
Netvisor uses this command to displays information about the platform system diagnostics.

Syntax   system-diagnostics-show

name bios|system|cpu|memory|asicErrors|all

Specify the area of the platform to display. The default value is all.

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 3.0.0.

Usage   Use this command to display information about platform system areas.

Examples  To display system diagnostics, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-diagnostics-show

# dmidecode 2.12

SMBIOS 2.8 present.


Handle 0x0000, DMI type 0, 24 bytes

BIOS Information

   Vendor: American Megatrends Inc.

   Version: 5.6.5

   Release Date: 11/20/2014

   Address: 0xF0000

   Runtime Size: 64 kB

   ROM Size: 6144 kB



This command allows you to modify system settings to optimize Netvisor performance.

Syntax   system-settings-modify


Enable or disable ARP optimization. This feature is ON by default. When ON, the Netvisor sends all ARP requests and Gratuitous ARP requests to the local CPU of the corresponding switch, and responds to ARP requests on behalf of the intended ARP targets. This feature corresponds to an ARP-proxy function on the corresponding switch. It is assumed that ARP requests and Gratuitous ARP requests are used by Netvisor to learn the MAC address to IPv4 address mapping, as well as Unknown Unicast and Broadcast traffic when the parameters, manage-unknown-unicast or manage-broadcast are ON. When OFF, the Netvisor learns and bridges ARP requests on the switch ASIC instead of relying on the local CPU.


Enable or disable LLDP discovery.


Enable or disable policy-based routing.


Enable or disable Neighbor Discovery optimization. This feature is ON by default. When ON, Netvisor sends all Neighbor Solicitations and Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements to the local CPU of the corresponding switch, responds to Neighbor Solicitation requests on behalf of the intended ND targets themselves. This feature corresponds to an ND-proxy function on the corresponding switch. Neighbor Solicitations and Unsolicited Neighbor Advertisements are used by Netvisor to learn the MAC address to IPv6 address mapping, as well as Unknown Unicast and Broadcast traffic when tthe parameters, manage-unknown-unicast or manage-broadcast are ON. When OFF, theNetvisor learns and bridges Neighbor Solicitations on the switch ASIC instead of relying on Netvisor.


Enable or disable reactivation of aged out MAC entries. This feature is ON by default. When ON, if a vPort entry is looked up and found as inactive, the corresponding l2-table entry is re-activated on the switch. When OFF, the traffic is flooded on the corresponding broadcast domain by theNetvisor. Please note that l2-table entries are refreshed on the Ethernet switch ASIC every time it is used, otherwise it is removed after a time of inactivity corresponding to configured aging period. Requires unknown-unicast to be enabled.


Enable or disable enable reactivation of MAC entries over VXLAN tunnels.


Enable or disable unknown unicast management. This feature is ON by default. Netvisor sends all unknown-unicast traffic to the local CPU of the corresponding switch. Netvisor learns the source of unknown-unicast packets and floods the packets on the corresponding unknown-unicast domain. When OFF, all unknown-unicast traffic is flooded on the corresponding unknown-unicast domain by the switch instead of relying on Netvisor.


Enable or disable broadcast management. This feature is ON by default. Netvisor sends all broadcast traffic to the local CPU of the corresponding switch. Netvisor learns the source of broadcast packets and floods the packets on the corresponding broadcast domain. When OFF, all unicast traffic is flooded on the corresponding broadcast domain by the switch instead of relying on Netvisor.


Enable or disable loop blocking.


Enable or disable auto trunking.


Enable or disable host auto bundling.


Enable or disable active-active cluster routing.


Enable or disable fast route download from routesnoop.


Enable or disable fast router interface lookup.


Enable or disable routing to VLAGs from cluster links.

optimize-datapath disable|cluster-only|all

Optimize the datapath on ONVL switches with no rear-facing NIC.

source-mac-miss to-cpu|copy-to-cpu

Control unknown source MAC address learn behavior.


Enable or disable CPU class.


Use Layer 2 or Layer 3 tables for IGMP snooping.

vle-tracking-timeout seconds

Specify VLE tracking timeout in seconds from 3 to 30 seconds.


Enable or disable the USB port on the front of the switch. This is only applicable to switches with ONVL.

pfc-buffer-limit pfc-buffer-limit-string

Percentage of global system buffer space allowed for PFC.


Specify if you want to adjust queue weights automatically.


Specifies lossless mode.


Specify if you want to stagger sending IGMP queries on the network.

qsfp28-port-mode none|6x40G|4x100G

configure the QSFP28 port mode as 6x40G or 4x100G.


Specify if you want to enable refreshing host ARP entries to keep L2 entries active.


Enable or disable proxy connection retry.

proxy-conn-max-retry integer

Specify the maximum number of proxy connection retry attempts from 0 to 20.

proxy-conn-retry-interval mseconds

Specify the number of milliseconds, from 100 to 2000,   to wait between proxy connection retry attempts.


Specify the logging mode.


Enable or disable L2 Unknown Unicast Drop towards data port.


Enable or disable processing of port modules that do not support RXLOS.


Enable or disable receiver link debug.


Enable or disable BFD path optimization.

linkscan-interval 10000..1000000

Program the link scan interval. The default value is 150000.

Defaults   All parameters enabled by default.

Access   Network Administrator


Version 2.5.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.5.3

The parameters, auto-host-trunk, and cluster-active-active-routing added.

Version 2.6.0

The parameters, policy-based-routing, auto-vlag-bundle, lldp, block-loops, source-mac-miss, cpu-class, igmp-snooping and usb added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters, stagger-queries, cosq-weight-auto and vle-tracking-timeout, added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameters, host-refresh, proxy-conn-retry, proxy-conn-max-retry, proxy-conn-retry-interval, added.

