Configuring a vLAG
If you want to connect the two cluster nodes to an upstream switch or to a downstream host in a redundant fashion, you can configure a vLAG between the uplinks or the downlinks on the cluster nodes.
For example, if switch1 has port 53 connected to an upstream switch and switch2 has port 19 connected to the same upstream switch, create a vLAG by executing the vlag-create command on either of the cluster switches (switch1 in this example):
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlag-create name uplink port 53 [peer-switch switch2] peer-port 19
To verify the configuration, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vlag-show
name cluster mode switch port peer-switch peer-port status local-state lacp-mode
---- ------- ---- ------ ---- ----------- --------- ------ ----------- ---------
uplink cluster1 active-acti switch1 53 switch2 19 normal enabled active
Note: Before you can create a vLAG, you must configure the two switches in a cluster.