Sending Log Messages to Syslog Servers
To configure the switch to send all log messages to a syslog server with an IP address of, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > admin-syslog-create name log-all scope fabric host
To display the configuration use the admin-syslog-show command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > admin-syslog-show
name scope host port message-format
----- ----- ------------ ---- ---------------
log-all fabric 514 legacy
To specify sending the syslog messages in structured format, per RFC5424, add the message-format option to the configuration.
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > admin-syslog-modify name log-all message-format structured
You can also modify the port that the service listens on to another port. More than one syslog listening service can be configured and appropriate syslog messages are sent to each one.
By default, all log messages are forwarded to syslog servers. To filter the log messages, use the msg-level option to specify the severity or other options:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > admin-syslog-match-add syslog-name log-all name critical-msgs msg-level critical
You can modify syslog matching using the admin-syslog-match-modify command, or remove matching criteria using the admin-syslog-match-remove command.
To display the configuration, use the show command:
CLI (network-admin@Leaf1) > admin-syslog-match-show
syslog-name msg-level name
---------- --------- -----
log-all critical critical-msgs