Version 5.1.0

The parameter, nvos-debug-logging|no-nvos-debug-logging, added.

Version 5.2.0

The parameter, fastpath-bfd|no-fastpath-bfd, added

Usage   Use this command to enable or disable system settings. However, it is recommended that you do not modify the settings without consulting Pluribus Networks.

Examples  To disable auto-trunking, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-settings-modify no-auto-trunk


This command is used to display information about system statistics.

Syntax   system-stats-show

time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specifies a specific time and date to display statistics.

start-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specifies the start time of the system stats.

end-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specifies the end time of the system stats.

duration duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the duration in the format #d#h#m#s

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the number of seconds to reprint the system stats to the CLI.

older-than duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies stats older than a specific duration.

within-last duration: #d#h#m#s s

Specifies stats that occurred within the last duration.

uptime duration: #d#h#m#s

Specifies the uptime of the switch.

paging paging-number

Specifies the number pages collected.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2.1

Command introduced.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, cpu-total, added.

Usage   Use this command to display system statistics.

Examples  To display system statistics, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-stats-show format all layout vertical

switch:        draco-dev01

uptime:        9m35s

used-mem:      50%

used-mem-val:  3.80G

used-swap:     0%

used-swap-val: 0

paging:        0

cpu-user:      30%

cpu-sys:       16%

cpu-total:     47%

cpu-idle:      52%


This command allows you to display system settings that optimize Netvisor performance.

Syntax   system-settings-show


Enable or disable ARP optimization.


Enable or disable LLDP discovery.


Enable or disable policy-based routing.


Enable or disable Neighbor Discovery optimization.


Enable or disable reactivation of aged out MAC entries.


Enable or disable enable reactivation of MAC entries over VXLAN tunnels.


Enable or disable unknown unicast management.


Enable or disable broadcast management.


Enable or disable loop blocking.


Enable or disable auto trunking.


Enable or disable host auto bundling.


Enable or disable active-active cluster routing.


Enable or disable fast route download from routesnoop.


Enable or disable fast router interface lookup.


Enable or disable routing to VLAGs from cluster links.

optimize-datapath disable|cluster-only|all

Optimize the datapath on ONVL switches with no rear-facing NIC.

source-mac-miss to-cpu|copy-to-cpu

Control unknown source MAC address learn behavior.


Enable or disable CPU class.


Use Layer 2 or Layer 3 tables for IGMP snooping.

vle-tracking-timeout seconds

Specify VLE tracking timeout in seconds from 3 to 30 seconds.


Enable or disable the USB port on the front of the switch. This is only applicable to switches with ONVL.

pfc-buffer-limit pfc-buffer-limit-string

Percentage of global system buffer space allowed for PFC.


Specify if you want to adjust queue weights automatically.


Specifies lossless mode.


Specify if you want to stagger sending IGMP queries on the network.

qsfp28-port-mode none|6x40G|4x100G

configure the QSFP28 port mode as 6x40G or 4x100G.


Specify if you want to enable refreshing host ARP entries to keep L2 entries active.


Enable or disable proxy connection retry.

proxy-conn-max-retry integer

Specify the maximum number of proxy connection retry attempts from 0 to 20.

proxy-conn-retry-interval mseconds

Specify the number of milliseconds, from 100 to 2000,   to wait between proxy connection retry attempts.


Specify the logging mode.


Enable or disable L2 Unknown Unicast Drop towards data port.


Enable or disable processing of port modules that do not support RXLOS.


Enable or disable receiver link debug.


Enable or disable BFD path optimization.

linkscan-interval 10000..1000000

Program the link scan interval. The default value is 150000.

Defaults   All parameters enabled by default.

Access   Network Administrator


Version 2.5.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.5.3

The parameters, auto-host-trunk, and cluster-active-active-routing added.

Version 2.6.0

The parameters, policy-based-routing, auto-vlag-bundle, lldp, block-loops, source-mac-miss, cpu-class, igmp-snooping and usb added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters, stagger-queries, cosq-weight-auto and vle-tracking-timeout, added.

Version 3.1.0

The parameters, host-refresh, proxy-conn-retry, proxy-conn-max-retry, proxy-conn-retry-interval, added.

Version 5.2.0

The parameter, fastpath-bfd|no-fastpath-bfd, added.

Usage   Use this command to display system settings. However, it is recommended that you do not modify the settings without consulting Pluribus Networks.

Examples  To display system settings, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-settings-show

switch:                        Spine1

optimize-arps:                 on

optimize-nd:                   on

reactivate-mac:                on

manage-unknown-unicast:        on

manage-broadcast:              on

auto-trunk:                    on

routing-over-vlags:            on


This command is used to modify the settings for collecting switch stats.

Syntax   switch-stats-settings-modify enable|disable interval duration: #d#h#m#s disk-space disk-space-number

Specify one or more of the following options:


Specify if you want to enable or disable collecting information about the switch status.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify an interval duration to collect status information.

disk-space disk-space-number

Specify the disk size for the status information.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 2.1.

Usage   Use this command to modify the settings for collecting status information on the switch.

Examples  To modify the disk space to 4GB, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-stats-settings-modify disk-space 4g


This command is used to display the settings for collecting switch statistics.

Syntax   system-stats-settings-show enable|disable interval duration: #d#h#m#s disk-space disk-space-number

Specify one or more of the following options:


Specify if you want to enable or disable collecting information about the switch status.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify an interval duration to collect status information.

disk-space disk-space-number

Specify the disk size for the status information.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 2.1.

Usage   Use this command to display the settings for collecting statistics on the switch.

Examples  To modify the disk space to 4Gb, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > system-stats-settings-show

switch:     pleiades24

enable:     yes

interval:   1m

disk-space: 50M