
This command is used to add additional routing protocol configuration to a vRouter.

Syntax   vrouter-interface-config-add

vrouter-name name-string

Specify the vRouter name to add the interface.

Specify the following interface configuration arguments:

nic vrouter-interface-nic

Specify the NIC to add to the interface.

l3-port l3port-usable-port name

Specify a Layer 3 port to add to the interface.

ospf-hello-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF hello interval with a number between 1 and 65535. This configures the interval between sending OSPF hello messages on an interface. The default value is 10.

ospf-dead-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF dead interval with a number between 2 and 65535. This configures the interval in which the vRouter must receive an OSPF hello message before the state of the neighbor changes to down. The default interval is 5.

ospf-retransmit-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF retransmit interval from 3 to 65535 seconds. The default is 5 seconds. (IPv4 orIPv6)

ospf-priority number

Specify the OSPF priority with a number between 0 and 255. A vRouter with a priority of 0 does not participate in the designated router decision. The default value is 1.

ospf-auth-key ospf-auth-key-string

Specify an authorization key string for the vRouter interface.

ospf-cost number

Specify the OSPF cost with a value between 0 and 655365.

ospf-msg-digest-id id

Specify a value between 0and 255. If you specify 0, then OSPF MD5 authentication is not set.

ospf-msg-digest-key ospf-msg-digest-

Specify a string for the OSPF message digest key.


Specify if the OSPF interface is passive or not.

ospf-network-type default|point-to-point

Specify the type of OSPF network.

ospf-bfd default|enable|disable

Specify if BFD protocol support for OSPF fault detection is enabled. The default is Disable.

bfd-interval interval

Specify the desired Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) transmit interval from 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 750 ms. 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 500 ms

bfd-min-rx interval

Specify the required BFD receive interval from 200 milliseconds to 3000 milliseconds. The default value is 750 milliseconds.

bfd-multiplier integer

Specify the BFD detection multiplier from 1 to 20. The default value is 3.


Specify if you want to suppress the transmit of IPv6 router advertisements.

v6-ra-prefix ip-address

Specify the IPv6 prefix to include in router advertisements.

prefix-netmask netmask 

Specify the IPv6 prefix netmask.


Specify if you want the prefix used for IPv6 autoconfiguration.

ra-interval seconds

Specify the interval between router advertisements in seconds with a range of 1 to 1800 seconds.

ra-lifetime seconds 

Specify the time that the vRouter is considered as the default router in seconds with a range of 0 to 9000.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.1

Command introduced.

Version 2.2

The parameter, ospf-cost, added.

Version 2.2.2

The parameters, ospf-msg-digest-key, and ospf-msg-digest-id, added.

Version 2.2.3

The parameters ospf-passive-if and no-ospf-passive-if added.

Version 2.2.6

The parameters, bfd-interval, bfd-min-rx, and bfd-multiplier, added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter, ospf-network-type, added.

Version 2.5

The parameters, nd-suppress-ra, v6-ra-prefix, prefix-netmask, autoconf|no-autoconf, ra-interval, and ra-lifetime added.

Version 2.5.3

The parameter, ospf-bfd default|enable|disable added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters, ospf-retransmit-interval,ra-prefix, ra-interval added.

Version 5.1.3

The parameter, l3-port, added.

Usage   This command is used to add additional routing protocol configuration to a vRouter.

Examples  To add an interface to vRouter, vroute-int, interface eth0.11, hello interval 10, dead interval 20, with priority 5, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-interface-config-add vrouter-name vroute-int nic eth0.11 ospf-hello-interval 10 ospf-dead-interval 20 ospf-priority 5


This command is used to remove additional routing protocol information in a vRouter configuration.

Syntax   vrouter-interface-config-remove vrouter-name name-string nic vrouter-interface-nic

vrouter-name name-string

Specifies the vRouter name on the interface.

Specify the following interface configuration arguments:

nic vrouter-interface-nic

Specifies the NIC to add to the interface.

l3-port l3port-usable-port name

Specifies the Layer 3 port to remove.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI

History   Command introduced in Version 2.1.

Version 2.1

Command introduced.

Version 5.1.3

The parameter, l3-port, added.

Usage   You can use vRouter interfaces to separate traffic on the vRouter.

Examples  To remove an interface on vRouter, vroute-int, with interface eth0.11, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-interface-config-remove vrouter-name vroute-int nic eth0.11


This command is used to modify routing protocol configuration to a vRouter.

Syntax   vrouter-interface-config-modify

vrouter-name name-string

Specify the vRouter name to add the interface.

Specify the following interface configuration arguments:

nic vrouter-interface-nic

Specify the NIC to modify.

l3-port l3port-usable-port name

Specify the Layer 3 port to modify.

ospf-hello-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF hello interval with a number between 1 and 65535. This configures the interval between sending OSPF hello messages on an interface. The default value is 10.

ospf-dead-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF dead interval with a number between 2 and 65535. This configures the interval in which the vRouter must receive an OSPF hello message before the state of the neighbor changes to down. The default interval is 5.

ospf-retransmit-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF retransmit interval from 3 to 65535 seconds. The default is 5 seconds. (IPv4 orIPv6)

ospf-priority number

Specify the OSPF priority with a number between 0 and 255. A vRouter with a priority of 0 does not participate in the designated router decision. The default value is 1.

ospf-auth-key ospf-auth-key-string

Specify an authorization key string for the vRouter interface.

ospf-cost number

Specify the OSPF cost with a value between 0 and 655365.

ospf-msg-digest-id id

Specify a value between 0and 255. If you specify 0, then OSPF MD5 authentication is not set.

ospf-msg-digest-key ospf-msg-digest-key-string

Specify a string for the OSPF message digest key.


