Configuration Example: vNET

Below is a sample configuration that can be considered while configuring vNET on the NetVisor switches:

L2 Configuration 

To create a public vNET with managed ports, use the command:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-create name vnet1 scope fabric

Creating vnet1-mgr zone, please wait...

Vnet created. Vlans assigned: 5

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-modify name vnet1 vlans 100-110

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-modify name vnet1 managed-ports 41,45,13

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-show

name scope vlan-type vlans public-vlans vxlans managed-ports shared-ports shared-port-vlans admin

---- ----- --------- ----- ------------ ------ ------------- ------------ ----------------- ------

vnet1 fabric public  100-110 none        0      13,41,45      none        none        vnet1-admin

To configure the port speed on a managed port for the vNET manager, use the command:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > port-config-modify port 13 speed 400g

Assign VLANs for all ports in vNET. By default, VLANs are assigned to all the ports in vNET scope:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 106 scope local 

Vlans 106 created

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vlan-show id 106

switch:        switch

id:        106

vnet:        vnet1

type:        public

auto-vxlan:        no

scope:        local

description:        vlan-106

active:        yes 

stats:        yes

ports:        0-1,5,9,13,17,21,25,29,33,37,39,41,43,45,47,49,53,



active-edge-ports:        none


Note: You can create VLANs only within the vNET VLAN range. NetVisor displays an error message if you create a VLAN outside of the vNET VLAN range, for example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 111 scope local

vlan-create: No permission for vlan 'id = 111'

L3 Configuration

You can add multiple subnets to a single VRF and can verify the details in vNET manager. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrf-create name vrf1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 101 scope local

Vlans 101 created

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vlan-create id 102 scope local

Vlans 102 created

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub2 vxlan 1001 vrf vrf1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub3 vlan 1002 vrf vrf1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrf-create name vrf2

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub4 vxlan 1009 vrf vrf2

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub5 vxlan 1010 vrf vrf2

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-show

name scope  vnet  vlan vxlan vrf  packet-relay forward-proto state     enable

---- ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- ------------ ------------- --------- ------

sub1 fabric vnet1 100  1000  vrf1 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

sub2 fabric vnet1 101  1001  vrf1 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

sub3 fabric vnet1 102  1002  vrf1 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

sub4 fabric vnet1 109  1009  vrf2 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

sub5 fabric vnet1 110  1010  vrf2 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrf-show

name vnet  scope  anycast-mac       l3-vni active hw-router-mac     hw-vrid flags  enable

---- ----- ------ ----------------- ------ ------ ----------------- ------- ------ ------

vrf1 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 0      yes    66:0e:94:d1:a2:06 2       subnet yes

vrf2 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 0      yes    66:0e:94:d1:ce:a6 3       subnet yes

The subnets support Vxlans only in the allowed VXLAN range for the vNET. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub1 vrf vrf1 vxlan 2021

subnet-create: No permission for vxlan

CLI (network-admin@switch) > subnet-create name sub9 vrf vrf1 vxlan 2021 vnet vnet1

subnet-create: vxlan 2021 not part of vnet vxlan range 1000-1100

You can create overlapping subnets if they are part of different vNETs. For example: 

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-create name subnet1 vrf vrf1 network netmask 24 vxlan 1000 anycast-gw-ip

CLI (vnet2-admin@switch) > subnet-create name subnet1 vrf vrf2 network netmask 24 vxlan 1110 anycast-gw-ip

CLI (network-admin@switch) > subnet-show

switch       name    scope  vnet  vlan vxlan vrf  network       anycast-gw-ip forward-proto state                    enable

------------ ------- ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- ------------- ------------- ------------- ------------------------ ------

hydra-colo-3 subnet1 fabric vnet1 100  1000  vrf1    dhcp          vrouter interface exists yes

hydra-colo-3 subnet1 fabric vnet2 111  1110  vrf2    dhcp          ok                       yes

To verify the traffic between subnets of two VRFs having overlapping subnets as in the example below ( is overlapping):

CLI (network-admin@switch) > subnet-show

name scope  vnet  vlan vxlan vrf  network     anycast-gw-ip packet-relay forward-proto state enable

---- ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- ----------- ------------- ------------ ------------- ----- ------

sub1 fabric vnet1 10   1001  vrf1      disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub2 fabric vnet1 20   2001  vrf1      disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub1 fabric vnet2 50   3000  vrf2      disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub2 fabric vnet2 40   4000  vrf2      disable      dhcp          ok    yes

CLI (network-admin@switch) > tunnel-stats-show show-diff-interval 1

switch  time     tunnel-name                  ibits iUpkts iBpkts iMpkts HER-pkts HER-bits oPkts

------- -------- ---------------------------- ----- ------ ------ ------ -------- -------- -----

switch  07:31:09 tunnel- 311K  174    83     70     33       32.4K    0

switch1 07:31:09 tunnel- 3.94M 3.09K  0      0      0        0        2.99K

switch1 07:31:09 tunnel- 109K  126    0      0      0        0        128

switch2 07:31:10 tunnel- 4.11M 3.27K  0      0      0        0        3.13K

To manage the vRouter from a vNET manager account (vRouter can be created by network admin only): 

CLI (root@switch) > vrouter-create name vr1 vnet vnet1 router-type hardware

Creating vr1 zone, please wait...

vrouter created

CLI (vnet1-admin@sag-colo-3) > vrouter-show layout vertical

name:        vr1

type:        vrouter

scope:        fabric

vnet:        vnet1

vnet-service:        dedicated

state:        enabled

router-type:        hardware

evpn-dup-addr-freeze:        180

hw-router-mac:        66:0e:94:d1:ce:a6

cluster-active-active-routing:        enable

hw-vrid:        0

hw-vrrp-id:        -1

ospf-spf-consec-delay:        50

ospf-spf-max-delay:        5000

ospf6-spf-consecu-delay:        50

ospf6-spf-max-delay:        5000

ospf-default-information:         none

The vNET admin can create and manage the VRF. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrf-show

name vnet  scope  anycast-mac       vrf-gw active hw-router-mac     hw-vrid flags  enable

---- ----- ------ ----------------- ------ ------ ------ ----------------- ------- ------

vrf1 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 ::     yes    66:0e:94:d1:a2:06 2       subnet yes

vrf2 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 ::     yes    66:0e:94:d1:ce:a6 3       subnet yes

You can add a VRF to the vRouter if they are in the same vNET. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrouter-vrf-add vrouter-name vr1 vrf vrf1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrouter-vrf-add vrouter-name vr1 vrf vrf2

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrouter-vrf-show

vrouter-name vrf  hw-vrid bgp-as router-id bgp-redistribute bgp-cluster-id

------------ ---- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- --------------

vr1          vrf1 2       0      ::                         ::

vr1          vrf2 3       0      ::                         ::

To check traffic between interfaces of the same VRF but part of different vRouters:

CLI(vnet1-admin@switch) > vrouter-interface-show

vrouter-name nic      ip            ip2             linklocal    mac               vlan nic-state l3-port mtu  priority-tag vrf

------------ -------- ------------- --------------- ----------- ----------------- ---- --------- ------- ---- ------------ -----------

s0-vr1       eth1.100 2001:100::1/126 fe80::100:1  66:0e:94:79:9b:32 100  up                1500 off          cus1-vrf

s0-vr1       eth1.300  2001:30::1/126  fe80::30:1   66:0e:94:79:9b:32 300  up                1500 off

s1-vr1       eth1.101 2001:101::1/126 fe80::101:1  66:0e:94:2a:96:f1 101  up                1500 off          cus1-vrf

s1-vr1       eth1.301  2001:31::1/126  fe80::31:1   66:0e:94:2a:96:f1 301  up

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vrouter-vrf-show

vrouter-name vrf      hw-vrid bgp-as router-id bgp-redistribute bgp-cluster-id

------------ -------- ------- ------ --------- ---------------- --------------

s0-vr1       cus1-vrf 1       60001  connected        ::

s1-vr1       cus1-vrf 1       61001                   ::

