This command is used to create an sFlow agent on the network. You can configure an sFlow agent with a scope of local or fabric.
Syntax sflow-create
name name-string |
Specify a name for the sFlow collector. |
type ingress|egress |
Specify the type of packet for the sflow agent. Specify ingress to capture incoming packets and egress for outgoing packets. |
sample-type raw|cooked |
Specify the sample type for the sFlow agent. Raw indicates that the packet retains the link level header and cooked indicates that link level header is removed. |
ports port-list |
Specify the list of ports to capture packets. |
sample-rate sample-rate-number |
Specify the rate of packet sampling by the sflow agent. |
sample-interval sample-inverval- |
Specify the interval between packet captures. |
trunc-length trunc-length-number |
Specify the truncated length of the captured packet. |
vnet vnet-name |
Specify the VNET for sFlow. |
vlan vlan-id |
Specify the VLAN to apply to the sFlow agent. The value can be from 0 to 4095. |
agent-id ip-address |
Specify the IP address of the sFlow agent. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameter, scope, is deprecated. The parameter, agent-id, added. |
Version 2.4.1 |
The parameter, vnet, added. |
Usage sFlow agents capture packets on the network and send them to the sFlow collector for analysis. Use this command to configure an sFlow agent.
Examples To configure an sFlow agent, SF-agent1, with the scope fabric, sample type raw on ports 21-25, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-create scope fabric name SF-agent1 sample-type raw ports 21-25
This command is used to delete an sFlow agent from the network configuration.
Syntax sflow-delete
name name-string |
Specify the name of the sFlow agent to delete. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1
Usage Use this command to delete an sFlow agent.
Examples To delete the sFlow agent, SF-agent1, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-delete name SF-agent1
This command is used to display information about a sFlow agent on the network.
Syntax sflow-show
name name-string |
Specifies a name for the sFlow collector. |
type ingress|egress |
Specifies the type of packet for the sFlow agent. Specify ingress to capture incoming packets and egress for outgoing packets. |
sample-type raw|cooked |
Specifies the sample type for the sFlow agent. Raw indicates that the packet retains the link level header and cooked indicates that link level header is removed. |
ports port-list |
Specifies the list of ports to capture packets. |
sample-rate sample-rate-number |
Specifies the rate of packet sampling by the sflow agent. |
sample-interval sample-interval-number |
Specifies the interval between packet captures. |
trunc-length trunc-length-number |
Specifies the truncated length of the captured packet. |
vnet vnet-name |
Specifies the VNET name. |
vlan vlan-id |
Specifies the VLAN that applies to the sFlow agent. |
agent-id ip-address |
Specifies the IP address of the sFlow agent. |
sample-pkt-cnt sample-pkt-cnt-number |
Specifies the number of sample packets. |
sample-drops sample-drops-number |
Specifies the number of sample packets dropped. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1 |
The parameter, scope, is deprecated. The parameters, sample-pkt-cnt, and sample-drops added. |
Version 2.4.1. |
The parameter, vnet, added. |
Usage sFlow agents capture packets on the network and send them to the sFlow collector for analysis. Use this command to display information about an sFlow agent.
Examples To display the sFlow agent, SF-agent1, and display in a vertical format, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-show name SF-agent1 layout vertical
sFlow is an industry standard technology that monitors high speed switched networks. An sFlow collector gathers information from sFlow agents on the network. An sFlow collector can have a scope of local or fabric.
Syntax sflow-collector-create
collector-ip ip-address |
Specify the IP address of the sFlow collector. |
collector-port collector-port-number |
Specify the port number for the sFlow collector. |
name name-string |
Specify a name for the sFlow collector. |
scope [local|fabric] |
Specify a scope, either fabric or local. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1
Usage This command is used to create an sFlow collector to gather information from the sFlow agents on the network.
Examples To create the sFlow collector, sFlow-local, with the IP address of on port 44, and the scope local, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-collector-create collector-ip collector-port 37 name sflow-local scope local
This command is used to delete an sFlow collector from your sFlow configuration.
Syntax sflow-collector-delete name name-string
name name-string |
Specify the name of the sFlow collector. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1
Usage Use this command to delete an sFlow collector.
Examples To delete the sflow collector, sflow-local, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-collector-delete name sflow-local
This command is used to display the sFlow collector configuration.
Syntax sflow-collector-show
collector-ip ip-address |
Specifies the IP address of the sFlow collector. |
collector-port collector-port-number |
Specifies the port number of the sFlow collector. |
name name-string |
Specifies the name of the sFlow collector. |
scope [local|fabric] |
Specifies the scope, either fabric or local. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1
Usage Use this command to display information about the sFlow collector.
Examples To display information about sFlow collector, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-collector-show layout vertical
This command adds a port to the sflow-agent.
Syntax sflow-port-add
sflow-name name-string |
Specify the name of the sFlow to add the port. |
Specify the following port arguments: |
switch switch-name |
Specify the name of the switch with the port. |
ports port-list |
Specify the list of ports to add to the sFlow agent. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage Use this command to add specific ports on a switch to the sFlow agent.
Examples To add ports 31-33 on switch antares24, to sFlow agent SF-agent1, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-port-add sflow-name SF-agent1 switch antares24 ports 31-33
This command removes a port from the sFlow-agent.
Syntax sflow-port-remove
sflow-name name-string |
Specify the name of the sFlow to add the port. |
Specify the following port arguments: |
switch switch-name |
Specify the name of the switch with the port. |
ports port-list |
Specify the list of ports to add to the sFlow agent. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage Use this command to remove specific ports on a switch to the sFlow agent.
Examples To remove ports 31-33 on switch antares24, from sFlow agent SF-agent1, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > sflow-port-remove sflow-name SF-agent1 switch antares24 ports 31-33
This command is used to access the shell for Netvisor OS.
Informational Note: Before you can use the shell command, you must modify the role to allow access to the shell. Use the role-modify command to allow access to the shell.
Syntax shell
Defaults None
Access Network Administrator
History Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.
Usage Use this command to access the shell for Netvisor ONE.
Examples To access the shell, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > shell
'admin@switch:~$ '