T Commands
This command is used to assist Pluribus Networks Technical Assistance Center (TAC) when troubleshooting a switch.
Syntax tech-support-show
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.0
Usage Information in the show output provides Pluribus TAC with logs and statistics to begin the investigation on any technical issues. This command output is not comprehensive and may require additional details. While running the tech-support-show command, you should enable logging in your SSH client for capturing the output to be sent to Pluribus TAC.
Examples To display information about a switch, use the following command (the output displayed here is only a sample of the complete output):
CLI network-admin@switch > tech-support-show
==================== admin-service-show ======================
if: mgmt
ssh: on
nfs: on
web: on
web-ssl: off
web-ssl-port: 443
web-port: 80
snmp: off
net-api: on
icmp: on
if: data
ssh: on
nfs: on
web: on
web-ssl: off
web-ssl-port: 443
web-port: 80
snmp: off
net-api: on
icmp: on
==================== admin-sftp-show =========================
sftp-user: sftp
enable: yes
This command is used to identify routes between hosts.
Syntax traceroute options host
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.2.4.
Usage Use this command to identify hops between hosts on the network.
Examples To see the routes between a switch and yodel.com, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > traceroute yodel.com
traceroute: Warning: yodel.com has multiple addresses; using
traceroute: Warning: Multiple interfaces found; using @ igb0
traceroute to yodel.com (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
1 router.pluribusnetworks.com ( 0.712 ms 0.636 ms 0.659 ms
2 ( 0.704 ms 0.654 ms 0.613 ms
3 xe-8-0-0-3465-sur01.santaclara.ca.sfba.comcast.net ( 1.117 ms 1.102 ms 1.093 ms
4 te-0-10-0-2-ar01.sfsutro.ca.sfba.comcast.net ( 3.343 ms 3.859 ms 3.959 ms
5 he-0-9-0-0-ar01.santaclara.ca.sfba.comcast.net ( 4.360 ms 4.464 ms 4.379 ms
6 * * *
7 be-10910-cr01.sanjose.ca.ibone.comcast.net ( 6.956 ms 7.639 ms 9.245 ms
8 ( 6.606 ms 6.567 ms 6.728 ms
9 * * *
10 * * *
11 ( 30.548 ms 135.574 ms 53.269 ms
12 ae-0.pat1.nez.yodel.com ( 55.840 ms ae-6.pat2.nez.yodel.com ( 55.689 ms 55.324 ms
13 ae-1.msr2.ne1.yodel.com ( 54.939 ms ae-1.msr1.ne1.yodel.com ( 58.989 ms ae-0.msr1.ne1.yodel.com ( 40.204 ms
14 ae-1.clr2-a-gdc.ne1.yodel.com ( 55.725 ms unknown-98-138-97-x.yodel.com ( 55.829 ms ae-0.clr1-a-gdc.ne1.yodel.com ( 55.886 ms
15 et-18-25.fab3-1-gdc.ne1.yodel.com ( 55.507 ms et-17-1.fab1-1-gdc.ne1.yodel.com ( 40.852 ms et-18-25.fab3-1-gdc.ne1.yodel.com ( 55.513 ms
16 po-17.bas1-7-prd.ne1.yodel.com ( 41.726 ms po-11.bas1-7-prd.ne1.yodel.com ( 63.368 ms po-16.bas2-7-prd.ne1.yodel.com ( 56.676 ms
17 * * *
18 * * *
19 * * *
20 * * *
21 * * *
22 * * *
23 * * *
24 * * *
25 * * *
26 * * *
27 * * *
28 * * *
29 * * *
30 * * *
This command is used to fix the cluster transaction divergence that may occur in one of the nodes of a cluster when the configurations go out-of-synch between the nodes of a cluster.
Syntax transaction-cluster-divergence-fix
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 5.1.2
Usage Use this command to fix the cluster transaction divergence between the nodes of a cluster and roll back the configuration to a common transaction ID number.
