Configuring Virtual Link Extension Error Transparency
In order to be able to preserve bad CRC and undersized packets as part of the vLE transport, a new fabric-wide error transparency configuration option has been added:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-modify mode enable
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-show
fabric: Transparent VLE mode is enabled
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-modify mode disable
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-show
fabric: Transparent VLE mode is disabled
However, since disabling CRC checks is not necessarily desirable on all links, some ports can be excluded (for example certain edge ports and inter-switch links) with a local scope command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-modify mode enable
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-port-remove port 18,45
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-port-show
switch: leaf-1
leaf-1: ports removed from VLE transparent mode: 18,45
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-port-add port 18,45
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-transparent-port-show
switch: leaf-1
leaf-1: ports removed from VLE transparent mode: none
Informational note: Transparency exclusion should be applied to ports that are not in the end-to-end vLE transport path through the fabric, which needs to be based on supported switches that are capable of error transparency to preserve bad frames.