This command is used to import product identification used with software licenses.
Syntax software-license-import-product-ids
pid-file sftp-files name |
Specify the name of the product ID file to import into the switch. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.0.
Usage To license a switch, you must import the product ID file.
Examples To import the product ID file named, nvos-pids, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-license-import-product-ids pid-file sftp-files nvos-pids
This command is used to install software licenses on the switches.
Syntax software-license-install
key key-string |
Specify the key string for the license. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.0.
Usage Some features in Netvisor require license keys in order to activate them.
Examples To install the license key, 9887437728289472972897ghg, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-license-install key 9887437728289472972897ghg
This command is used to display information about software licenses installed on the switch.
Syntax software-license-show
license-id license-id-string |
Specifies the license ID string. |
id id-number |
Specifies the ID. |
description description-string |
Specifies the description of the license. |
prompt prompt-string |
Specifies the prompt string. |
key key-string |
Specifies the generated keys. |
feature feature-string |
Specifies the licensed features. |
upgrade yes|no] |
Specifies if the license is upgradeable. |
upgrade-from upgrade-from-string |
Specifies the software version to upgrade from. |
sysconfig yes|no |
Specifies the system configuration. |
pending yes|no |
Specifies if the verification of the license is pending. |
pid-file sftp-files name |
Specifies the PID file name. |
expires-on expires-on-string |
Specifies the expiration date. |
Specifies the license status. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 2.1.
Usage Use this command to display information about software licenses installed on a switch.
Examples To display the license information, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@pleiades25) > software-license-show
switch: pleiades25
license-id: F-ASDF-NVOS2.0
description: Freedom F-Line Advanced Software Defined Fabric License for Netvisor 2.x
key: sung,decrypt,true,airdrop
feature: all
This command is used to modify software update settings.
Syntax software-modify
Specify one or more of the following options: |
reboot-group software-reboot-group name |
Specify the reboot group membership for this switch. The option, none, clears the membership. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.1.2 |
autoupgrade|no-autoupgrade deprecated. |
Version 2.4.1 |
The parameter, phone-home, deprecated. The parameter, reboot-group, added. |
Version 5.1.0 |
The following parameters deprecated: • track • use-proxy • proxy-host • proxy-port |
Usage A switch can contact an upgrade server, either directly or through a proxy, to configure another version of the OS. This command modifies the configuration of the OS upgrade process of the local switch.
Examples To enable the local switch to create a reboot group, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-modify reboot-group new-version
This command is used to display the currently running version of the software on the local switch.
Syntax software-show
Defaults None.
Access CLI
History Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.
Usage This command displays the currently running version of the software installed on the local switch
Examples To display the software version installed on the local switch, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-show
version: 5.1.2-5010215459
software-track-show (deprecated)
Version 1.2.1 |
Command introduced. |
Version 5.1.0 |
Command deprecated. |
This command is used to upgrade the operating system on the switch.
Syntax software-upgrade package sftp-files-name upload-server upload-server-string
package sftp-files-name |
Specify the file names for the software upgrade. |
upload-server upload-server-string |
Specify if you want to upload the configuration file a SFTP server.. |
Defaults None.
Access CLI
Version 1.2.1 |
Command introduced. |
Version 3.1.0 |
The parameter, upload-server, added. |
Usage A switch can contact an upgrade server, either directly or through a proxy, to configure another version of the OS. This command launches the OS upgrade process on the local switch.
Examples To launch the OS upgrade process on the local switch, use the following command:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-upgrade package release-2.4
This command is used to display the status of a software upgrade on a switch.
Syntax software-upgrade-status-show
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced Version 2.2
Usage You can use this command to track the status of a software upgrade on a switch.
Examples To view the status of a software upgrade, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-upgrade-status-show
log: No upgrade in progress.
This command is used to modify the sequence in which a group of switches that reboot at the same time after a fabric upgrade.
Syntax software-reboot-sequence-modify sequence sequence-string
sequence sequence-string |
Specify reboot order for the reboot groups. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.4.
Usage Use this command to modify the reboot sequence for a group of switches that reboot at the same time.
Examples To modify the reboot order, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-reboot-sequence-modify sequence 1-4
This command is used to create a group of switches that reboot at the same time after a fabric upgrade.
Syntax software-reboot-group-create
name name-string |
Specify a name for reboot group. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.4.
Usage Use this command to create a group of switches to reboot at the same time.
Examples To create a group named sw-reboot-1, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-reboot-group-create name sw-reboot-1
This command is used to delete a group of switches that reboot at the same time after a fabric upgrade.
Syntax software-reboot-group-delete
name name-string |
Specify a name for reboot group. |
force|no-force |
Specify if you want to force the removal of a software reboot group with member. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
History Command introduced in Version 2.4.
Usage Use this command to delete a group of switches to reboot at the same time.
Examples To delete a group named sw-reboot-1, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-reboot-group-delete name sw-reboot-1
This command is used to display a group of switches that reboot at the same time after a fabric upgrade.
Syntax software-reboot-group-show
sequence sequence-number |
Specifies the number indicating the position in the reboot sequence. |
name name-string |
Specifies a name for reboot group. |
force|no-force |
Specifies if you force the removal of a software reboot group. |
switch switch-string |
Specifies the switch name for a member. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 2.4 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.4.1 |
The parameters, sequence, force, and switch added. |
Usage Use this command to display a group of switches that reboot at the same time.
Examples To display a group named sw-reboot-1, use the following syntax:
CLI network-admin@switch > software-reboot-group-show name sw-reboot-1