type is deprecated. The option cluster for scope is deprecated. The option meter for action is deprecated. The parameters mirror|no mirror, and process-mirror|no-process-mirror added. |
Version 2.2.3 |
The parameters dscp-start, dscp-end, tos-start, tos-end, vlan-pri, and ttl added. |
Version 2.2.5 |
The parameters set-dscp|to-ports-and-cpu|set-vlan-pri| set-dmac|set-dmac-to-port, action-set-mac-value, and action-to-ports-value added. The parameter mirror added. The parameter mirror|no-mirror changed to process-mirror|no-process-mirror. |
Version 2.3 |
The parameters set-src, set-dst, set-src-port, and set-dst-port added. |
Version 2.3.1 |
The parameter table added. |
Version 2.4 |
The parameter type, and stats deprecated. The parameters src-port-mask, and dst-port-mask added. The action to-port-set-nat| is deprecated. The parameter log-stats added. |
Version 2.5.3 |
The parameter tcp-flags added. The fields, UDF-, and enable|disable hardware flows also added. |
Version 2.5.4 |
The parameter burst-size auto, has added functionality. You can configure a burst-size number between 256B through 128MB. |
Version 2.6.0 |
The parameter table-name added. |
Version 2.6.2 |
The parameter dscp-map and cpu-class added. |
Version 3.0.0 |
The parameter dropped|no-dropped added. |
Version 5.0.0 |
The parameter if mgmt|data added. |
Version 5.1.0 |
The parameter packet-res added. |
Version 5.2.0 |
The parameters src-port-end, and dst-port-end added |
Version 6.0.0 |
The parameter vrf added. |
Version 6.0.1 |
The parameters src-vpg, and dst-vpg added. |
Version 6.1.0 |
The parameters bd, inner-vlan, inner-vlan-pri, internal-pri, dst-vpg-1, dst-vpg-2, transparency, flow-cb, phy-dst-port added. |
Version 7.0.0 |
The option strip-outer-vlan added to parameter action. |
Version 7.0.1 |
The options check, tunnel-pkt, cpu, set-tunnel-id, cpu-rx, cpu-rx-tx, decap, tcp-seq-offset, tcp-ack-offset, and l3-to-cpu-switch for parameter action are deprecated. The parameter vxlan-proto is deprecated. |
Usage Each fabric, cluster, standalone switch, or virtual network can track application flow statistics. This command initiates flow statistics capture for Layer 2 Ethernet or Layer 3 Internet Protocol (IP) packet traffic that matches defined characteristics.
Examples To display system flow details for the vFlow, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-system-show name Optimize-Datapath format all
switch name id scope type in-port src-mac src-mac-mask precedence action stats-interval hw-stats enable table-name
------- ----------------- ---------- ----- ------ ------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------- ---------------- -------------- -------- ------ --------------------
switch1 Optimize-Datapath b001d67:3b local system 0 92:05:1d:3f:42:45 ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff 15 drop-cancel-trap 30 enabled enable System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0