To check if vSG added to VRF is visible through the vNET Manager:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vsg-create name vsg1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vsg-vrf-add vsg-name vsg1 vrf vrf1 vnet vnet1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vsg-show

switch name

------ ----

switch vsg1

To check the reachability between two VRFs:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vsg-network-show

vsg-name vrf   vnet       subnet     network      network6 network-state

-------- ----- ---------- ---------- ------------ -------- -------------

VSG_1    VRF-6 user_vnet1 sub_mine          ok

VSG_1    VRF-7 user_vnet1 sub_mine1          ok

VSG_1    VRF-7 user_vnet1 sub_mine1          ok

VSG_1    VRF-6 user_vnet1 sub_mine          ok

VSG_1    VRF-7 user_vnet1 sub_mine1          ok

VSG_1    VRF-6 user_vnet1 sub_mine          ok

CLI (user_vnet1-admin@switch) > subnet-show

name      scope  vnet       vlan vxlan vrf   network      anycast-gw-ip packet-relay forward-proto state enable

--------- ------ ---------- ---- ----- ----- ------------ ------------- ------------ ------------- ----- ------

sub_mine  fabric user_vnet1 300  3000  VRF-6     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub_mine  fabric user_vnet1 300  3000  VRF-6     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub_mine  fabric user_vnet1 300  3000  VRF-6     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub_mine1 fabric user_vnet1 400  2000  VRF-7     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub_mine1 fabric user_vnet1 400  2000  VRF-7     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

sub_mine1 fabric user_vnet1 400  2000  VRF-7     disable      dhcp          ok    yes

Security Related Configuration

The vFlows created usng vNET admin has vNET manager support:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local in-port 13 action to-port action-to-ports-value 41 vlan 102

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vflow-show layout vertical

switch: switch

name: vflow1

scope: local

type: vflow

vnet: vnet1

vlan: 102

in-port: 13

burst-size: auto

precedence: default

action: to-port

action-to-ports-value: 41

from-tunnel-decap: none

transparency: disable

tracking: disable

tracking-status: disabled

enable: enable

table-name: System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0

You can configure only managed ports for the vFlow qualifiers and actions. If you try to configure a non-managed port, you get an error message as in:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local in-port 17 vlan 102

vflow-create: port/trunk 17 is not managed under vnet vnet1

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local in-port 13 action to-port action-to-ports-value 17 vlan 102

vflow-create: port/trunk 17 is not managed under vnet vnet1

To check for blocking cases where VLAN is part of the vNET range but VXLAN is not part of the vNET range: 

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-show

name  scope  vlan-type vlans   public-vlans vxlans    admin

----- ------ --------- ------- ------------ --------- -----------

vnet1 fabric public    100-200 none         1000-2000 vnet1-admin

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlan-show

id   vnet  type   vxlan description     active stats ports     untagged-ports active-edge-ports topology

---- ----- ------ ----- --------------- ------ ------ -------- -------------- ----------------- --------

1          public       local default-1  yes    yes   1-72     1-69           53,69

100  vnet1 public 1000  local vlan-100   yes    no    1-68,397 none           none

101  vnet1 public 10000 local vlan-101   yes    no    1-68,397 none           none

102  vnet1 public 2000  local vlan-102   yes    no    1-68,397 none           none

4093       public       local vlan-4093  yes    yes   397      397            none

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local vnet vnet1 vlan 102 action setvlan action-value 101

vflow-create: vlan 101's vxlan 10000 not part of vnet vxlans 1000-2000 <--- blocked

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local vnet vnet1 vlan 102 action setvlan action-value 300

vflow-create: vlan 300 not mapped in vnet vnet1 vlans <------ blocked

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local vnet vnet1 vlan 102 action setvlan action-value 100 <-- allowed

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show

name   scope type  vnet  vlan burst-size precedence action  action-value enable table-name

------ ----- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ------- ------------ ------ --------------------

vflow1 local vflow vnet1 102  auto       default    setvlan 100          enable System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0

To check system vFlow behavior is same with respect to vNET vFlows:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-stats-show name System-A

name     pkts bytes cpu-pkts cpu-bytes

-------- ---- ----- -------- ---------

System-A 299  18.7K 299      17.5K

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-create name vflow1 scope local vlan 100 vnet vnet1

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-stats-show name vflow1

name   pkts bytes cpu-pkts cpu-bytes

------ ---- ----- -------- ---------

vflow1 0    0     0        0

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show name vflow1

name   scope type  vnet  vlan burst-size precedence enable table-name

------ ----- ----- ----- ---- ---------- ---------- ------ --------------------

vflow1 local vflow vnet1 100  auto       default    enable System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-modify name vflow1 precedence 13 <--- increased precedence higher than System-A

