S Commands


Netvisor generates a packet from the CPU to send to the receive port of an Inline Service and the Netvisor vFlow configured for snooping is not port-specific, as Netvisor accepts the response from either the receive port or the transmit port. You configure the heartbeat as an additional parameter for a specific Inline Service.

Syntax   service-heartbeat-create

name name-string

Specify the name for the Heartbeat Service.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify the interval between heartbeat packets.

retry retry-number

Specify the number of times to retry sending a packet.

vlan vlan-id5

Specify a VLAN ID.

src-mac mac-address

Specify the source port MAC address.

dst-mac mac-address 

Specify the destination MAC address.

type normal|pass-through

Specify the type of heartbeat response as normal or passthrough. A normal response indicates that the Inline Service sends the response. A passthrough response indicates that Netvisor sends the response and returns it to the Inline Service.

payload payload-string

Specify the payload for the heartbeat packet.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to create a Heartbeat Service configuration.

Examples  To create a Heartbeat Service, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-heartbeat-create name FW_probe interval 5s retry 3 vlan-id 10 src-mac 64:6e:11:1c:11:11 dst-mac 01:1b:11:01:01:01 type normal payload 54 63 82 ff 01 46 12 ce a2 d4 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00


Netvisor generates a packet from the CPU to send to the receive port of an Inline Service and the Netvisor vFlow configured for snooping is not port-specific, as Netvisor accepts the response from either the receive port or the transmit port. You configure the heartbeat as an additional parameter for a specific Inline Service.

Syntax   service-heartbeat-delete

name name-string

Specify a name for the Heartbeat Service.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to delete a Heartbeat Service configuration.

Examples  To delete Heartbeat Service, FW_probe, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-heartbeat-delete name FW_probe


Netvisor generates a packet from the CPU to send to the receive port of an Inline Service and the Netvisor vFlow configured for snooping is not port-specific, as Netvisor accepts the response from either the receive port or the transmit port. You configure the heartbeat as an additional parameter for a specific Inline Service.

Syntax   service-heartbeat-modify

name name-string

Specify a name for the Heartbeat Service.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify the interval between heartbeat packets.

retry retry-number

Specify the number of times to retry sending a packet.

payload payload-string

Specify the payload for the heartbeat packet.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to modify a Heartbeat Service configuration.

Examples  To modify a Heartbeat Service, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-heartbeat-modify name FW_probe retry 5


Netvisor generates a packet from the CPU to send to the receive port of an Inline Service and the Netvisor vFlow configured for snooping is not port-specific, as Netvisor accepts the response from either the receive port or the transmit port. You configure the heartbeat as an additional parameter for a specific Inline Service.

Syntax   service-heartbeat-show

name name-string

Specify the name for the Heartbeat Service.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify the interval between heartbeat packets.

retry retry-number

Specify the number of times to retry sending a packet.

vlan vlan-id5

Specify a VLAN ID.

src-mac mac-address

Specify the source port MAC address.

dst-mac mac-address 

Specify the destination MAC address.

type normal|pass-through

Specify the type of heartbeat response as normal or passthrough. A normal response indicates that the Inline Service sends the response. A passthrough response indicates that Netvisor sends the response and returns it to the Inline Service.

payload payload-string

Specify the payload for the heartbeat packet.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to display information about a Hearbeat Service configuration.

Examples  To display information about a Hearbeat Service configuration, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-heartbeat-show


This command is used to clear service statistics for a switch.

Syntax   service-stats-clear

service ftp-data|ftp-control|ssh|telnet|http|https|rpc|sql|imap|ldap|iSCSI|oracle-db|nfs|cifs|iSCSI-target|lockd|openstack-nova|openstack-keystone|openstack-metering|openstack-neutron| openstack-glance|openstack-cinder| and more

Specifies the name of the service associated with the well-known UDP or TCP port number. HDFS entries indicate Hadoop services.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 2.3

Command introduced.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters, port and bytes, deprecated.

Usage   Unless otherwise specified, aggregate statistics are displayed for all UDP and TCP services on the switch. Each switch maintains a set of standard flow-based statistics that are continuously tracked and updated by the switch. Use this command to clear traffic statistics for all UDP and TCP services on the switch.

Examples  To clear service statistics, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-stats-clear


This command is used to display service statistics for a switch.

Syntax   service-stats-show

name ftp-data|ftp-control|ssh|telnet|http|https|rpc|sql|imap|ldap|iSCSI|oracle-db|nfs|cifs|iSCSI-target|lockd|openstack-nova|openstack-keystone|openstack-metering|openstack-neutron| openstack-glance|openstack-cinder|...

Specifies the name of the service associated with the well-known UDP or TCP port number.








bytes byte-number

The number of bytes associated with the service port.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.1

The parameters for OpenStack added.

Version 2.2.5

The parameters, HDFS-, added to support Hadoop.

Version 2.2.6

Parameters added for MR, Hive, HBase, WebHCat, Ganglia, MySQL, Snap, Cassandra, Ganglia, LDAP, and Nutanix.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter, port, deprecated.

Usage   Unless otherwise specified, aggregate statistics are displayed for all UDP and TCP services on the switch. Each switch maintains a set of standard flow-based statistics that are continuously tracked and updated by the switch. Use this command to display traffic statistics for all UDP and TCP services on the switch.

Examples  To display service statistics, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > service-stats-show

port     name    bytes

0        other   90983

22       ssh     9709

80       http    7326910

443      https   1755667

2049     nfs     5540