This command displays information about network data port status.
Syntax port-show
port port-list |
The switch network data port number, list of ports, or range of ports. Port numbers must be in the range of 1 to 64. |
bezel-port bezel-port-string |
The bezel port. |
ip ip-address |
The IP address of a host connected to a switch data port. |
mac mac-address |
The MAC address of a host connected to a switch data port. |
vnet vnet name |
The VLAN VNET name. |
bd bridge-domain name |
The bridge domain name. |
vlan vlan-id |
The VLAN identifier. This is a value between 0, and 4095. |
vxlan vxlan-id |
The VXLAN identifier. This is a value between 0, and 16777215. |
hostname hostname |
Name of a host connected to a switch data port. |
status phy-up|up|disabled|hw-nat-loop|mirror-loop|mirror-to|inuse| PN-switch|PN-fabric|PN-other|PN-cluster|PN-internal| PN-hypervisor|PN-guest|snmp-host|host|uplink|drop-pkts|no-pktin|no-fwd|no-flood|STP-BPDUs|LLDP|trunk|l3-port|remote-l3-port|vdp|dhcp|dhcpsvr|blocked|no-BPDU|LACP-PDUs|vlag-active|vlag-blocked|stp-edge-port|LACP-wait|adjacency-wait|adjacency-check|vlag-wait|multicast-router| host-disabled|loop|vxlan-loopback|vlan-up|vle|vle-wait|phy-down|down| enabled|err-disabled|err-bpdu-guard|mac-violation|stp-bpdu-guard|stp-root-guard||defer-bringup-wait|rx-bw-threshold-exceeded|tx-bw-threshold-exceeded |
The status of a switch data port. |
loop-vlans vlan-list |
The VLANs looping on the ports. |
rem-ip ip-address |
The IP address of the remote switch. |
lport lport-number |
The logical port number on the switch. |
rport rport-number |
The port number on the remote switch. |
config fd|hd|10m|100m|1g|2.5g|10g|40g|loopback|mirror-only|autoneg| fiber|copper|qos|jumbo|pause|asymetric-pause|vxlan-termination|no-local-switching|fec|backplane|200g|400g |
The settings of a switch data port. |
description description-string |
The description of the port. |
trunk trunk-string |
The identifier of the trunk that a switch data port is a member of. |
recover-time duration: #d#h#m#s |
The time left for recovery from err-disable state. |
err-bpduguard err-bpduguard-number |
The total count of err-disables by BPDU guard. |
err-maclimit err-maclimit-number |
The total count of err-disables by MAC address limit. |
hide-connections |
Specifies whether the connections on switch data ports should be displayed. |
link-detail |
The details of the link such as PHY, link, etc. |
Defaults None
Access CLI
Version 1.2 |
Command introduced. |
Version 2.2.2 |
Options for status and config changed. |
Version 2.2.6 |
The parameters LACP-wait|adjacency-wait|adjacency-check| |
Version 2.4 |
The options host-disabled|loop|vxlan-loopback|vlan-up added. The parameter loop-vlans added. |
Version 2.6.2 |
The parameters rem-ip, recover-time, err-bpduguard, err-maclimit, hide-connections, and link-detail added. |
Usage Use this command to display information about port status on the switch.
Examples To display the port status for port 12, use the following command:
CLI (network-admin@switch) > port-show
switch port ip mac switch status config trunk
------- ---- ------------- ----------------- ------- ---------------------------------------- ----------- -------
switch1 12 up,host,LLDP,vlan-up fd,10g
switch1 21 66:0e:94:6f:b7:87 switch2 up,PN-switch,PN-other,LLDP,trunk,vlan-up fd,10g, auto-274
switch1 22 66:0e:94:6f:b7:87 switch2 up,PN-switch,PN-other,LLDP,trunk,vlan-up fd,10g, auto-274
switch1 61 66:0e:94:6f:b7:87 switch2 up,PN-switch,PN-other,LLDP,trunk,vlan-up fd,40g, auto-275
switch1 65 66:0e:94:6f:b7:87 switch2 up,PN-switch,PN-other,LLDP,trunk,vlan-up fd,40g, auto-275
switch1 69 66:0e:94:70:e8:a0 switch1 up,PN-internal,stp-edge-port,vlan-up fd,1g,jumbo
switch1 70 up,PN-internal,stp-edge-port,vlan-up fd,1g,jumbo
switch1 71 up,PN-internal,stp-edge-port,vlan-up fd,1g,jumbo
switch1 72 up,PN-internal,stp-edge-port,vlan-up fd,1g,jumbo