This command is used to display fabric transaction numbers. If a failure occurs on the fabric, transactions on nodes in the fabric can become out of synch. Once transactions are out of synch, no further transactions can be executed across the scope of local, fabric, or cluster. Unjoining and rejoining the fabric causes the node to lose configuration.
As part of a single node transaction recovery, you can roll back the transaction number to a previous one.
Syntax transaction-node-show
id id-number |
Displays the ID assigned to the node. |
name name-string |
Displays the node name. |
local-tid local-tid-number |
Displays the local transaction ID. |
fabric-tid fabric-tid-number |
Displays the fabric transaction ID. |
cluster-tid cluster-tid-number |
Displays the cluster transaction ID. |
fabric-changeid fabric-changeid-string |
Displays the fabric unique change ID. |
cluster-changeid cluster-changeid-string |
Displays the cluster unique change ID. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.3
Usage Use this command to roll back the fabric to a specific transaction ID number. This may be necessary to resynchronize the fabric without forcing nodes to unjoin and rejoin the fabric. If multiple nodes are out of synch, you must recover each node separately.
Examples To display transaction node information, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-node-show
switch: ursa-colo-2
id: 150996198
name: ursa-colo-2
local-tid: 15
fabric-tid: 2
cluster-tid: 0
fabric-changeid: 32d986727bc3cbe0826b43d6f71918d68dc6cce4df0c0f6c3f28d78edad55db1
This command is used to roll back the fabric to a specific fabric transaction number. If a failure occurs on the fabric, transactions on nodes in the fabric can become out of synch. Once transactions are out of synch, no further transactions can be executed across the scope of local, fabric, or cluster. Unjoining and rejoining the fabric causes the node to lose configuration.
As part of a single node transaction recovery, you can roll back the transaction number to a previous one.
Syntax transaction-rollback-to transaction-scope local|cluster|fabric tid tid-number
scope local|cluster|fabric |
Specify if you want to rollback the transaction number on a local, cluster, or fabric scope. |
tid tid-number |
Specify the transaction number to rollback the transaction. |
ignore-error|no-ignore-error |
Specify if you want ignore errors when this command is executed. Use with CAUTION. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 2.2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 3.0.0 |
The parameter, ignore-error, added. |
Usage Use this command to roll back the fabric to a specific transaction ID number. This may be necessary to resynchronize the fabric without forcing nodes to unjoin and rejoin the fabric. If multiple nodes are out of synch, you must recover each node separately.
Examples To roll back to the fabric transaction ID to 14, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-rollback-to transaction-scope fabric tid 14
This command produces output only if an error has occurred during the transaction.
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-rollback-to transaction-scope fabric tid 5
Warning: rolled back transactions are unrecoverable unless another fabric node has them. Proceed? [y/n] y
This command is used to roll forward the fabric to a specific fabric transaction number.
Syntax transaction-rollforward-to transaction-scope local|cluster|fabric tid tid-number remote-node fabric-node-name
transaction-scope local|cluster|fabric |
Specify if you want to roll forward the transaction number on a local, cluster, or fabric scope. |
tid tid-number |
Specify the transaction number to roll forward the transaction. |
remote-node fabric-node-name |
Specify the node to rollforward the transaction ID. |
ignore-error|no-ignore-error |
Specify if you want ignore errors when this command is executed. Use with CAUTION. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 2.2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.4 |
The parameter, remote-node, added. |
Version 3.0.0 |
The parameter, ignore-error, added. |
Usage Use this command to roll forward the fabric to a specific transaction ID number. This may be necessary to resynchronize the fabric without forcing nodes to unjoin and rejoin the fabric. If multiple nodes are out of synch, you must recover each node separately.
Examples To roll forward to the fabric transaction ID to 14, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-forward-to scope fabric tid 14
This command produces output only if an error has occurred during the transaction.
This command is used to display information about fabric transaction status for the current node.
