This command is used to display a BGP aggregate address on a vRouter.
Syntax vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-show
vrouter-name name-string |
Specify the name of the service configuration. |
Specify the following bgp-aggregate-address arguments: |
network ip-address |
Specify an IP address for BGP aggregate address. |
netmask netmask |
Specify the netmask for BGP aggregate address. |
[ vrf vrouter vrf vrf | default ] |
Specify the name of the VRF. |
[ as-set true|false ] |
Specifies to generate AS set path information. |
[ summary-only true|false ] |
Specifies to filter more specific routes from updates. |
[ matching-MED-only true|false ] |
Specifies the only aggregate routes with matching MED. |
[ origin none|egp|igp|incomplete ] |
Specifies the origin code of BGP prefix. |
[ route-map vrouter route-map name ] |
Specifies the route map to aggregate network. |
[ suppress-map vrouter route-map name ] |
Specifies to suppress the selected more specific routes. |
Defaults None
Access Network Administrator
Version 7.0.2 |
Command introduced. |
Usage Use this command to display a BGP aggregate address.
Examples To display a BGP aggregate address, use the following syntax:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrouter-bgp-aggregate-address-show
vrouter-name network vrf as-set summary-only matching-MED-only origin route-map suppress-map
------------ ------------ ------- ------ ------------ ----------------- ------ --------- ------------
vr3 default false true false none
vr3 default false true false none