
This command is used to display the list of tunnels on the switch.

Syntax   tunnel-show


The ID assigned to the tunnel.

scope local

The scope for the tunnel. Only local scopes are supported.

name name-string

Name of the tunnel.

type ip-in-ip|vxlan|nvgre

The type of tunnel.

vnet vnet-name

Name of the vNET.

vrouter-name vrouter-name

Name of the vRouter service.

peer-vrouter-name vrouter-name

Name of the vRouter service on the cluster peer.

local-ip ip-address

The local IP address.

remote-ip ip-address

The remote IP address.

router-if vrouter-hw-if-name 

The router interface.

tunnel-if-name tunnel-if-name-string

The router interface VNIC name.

next-hop ip-address

The next hop IP address.

next-hop-mac mac-address

The next hop MAC address.

next_hop_vnet vlan-id

The next hop VLAN ID.

nexthop-bd bridge-domain

The next hop bridge domain.

nexthop-vlan 0..4095

The next hop VLAN.

remote-switch fabric-node-name 

The remote switch for the tunnel.

vrid vrid-number

The vRouter hardware ID.

tunnelID tunnelID-number

The tunnel ID.

interface-mac mac-address

The MAC address of the tunnel interface.

interface-vnet vnet name

The vNET name.

bd bridge-domain

The bridge domain name.

interface-vlan vlan-id

The interface VLAN.

active yes|no

The status of the tunnel.

state init|ok|error

The state of the tunnel.


Displays if BFD is configured.

bfd-state unknown|admin-down|down|init|up|no-session|not-replicator-vtep

The state of the BFD session.D

peer-bfd-state unknown|admin-down|down|init|up|no-session|not-replicator-vtep

The peer BFD session state.

error error-string 

The tunnel errors.

route-info route-info-string

The route information.

ecmp-group ecmp-group-number

The ECMP group information.

using-vxlan-loopback yes|no

Displays using VXLAN loopback.

ports port-list

The port list.

nh-egress-id nh-egress-id-number

The nexthop port egress ID.

flood-nh-ip ip-address

Flood next hop IP address.

flood-nh-vlan 0..4095

Flood next hop VLAN ID.

flood-nh-port flood-nh-port-number

Flood next hop port number.

flood-nh-mac mac-address

Flood next hop MAC address.

flood-nh-egress-id flood-nh-egress-id-number

Flood next hop hardware egress ID.

auto-tunnel auto|static

Displays if the tunnel is automatic or static.


Filter single or multiple route entries per nexthops.


Displays tunnels with either flood-nexthop or with no-flood-nexthop configured.


Displays tunnels with either MAC learning enabled or MAC learning disabled.

Defaults   None.

Access   CLI


Version 1.2

Command introduced.

Version 2.2.2

The parameter type added.

Version 2.2.3

The parameter router-if replaced name-string with vrouter-hw-if name option.

Version 2.3.1

The parameter active added.

Version 2.4

The option, cluster added to scope. The parameters vrouter-name, and peer-vrouter-name, state, error, route-info, and ecmp-group added.

Version 2.5

The parameter vnet added.

Version 3.0.0

The parameter vrouter-if deprecated. The parameter bfd added.

Version 6.0.0

The parameter mac-learning added.

Usage   Tunnels are used to encapsulate unsupported protocols on a network. Use this command to display a list of tunnels on a fabric.

Examples  To display a list of all tunnels on a switch, use the following command:

CLI (network-admin@switch) > tunnel-show