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-show name System-A

name     scope type   ether-type flow-class precedence action      enable table-name

-------- ----- ------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ----------- ------ --------------------

System-A local system arp        class7     12         copy-to-cpu enable System-L1-L4-Tun-1-0

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-stats-show name System-A show-diff-interval 1

switch name     pkts bytes cpu-pkts cpu-bytes

------ -------- ---- ----- -------- ---------

switch System-A 0    0     0        0

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vflow-stats-show name vflow1 show-diff-interval 1

switch name   pkts bytes cpu-pkts cpu-bytes

------ ------ ---- ----- -------- ---------

switch vflow1 1    64    0        0

QoS Configuration

The port-cos-bw-* commands are supported in vNet manager for ports managed by the vNet. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > port-cos-bw-modify cos 0 port 12 weight 13

port-cos-bw-modify: No permission over ports 12 <------- Allowed only for Managed Ports

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > port-cos-bw-show

switch cos port   min-bw-guarantee max-bw-limit weight

------ --- ------ ---------------- ------------ ------

switch 0   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 1   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 2   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 3   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 4   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 5   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 6   93,101 0%               100%         64

switch 7   93,101 0%               100%         127

switch 8   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch 9   93,101 0%               100%         64

switch 10  93,101 0%               100%         64

switch 11  93,101 0%               100%         127

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > port-cos-bw-modify cos 0 port 101 weight 33

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > port-cos-bw-show

switch  cos port   min-bw-guarantee max-bw-limit weight

------- --- ------ ---------------- ------------ ------

switch  0   93     0%               100%         32

switch  0   101    0%               100%         33

switch  1   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  2   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  3   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  4   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  5   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  6   93,101 0%               100%         64

switch  7   93,101 0%               100%         127

switch  8   93,101 0%               100%         32

switch  9   93,101 0%               100%         64

switch  10  93,101 0%               100%         64

switch  11  93,101 0%               100%         127

The mirror created with vNET is visible in vNET Manager and is supported only on the managed ports of the vNet. For example:

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > mirror-create name mirror2 in-port 41 out-port 21

mirror-create: mirror out-port 21 is not managed under vnet vnet1 <---- managed ports are only allowed

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > mirror-create name mirror2 in-port 41 out-port 45

CLI (vnet1-admin@switch) > mirror-show

switch name    direction out-port in-port filtering enable other-egress-out nvie-mirror vnet

------ ------- --------- -------- ------- --------- ------ ---------------- ----------- -----

switch mirror2 ingress   45       41      port      yes    prevent          false       vnet1

Displaying Details using Network Admin and vNET Admin Accounts

For Network Admin Account:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vnet-show

name        scope  vlan-type vlans   public-vlans vxlans    managed-ports admin

----------- ------ --------- ------- ------------ --------- ------------- ----------

fab1-global fabric public    none    none         0         none          none

vnet1       fabric public    100-110 none         1000-1100 129           vnet1-admin

CLI (network-admin@switch) > subnet-show

name scope  vnet  vlan vxlan vrf  packet-relay forward-proto state     enable

---- ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- ------------ ------------- --------- ------

sub1 fabric vnet1 100  1000  vrf1 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

CLI (network-admin@switch) > vrf-show

name vnet  scope  anycast-mac       l3-vni active hw-router-mac     hw-vrid flags  enable

---- ----- ------ ----------------- ------ ------ ----------------- ------- ------ ------

vrf1 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 0      yes    66:0e:94:d1:5d:52 1       subnet yes

For vNET Admin Accounts :

CLI (vnet-admin@switch) > subnet-show

name scope  vnet  vlan vxlan vrf  packet-relay forward-proto state     enable

---- ------ ----- ---- ----- ---- ------------ ------------- --------- ------

sub1 fabric vnet1 100  1000  vrf1 disable      dhcp          not-in-hw yes

CLI (vnet-admin@switch) > vrf-show

name vnet  scope  anycast-mac       l3-vni active hw-router-mac     hw-vrid flags  enable

---- ----- ------ ----------------- ------ ------ ----------------- ------- ------ ------

vrf1 vnet1 fabric 64:0e:94:40:00:02 0      yes    66:0e:94:d1:5d:52 1       subnet yes
