Limiting the Number of MAC Addresses per Port

You can now limit the number of MAC addresses per port. You can configure port security on ports or trunks.

New Commands 

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > mac-limit-modify

port port-list

Specify the port list.

mac-limit mac-limit-number

Specify the number of MAC addresses to limit on the port.

mac-limit-action log|disable

Specify the action to take when the MAC address limit is exceeded. If you select log, an event is logged to the event log. If you specify disable, the event is logged and the port is disabled.

CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > mac-limit-show

port port-list

Displays the port list.

mac-limit mac-limit-number

Displays the number of MAC addresses to limit on the port.

mac-limit-action log|disable

Displays the action taken when the MAC address limit is exceeded.

num-macs num-macs-number

Displays the number of MAC addresses learned on the port.


CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > mac-limit-show

switch   port mac-limit mac-limit-action num-macs

-------- ---- --------- ---------------- --------

Leaf02   5    0         log              0        

Leaf03   5    0         log              0