Option 8: Advanced Settings

Option 8: Advanced Settings, provides you access to additional tools: 

UNUM Options Menu

These advanced settings are: 

Option 1:

Backup UNUM Configuration

Backup your UNUM configuration.

Option 2:

Restore UNUM Configuration

Restore your UNUM configuration from a backup.

Option 3:

Delete UNUM Backup

Delete a UNUM backup.

Option 4:

Enable | Disable Debug Mode

Enable or disable debug mode. Typically done after contacting Pluribus Networks Technical Support.

Option 5:

Configure Collector Services

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

Option 6:

NFS Settings

Configure your NFS settings for backup and restore.

Option 7:

Install System Monitoring

Install system monitoring tools.

Option 8:

Reconfigure PNC Connection

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

Option 9:

Install License Key

Note: Internal Pluribus Networks use only.

Option 10:

Display License Information

Display your UNUM licensing information.

Option 11:

Change ONIE Provision Time

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

Option 12:

Configure VW / PB Discovery Delay

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

Option 13:

Enable/Disable vPort Tagging

Enable or disable Kubernetes and VMWare visibility in the Insight Analytics Connections and Switch Analytics vPort tables.

UNUM Advanced Settings

Note: The Backup and Restore functionality is for Configuration Settings only. