
This command displays information about the switch.

Syntax   switch-info-show

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2.1

Command introduced.

Version 3.0.0

Parameters for disk information added.

Usage   Use this command to display information about the switch.

Examples  To display information about the switch, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-info-show

switch:              draco-dev01

model:               S6000-ON

chassis-serial:      1741PN8500213

cpu1-type:           Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU S1220   @ 1.60GHz

cpu2-type:           Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU S1220   @ 1.60GHz

cpu3-type:           Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU S1220   @ 1.60GHz

cpu4-type:           Intel(R) Atom(TM) CPU S1220   @ 1.60GHz

system-mem:          7.66G

switch-device:       OK

fan1-status:         OK

fan2-status:         OK

fan3-status:         OK

fan4-status:         OK

fan5-status:         OK

fan6-status:         OK

ps1-status:          OK

ps2-status:          FAULT

disk-model:          16GB SATA Flash Drive                   

disk-firmware:       SFDDA01C

disk-size:           14.9G

disk-type:           Solid State Disk, TRIM Supported

bios-vendor:         American Megatrends Inc.

bios-version:        4.6.5

Informational Note:  The show output information varies from platform to platform.


This command is used to execute CLI commands on the local switch. In some network topologies, complex names may be assigned to switches. switch-local executes commands on a local switch without specifying the switch name.

Syntax   switch-local

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 2.2.6.

Usage   Use this command to execute commands on a local switch. Once you enter a specific CLI command, you can revert to the scope local.

Examples  To execute a command on a local switch, use the following example:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-local port-config

To execute commands on the fabric, enter a command without switch-local specified in the command line.

CLI network-admin@switch > vlan-modify


Netvisor uses this command to change the mode of the switch to store and forward or virtual wire mode.

Syntax   switch-mode-modify

switch-mode store-and-forward|virtual-wire

Specify either store and forward (normal mode) or virtual wire mode. Virtual wire mode accepts only Layer 1 commands.

Access    Network administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 3.0.0.

Usage   Use this command to change the switch mode.

Examples  To change the switch mode from virtual wire to store-and-forward, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-mode-modify switch-mode store-and-forward


Netvisor uses this command to display the mode of the switch to store and forwardor virtual wire mode.

Syntax   switch-mode-show

Defaults   None

Access   Network administrator

History   Command introduced in Version 3.0.0.

Usage   Use this command to display the switch mode.

Examples  To display the switch mode, use the following syntax:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-mode-show

switch:      techpub-accton-2

switch-mode: store-and-forward

switch:      techpub-accton-1

switch-mode: store-and-forward


This command is used to power off the switch.

Syntax   switch-poweroff

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   Use this command to power off the switch.

Examples  To power off the switch, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-poweroff


This command is used to reboot a local switch.

Syntax   switch-reboot

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI - this is a local switch only command.

History   Command introduced in nvOS Version 1.2.1.

Usage   Use this command to reboot the local switch. You cannot execute this command to reboot another switch on the network.

Examples  To reboot the switch, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > switch-reboot