Performing the Cluster Re-peer Process
In order to rebuild a cluster over a Layer 2 or Layer 3 fabric it’s necessary to use the fabric-join command with the repeer-to-cluster-node option.
For example, if one wants to join switch1 from switch3 to rebuild a cluster pair (that previously lost switch2), the following commands can be used:
- In case of a Layer 2 fabric:
CLI (network-admin@switch3) > fabric-join repeer-to-cluster-node switch1
- In case of a Layer 3 fabric (using for example OSPF or BGP for interconnection), the command changes to:
CLI (network-admin@switch3) > fabric-join repeer-to-cluster-node switch1 ?
password plain text password
abort-on-conflict fabric join is aborted
delete-conflicts conflicts are deleted
over-l3 fabric is over layer 3
Note: The over-l3 option is applicable only on Dell and Edgecore switches, where the fabric is over Layer 3 network.
CLI (network-admin@switch3) > fabric-join repeer-to-cluster-node switch1 over-l3
Joined fabric myFabric. Restarting nvOS...
Please enter username and password:
Username (network-admin):
Connected to Switch switch3; nvOS Identifier:0x900093c; Ver: 6.0.1-6000116966
You can display the information about the fabric instance of the local switch using the fabric-info command:
CLI (network-admin@switch3) > fabric-info format all layout vertical
name: myFabric
id: a000030:5537b46c
vlan: 3
fabric-network: in-band
control-network: in-band
tid: 365
fabric-advertisement-network: inband-only
over-l3: true