Syntax transaction-show
start-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss |
Specify the start time to show transactions. |
end-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss |
Specify the end time to show transactions. |
scope local|cluster|fabric |
Specify if you want to display the transaction numbers on a local, cluster, or fabric scope. |
tid tid-number |
Displays the transaction number. |
start-tid start-tid-number |
Displays the starting transaction ID number. |
end-tid end-tid-number |
Displays the end transaction ID number. |
state start|commit-request|commit-prep|commit|commit-done| abort-start|abort-done|remote-start|remote-commit-request| remote-commit-prep|remote-commit|remote-abort-start|remote-abort-done|undo-info|changeid|reserve|reserve-abort|remote-reserve|remote-reserve-abort|checkpoint-start| checkpoint-done|roll-forward|roll-back|roll-forward-result| roll-back-result|change-no-xact|failure |
Displays the final state of the transaction. Typically, this is a type of commit to indicate that the transaction is completed. Abort indicates that the transaction did not complete. |
command command-string |
Displays the command used by the transaction code to roll forward the transaction. |
local-command local-command-string |
Displays commands with fields local-scope. |
undo-command undo-command-string |
Displays the command used by the transaction code to roll back the transaction. |
failure failure-string |
Displays the failure message if the error is ignored. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.2.3
Version 2.2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 3.0.0 |
The following parameters added: local-command and failure. Additional states added: oll-forward|roll-back|roll-forward- |
Usage Use this command to display the changes that occur when the transaction-rollforward-to or transaction-rollback-to commands are used. This may be necessary to resynchronize the fabric without forcing nodes to unjoin and rejoin the fabric. If multiple nodes are out of synch, you must recover each node separately.
The scope parameter indicates which set of transactions to display as each scope has an independent set of transactions associated with it. The default scope is fabric unless another scope is specified.
You cannot copy and paste commands and undo-commands because they include information that cannot apply to new commands. These fields are informational-only and allow you to see exactly what happens to the configuration when you roll forward or roll back the transaction ID.
Once you decide which node you want to modify and the transaction that you want to roll forward or roll back, you use the transaction-rollforward-to or transaction-rollback-to commands to re-run the command (roll forward) or undo the command (rollback) on the node. This applies only to the local node.
Examples To display information about transactions, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-show
CLI (network-admin@pleiades24) > transaction-show scope fabric
start-time: 14:51:29
tid: 1
state: commit-done
command: vnet-create id a000014:1 name vnet1 scope fabric vrg a000014:0 vlans 5 config-admin vnet_mgr_id a000014:0 vnet_mgr_zone_id a000014:1 vnet_mgr_location 167772180 vrg_created_by_vnet true admin_role a000014:400
start-time: 14:51:45
tid: 2
state: commit-done
command: vnet-manager-interface-add vnet-manager-name vnet1-mgr nic eth0.11 ip netmask 24 vlan 11 no-exclusive nic-enable vrrp-priority 255
start-time: 14:51:51
tid: 3
state: commit-done
command: vlan-create id 11 scope fabric stats
You can modify transaction settings to automatically recover missed transactions.
Syntax transaction-settings-modify
allow-offline-cluster-nodes|no-allow-offline-cluster-nodes |
Specify if you want to allow transaction to proceed even if a cluster is offline. |
auto-recover|no-auto-recover |
Specify if you want to automatically recover missed transactions. |
auto-recovery-retry-time duration:#d#h#m#s |
Specify the retry time for transaction auto-recover. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.4 |
The parameter, allow-offline-cluster-nodes, added. |
Usage Use this command to automatically recover transactions on the fabric.
Examples To set the recovery to automatic, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-settings-modify auto-recover
You can display transaction settings that automatically recover missed transactions.
Syntax transaction-settings-show
allow-offline-cluster-nodes|no-allow-offline-cluster-nodes |
Specify if you want to allow transaction to proceed even if a cluster is offline. |
auto-recover|no-auto-recover |
Specify if you want to automatically recover missed transactions. |
auto-recovery-retry-time duration:#d#h#m#s |
Specify the retry time for transaction auto-recover. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 2.3 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.4 |
The parameter, allow-offline-cluster-nodes, added. |
Usage Use this command to display transaction settings.
Examples To display the transaction settings, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > transaction-settings-show