
This command is used to create port associations and assign policies to them. Port association groups are used to enable switch failover. It requires a 10G link between two switches.

Caution!Using the virtual-wire parameter places the switch into the Virtual Wire mode and disables other features on the switch. This parameter requires a license. Please contact your sales person or local partner for more information.

Syntax   port-association-create

name name-string

Specify a name for the port association.

master-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as master ports.

slave-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as slave ports.


Specify if you want the associated ports to form a “virtual wire”. Once you put the switch into virtual wire mode, you disable all other features on the switch.


Specify if you want the port state tracking to be bi-directional or not.

policy all-masters|any-master

Specify a policy for the port association. The default is all-masters.

monitor-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports not used by port association to monitor.


Specify if you want to enable port association in hardware.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.2.6

Command introduced.

Version 2.4

The parameter, virtual-wire, and bidir added.

Version 2.5.2

The parameter, monitor-ports port-list, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, enable, added.

Usage   Use this command to create port associations.

Examples  To create a port association, ports-assoc, with a master port list of ports 11-12, and slave port list of 45-46, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-create name ports-assoc master-ports 11-12 slave-ports 45-46


This command is used to delete port associations.

Syntax   port-association-delete name name-string 

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command added in Version 2.2.6.

Usage   Use this command to delete port associations.

Examples  To delete a port association, ports-assoc, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-delete name ports-assoc


This command is used to modify port associations.

Syntax   port-association-modify

name name-string

Specify a name for the port association.

Specify one or more of the following options:

master-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as master ports.

slave-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as slave ports.

policy all-masters|any-master

Specify a policy for the port association. The default is all-masters.


Specify if you want the associated ports to form a “virtual wire”. Once you put the switch into virtual wire mode, you disable all other features on the switch.


Specify if you want the port state tracking to be bi-directional or not.

monitor-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports not used by port association to monitor.


Specify if you want to enable port association in hardware.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.2.6

Command introduced.

Version 2.4

The parameter, virtual-wire, and bidir added.

Version 2.5.2

The parameter, monitor-ports port-list, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, enable, added.

Usage   Use this command to modify port associations.

Examples  To modify a port association, ports-assoc, and change the slave port list to 71-72, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-modify name ports-assoc slave-ports 71-72


Use this command to display port associations.

Syntax   port-association-show

name name-string

Specify a name for the port association.

master-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as master ports.

slave-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports to act as slave ports.

policy all-masters|any-master

Specify a policy for the port association.


Specify if you want the associated ports to form a “virtual wire”. Once you put the switch into virtual wire mode, you disable all other features on the switch.


Specify if you want the port state tracking to be bi-directional or not.

monitor-ports port-list

Specify a list of ports not used by port association to monitor.


Specify if you want to enable port association in hardware.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.2.6

Command introduced.

Version 2.4

The parameter, virtual-wire, and bidir added.

Version 2.5.2

The parameter, monitor-ports port-list, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, enable, added.

Usage   Use this command to display port associations.

Examples  To display a port association, ports-assoc, with a master port list of ports 11-12, and slave port list of 45-46, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-show name ports-assoc


The Inline Service feature manages service chains for Layer 1 Virtual Wire switches. The term, Inline Services, refers to services attached to a Layer 1 Virtual Wire switch such as Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) Prevention.

When an Inline Service fails, a policy determines if traffic is allowed to bypass the Inline Services or if the traffic is blocked until the Inline Services recovers.

This command is used to add a port association service.

Syntax   port-association-service-add

port-association-name name-string

Displays the name of the port association to apply the service.

switch name-string

Displays the switch name where the service is located.

inline-service inline-service-name

Displays the name of the Inline Service.

order number

Displays a number to designate the order of the service. This is a value between 1 and 65535

policy-action fail-open|fail-closed

Displays a policy action when the service fails on the network.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to add a port association service.

Examples  To add a port association service on leaf1, inline-service, NGFW, order 1, and fail-policy fail-open, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-service-add port-association-name CHAIN switch leaf1 inline-service NGFW order 1 fail-policy fail-open


The Inline Service feature manages service chains for Layer 1 Virtual Wire switches. The term, Inline Services, refers to services attached to a Layer 1 Virtual Wire switch such as Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) Prevention.

When an Inline Service fails, a policy determines if traffic is allowed to bypass the Inline Services or if the traffic is blocked until the Inline Services recovers.

This command is used to modify a port association service.

Syntax   port-association-service-modify

port-association-name name-string

Displays the name of the port association to apply the service.

switch name-string

Displays the switch name where the service is located.

inline-service inline-service-name

Displays the name of the Inline Service.

order number

Displays a number to designate the order of the service. This is a value between 1 and 65535

policy-action fail-open|fail-closed

Displays a policy action when the service fails on the network.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to add a port association service.

Examples  To modify a port association service and change the inline-service to IDS, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-service-modify port-association-name CHAIN inline-service NGFW


The Inline Service feature manages service chains for Layer 1 Virtual Wire switches. The term, Inline Services, refers to services attached to a Layer 1 Virtual Wire switch such as Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) Prevention.

When an Inline Service fails, a policy determines if traffic is allowed to bypass the Inline Services or if the traffic is blocked until the Inline Services recovers.

This command is used to remove a port association service.

Syntax   port-association-service-add

port-association-name name-string

Displays the name of the port association to apply the service.

switch name-string

Displays the switch name where the service is located.

inline-service inline-service-name

Displays the name of the Inline Service.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to remove a port association service.

Examples  To remove a port association service on leaf1, inline-service, NGFW, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-service-remove port-association-name CHAIN switch leaf1 inline-service NGFW


The Inline Service feature manages service chains for Layer 1 Virtual Wire switches. The term, Inline Services, refers to services attached to a Layer 1 Virtual Wire switch such as Next-Generation Firewall (NGFW), Intrusion Detection System (IDS), Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Distributed Denial of Service attack (DDoS) Prevention.

When an Inline Service fails, a policy determines if traffic is allowed to bypass the Inline Services or if the traffic is blocked until the Inline Services recovers.

This command is used to display information about a port association service.

Syntax   port-association-service-show

port-association-name name-string

Displays the name of the port association to apply the service.

switch name-string

Displays the switch name where the service is located.

inline-service inline-service-name

Displays the name of the Inline Service.

order number

Displays a number to designate the order of the service. This is a value between 1 and 65535

policy-action fail-open|fail-closed

Displays a policy action when the service fails on the network.

Defaults   None

Access   Network Administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 2.6.0.

Usage   Use this command to display information about a port association service.

Examples  To display information about a port association service, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-association-service-show