Specify if the OSPF interface is passive or not.

ospf-network-type default|point-to-point

Specify the type of OSPF network.

ospf-bfd default|enable|disable

Specify if BFD protocol support for OSPF fault detection is enabled. The default is Disable.

bfd-interval interval

Specify the desired Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) transmit interval from 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 750 ms. 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 500 ms

bfd-min-rx interval

Specify the required BFD receive interval from 200 milliseconds to 3000 milliseconds. The default value is 750 milliseconds.

bfd-multiplier integer

Specify the BFD detection multiplier from 1 to 20. The default value is 3.


Specify if you want to suppress the transmit of IPv6 router advertisements.

v6-ra-prefix ip-address

Specify the IPv6 prefix to include in router advertisements.

prefix-netmask netmask 

Specify the IPv6 prefix netmask.


Specify if you want the prefix used for IPv6 autoconfiguration.

ra-interval seconds

Specify the interval between router advertisements in seconds with a range of 1 to 1800 seconds.

ra-lifetime seconds 

Specify the time that the vRouter is considered as the default router in seconds with a range of 0 to 9000.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.1

Command introduced.

Version 2.2

The parameter, ospf-cost, added.

Version 2.2.2

The parameters, ospf-msg-digest-key, and ospf-msg-digest-id, added.

Version 2.2.3

The parameters ospf-passive-if and no-ospf-passive-if added.

Version 2.2.6

The parameters, bfd-interval, bfd-min-rx, and bfd-multiplier, added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter, ospf-network-type, added.

Version 2.5

The parameters, nd-suppress-ra, v6-ra-prefix, prefix-netmask, autoconf|no-autoconf, ra-interval, and ra-lifetime added.

Version 2.5.3

The parameter, ospf-bfd default|enable|disable added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters, ospf-retransmit-interval,ra-prefix, ra-interval added.

Version 5.1.3

The parameter, l3-port, added.

Usage   This command is used to modify a routing protocol configuration to a vRouter.

Examples  To modify an interface to vRouter, vroute-int, interface eth0.11, hello interval 10, dead interval 20, with priority 5, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-interface-config-modify vrouter-name vroute-int nic eth0.11 ospf-hello-interval 10 ospf-dead-interval 20 ospf-priority 5


This command is used to display routing protocol information on a vRouter.

Syntax   vrouter-interface-config-show

vrouter-name name-string

Specify the vRouter name to add the interface.

Specify the following interface configuration arguments:

nic vrouter-interface-nic

Specify the NIC.

l3-port l3port-usable-port name

Specify the Layer 3 port.

ospf-hello-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF hello interval with a number between 1 and 65535. This configures the interval between sending OSPF hello messages on an interface. The default value is 10.

ospf-dead-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF dead interval with a number between 2 and 65535. This configures the interval in which the vRouter must receive an OSPF hello message before the state of the neighbor changes to down. The default interval is 5.

ospf-retransmit-interval seconds

Specify the OSPF retransmit interval from 3 to 65535 seconds. The default is 5 seconds. (IPv4 orIPv6)

ospf-priority number

Specify the OSPF priority with a number between 0 and 255. A vRouter with a priority of 0 does not participate in the designated router decision. The default value is 1.

ospf-auth-key ospf-auth-key-string

Specify an authorization key string for the vRouter interface.

ospf-cost number

Specify the OSPF cost with a value between 0 and 655365.

ospf-msg-digest-id id

Specify a value between 0and 255. If you specify 0, then OSPF MD5 authentication is not set.

ospf-msg-digest-key ospf-msg-digest-key-string

Specify a string for the OSPF message digest key.


Specify if the OSPF interface is passive or not.

ospf-network-type default|point-to-point

Specify the type of OSPF network.

ospf-bfd default|enable|disable

Specify if BFD protocol support for OSPF fault detection is enabled. The default is Disable.

bfd-interval interval

Specify the desired Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) transmit interval from 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 750 ms. 200 ms to 3000 ms. The default value is 500 ms

bfd-min-rx interval

Specify the required BFD receive interval from 200 milliseconds to 3000 milliseconds. The default value is 750 milliseconds.

bfd-multiplier integer

Specify the BFD detection multiplier from 1 to 20. The default value is 3.


Specify if you want to suppress the transmit of IPv6 router advertisements.

v6-ra-prefix ip-address

Specify the IPv6 prefix to include in router advertisements.

prefix-netmask netmask 

Specify the IPv6 prefix netmask.


Specify if you want the prefix used for IPv6 autoconfiguration.

ra-interval seconds

Specify the interval between router advertisements in seconds with a range of 1 to 1800 seconds.

ra-lifetime seconds 

Specify the time that the vRouter is considered as the default router in seconds with a range of 0 to 9000.

Defaults   None

Access   CLI


Version 2.1

Command introduced.

Version 2.2

The parameter, ospf-cost, added.

Version 2.2.2

The parameters, ospf-msg-digest-key, and ospf-msg-digest-id, added.

Version 2.2.3

The parameters ospf-passive-if and no-ospf-passive-if added.

Version 2.2.6

The parameters, bfd-interval, bfd-min-rx, and bfd-multiplier, added.

Version 2.4.1

The parameter, ospf-network-type, added.

Version 2.5

The parameters, nd-suppress-ra, v6-ra-prefix, prefix-netmask, autoconf|no-autoconf, ra-interval, and ra-lifetime added.

Version 2.5.3

The parameter, ospf-bfd default|enable|disable added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameters, ospf-retransmit-interval,ra-prefix, ra-interval added.

Version 5.1.3

The parameter, l3-port, added

Usage   You can display additional routing information for a vRouter configuration.

Examples  To display the interface, use the following command:

CLI network-admin@switch > vrouter-interface-config-show