Configuring Virtual Link Extension State Tracking
In addition to the above configuration steps, it is often common to also turn on state tracking in order to make sure that link state changes are mirrored:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1)> vle-create name vLE-1 node-1 leaf-1 node-1-port 10 node-2 leaf-5 node-2-port 17 tracking
This configuration step requires specifying the two vLE nodes (leaf-1 and leaf-5) as well as their respective ports in addition to the tracking option by following this syntax:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1)> vle-create
vle-create |
Create vLE configuration. |
name name-string |
Specify the vLE name. |
vnet vnet-name |
Specify the vNET assigned to this vLE. |
node-1 fabric-node name |
Specify the vLE node 1 name. |
node-2 fabric-node name |
Specify the vLE node 2 name. |
node-1-port node-1-port-number |
Specify the vLE node 1 port. |
node-2-port node-2-port-number |
Specify the vLE node 2 port. |
node-1-port-desc node-1-port-desc-string |
Specify a description for the node 1 port. |
node-2-port-desc node-2-port-desc-string |
Specify a description for the node 2 port. |
[tracking|no tracking] |
Enable or disable tracking between vLE ports. |
ports-state override|enable|disable |
Specify the ports admin control state. |
The link state tracking configuration can be verified with the vle-show command:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-1) > vle-show layout vertical
name: vLE-1
node-1: leaf-1
node-2: leaf-5
node-1-port: 10
node-2-port: 17
status: up
tracking: enabled
ports-state: override
create-time: 08:47:56
Furthermore, since a vLE transparently transmits PDUs over to the other end, it is possible to test state tracking by leveraging for example the LLDP protocol messages exchanged between two test switches (sw-1 and sw-2 in the figure above) connected to the vLE ports 10 and 17.
The two test switches exchange LLDP messages by default, so the LLDP peer relationship can just be shown with the command:
CLI (network-admin@sw-1) > lldp-show
switch local-port bezel-port chassis-id port-id port-desc sys-name
------ ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------------- --------
sw-1 1 1 0b0012c0 1 PN Switch Port(1) sw-2
Then, if a vLE port is disabled (in this case, port 10), the peer relationship is lost and lldp-show does not display a neighbor anymore. The test switch’s port also goes down thanks to vLE state tracking. Once the port is re-enabled, the neighboring relationship is re-established:
CLI (network-admin@leaf-5) > port-config-modify port 17 disable
CLI (network-admin@sw-1) > port-phy-show port 1
switch port bezel-port state speed eth-mode max-frame learning def-vlan
------ ---- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- --------- -------- --------
sw-1 1 1 down 10000 10Gbase-cr 1540 off 0
CLI (network-admin@sw-1) > lldp-show
CLI (network-admin@leaf-5) > port-config-modify port 17 enable
CLI (network-admin@leaf-5) > port-phy-show port 17
port bezel-port state speed eth-mode max-frame learning def-vlan
---- ---------- ----- ----- -------- --------- -------- --------
17 17 up 10000 10G-SFI 1540 off 0
CLI (network-admin@sw-1) > port-phy-show port 1
switch port bezel-port state speed eth-mode max-frame learning def-vlan
-------- ---- ---------- ----- ----- ---------- --------- -------- --------
sw-1 1 1 up 10000 10Gbase-cr 1540 off 1
CLI (network-admin@sw-1) > lldp-show
switch local-port bezel-port chassis-id port-id port-desc sys-name
------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ------- ----------------- --------
sw-1 1 1 0b0012c0 1 PN Switch Port(1) sw-2
To enable or disable tracking between existing vLE ports, use the vle-modify command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vle-modify name name-string tracking|no tracking
vle-modify |
Modify virtual link extension tracking |
name name-string |
The vLE name to be modified |
tracking|no tracking |
Enable or disable tracking between vLE ports |
To delete a state tracking configuration, use the vle-delete command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > vle-delete name name-string