
You can modify the buffer utilization settings for ports on a switch.

Syntax   port-buffer-settings-modify

Specify one or more of the following options:


Specify if you want to disable port buffering. Port buffering is enabled by default.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify the interval for buffering on the port.

disk-space disk-space-number

Specify the disk space for storing the buffer.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.2.1.

Usage   In some cases, you may want to buffer packets leaving and entering the ports on the switch.

Examples  To modify the interval from the default value of 1 minute to 2 minutes, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-buffer-settings-modify interval 2m


You can display the buffer utilization settings for ports on a switch.

Syntax   port-buffer-settings-show

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.2.1.

Usage   In some cases, you may want to buffer packets leaving and entering the ports on the switch.

Examples  To display the buffer information, use following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-buffer-settings-show

switch:     Spine-1

enable:     yes

interval:   1m

disk-space: 50M


You can display the buffer utilization, percentage and size, for ports on a switch.

Syntax   port-buffer-show

time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specify a time to display port buffering.

start-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specify a start time to display port buffering.

end-time date/time: yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss

Specify an end time to display port buffering.

duration duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify a duration to display port buffering.

interval duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify an interval to display port buffering.


Specify a start time to display port buffering.

older-than duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify an older-than time period to display port buffering.

within-last duration: #d#h#m#s

Specify a within last time period to display port buffering.

port port-list

Specify a port list.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.2.1.

Usage   In some cases, you may want to buffer packets leaving and entering the ports on the switch.

Examples  To display the buffer information, use following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-buffer-show format all layout vertical

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 65

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 66

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 69

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 70

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 71

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

switch:               Pleiades24

port:                 72

ingress-used-buf:     0%

ingress-used-buf-val: 0

egress-used-buf:      0%

egress-used-buf-val:  0

Port Configuration Commands


This command is used to modify port settings on the switch.

Syntax   port-config-modify

port port-list

Specify a single port or a list of ports.

Note: If more than one port is specified, the list must be comma-separated without spaces.

Specify any of the following options:

intf intf-number

Specify a physical interface for the port.

speed disable|10m|100m|1g|

Specify the port speed. Ports configured for speeds of 1G must be equipped with SFP transceivers. Ports configured for 10G or higher must be equipped with SFP+ or QSFP+ transceivers.

egress-rate-limit unlimited

Specify an egress rate limit for the port.

eth-mode 1000base-x|sgmii|xlaui|gmii|sfi|xfi|cx|kr4|sr4|lr4|er4|cr4|kx4|kx4|caui4|kr2|er2|cr2|sr2|lr2|xlaui2|cx2|sr|lr|er|cr|kx|kr|r|base-x|sys-default

Specify the Ethernet mode as 1000 base or Serial Gigabit Media Independent Interface (SGMII).


Specify if the port auto-negotiates the port speed with a peer.


Specify if the port forwards jumbo frames. Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more than 1500 bytes of payload.


Specify if the port is enabled and forwards or drops frames.

lacp-priority integer

Specify the LACP priority for the port. If you specify a low value for the priority, the port has a higher priority. This is a value between 1 and 65535.


Specify if the port reflects frames received for loopback testing.


Specify if the port connects to another Pluribus Networks device or is an uplink to a third-party switch or host.


Specify if you want to pause traffic on the port.

description description-string

Specify a description for the port.


Specify to use loopback or no loopback.


Specify if a VXLAN terminates on a port.


Specify if the port receives mirrored traffic only.

port-mac-address mac-address 

Specify the MAC address for the physical port.

loop-vlans vlan-list

Specifies VLANs that are looping on the network.

send-port send-port-number

Specify the port to send traffic.


Specify if the port is participating in routing on the switch.


Specify if you want to delay port activation.


Specify if you want host-facing ports enabled or disabled.


Specify if you want CRC checking performed by the port. This is applicable to a switch in Virtual Wire mode. The default value is crc-check-disable.

dscp-map dscp-map name | none

Specify a DSCP map name to enable on port.


Specify if local switching is allowed on the port.

allowed-tpid vlan|q-in-q|q-in-q-old

Specify the allowed TPID in addition to 0x8100 on VLAN header


Specify if you want loop detection enabled on the port.


Specify to enable port forward correction error (FEC) mode.


Defaults   The default port speed is 10G per second. Autonegotiation and jumbo frames are disabled by default. The port is enabled by default.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 1.2.6

The optional parameters for LACP added.

Version 2.1

The parameters, loopback, mirror-receive, port-mac-address, vlag-failover, and send-port added. The parameter, lacp-mode, deprecated.

Version 2.2.6

The parameter, egress-rate-limit, introduced.

Version 2.3

The parameters, rem-rswitch-port-mac, and routing|no-routing added.

Version 2.4

The parameter, host-enable, and loop-vlans added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter, rem-port-mac-address, deprecated. The parameter, intf, added.

Version 2.5.2

The parameter, crc-check-enable|crc-check-disable, introduced.

Version 2.5.3

The parameters, reflect|no-reflect, vxlan-termination, dscp-map, and local-switching added.

Version 2.6.0

The parameter, fabric-guard, and allowed-tpid, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, bw-bps, added.

Version 5.1.0

The following parameter deprecated:


The following parameters introduced:

• additional Ethernet modes

• defer-bringup|no-defer-bringup


Usage   Server-switches are equipped with network data ports for host or inter-switch communication. This command configures the settings of a specific network data port of all data ports on the local switch.

Examples  To configure port 17 on a switch to operate at 1 Gbps without jumbo frames, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-config-modify port 17 speed 1G autoneg off jumbo off


This command is used to display port settings on the switch.

Syntax   port-config-show

intf intf-number

Displays the interface number.

name name-string

If configured, displays the name of the port. Otherwise, the field is blank.

port port-list

Displays a port or list of ports.

speed disable|10m|100m|1g|2.5g|10g|25g|40g|50g|100g

Displays the port speed. Ports configured for speeds of 1G must be equipped with SFP transceivers. Ports configured for 10G or higher must be equipped with SFP+ or QSFP+ transceivers.

egress-rate-limit unlimited

Displays the egress rate limit for the port.

bw-bps bw-bps-number 

Specify the bandwidth bps for the port.

eth-mode 1000base-x|sgmii|disabled|1000base-kx|2500base-x|6Gbase-kr|6Gbase-cr|10Gbase-kr|10Gbase-cr|10Gbase-sr|AN-73|Xaui|10Gbase-kx4|10Gbase-cx4|24Gbase-kr4|24Gbase-cr4|40Gbase-kr4|XLaui|40Gbase-cr4|40Gbase-sr4|

Displays the Ethernet mode.


Displays if the port auto-negotiates the port speed with a peer.


Displays if the port forwards jumbo frames. Jumbo frames are Ethernet frames with more than 1500 bytes of payload.


Displays if the port is enabled and forwards or drops frames.

lacp-priority integer

Displays the LACP priority for the port. This is a value between 1 and 65535 with a default value of 32768.


Displays if the port reflects frames received for loopback testing.


Displays if the port connects to another Pluribus Networks device or is an uplink to a third-party switch or host.


Displays if the port traffic is paused or not.

description description-string

Displays a description for the port.


Displays to use loopback or no loopback.


Displays if a VXLAN terminates on a port.


Displays if you want the port to receive mirrored traffic only.

vle vle name

Displays the VLE on this port.

trunk-hw-id trunk-hw-id-number

DisplaysDisplaysDisplays the trunk hardware ID assigned..

trunk trunk-name

Displays the trunk name for the port.

vlag vlag-name

Displays the VLAG for the port.

send-port send-port-number

Displays the port number to send in packets.

loop-vlans vlan-list

Displays the VLANs that are looping on the network.


Displays if the port is participating in routing on the switch.


Displays if you want host-facing ports enabled or disabled.


Displays if you want CRC checking performed by the port. This is applicable to a switch in Virtual Wire mode. The default value is crc-check-disable.


Specify if you want to delay port activation.

dscp-map dscp-map name | none

Displays a DSCP map name to enable on port.


Displays if local switching is allowed on the port.

rhost rhost-string

Displays the physical remote host.

allowed-tpid q-in-q|q-in-q-old

Specify the allowed TPID in addition to 0x8100 on VLAN header


Displays if you want loop detection enabled on the port.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 1.2.6

The optional parameters for LACP added.

Version 2.1

The parameters, loopback, mirror-receive, vlag-failover, and send-port added.

Version 2.2.6

The parameter, egress-rate-limit, introduced.

Version 2.3.1

Multiple parameters for LACP added.

Version 2.4

The parameter, host-enable, and loop-vlans added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameters, lacp-fallback, lacp-fallback-timeout and lacp-individual deprecated.

Version 2.5.2

The parameter, crc-check-enable|crc-check-disable, introduced.

Version 2.5.3

The parameters, reflect|no-reflect, vxlan-termination, dscp-map, and local-switching added.

Version 2.6.0

The parameter, fabric-guard, and allowed-tpid, added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter, bw-bps, added.

Version 5.1.0

The following parameter deprecated:


The following parameters introduced:

• additional Ethernet modes

• defer-bringup|no-defer-bringup


Usage   Server-switches are equipped with network data ports for host or inter-switch communication. This command configures the settings of a specific network data port of all data ports on the local switch.

Examples  To display information about all ports on a switch, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > port-config-show

switch:                pleiades25

intf:                  10


port:                  10

speed:                 10g

autoneg:               off

jumbo:                 off

enable:                on

lacp-priority:         32768

reflect:               off

edge-switch:           no

pause:                 no


loopback:              default

mirror_only:           default

rswitch-default-vlan:  0

port-mac-address:      06:b0:00:02:30:0a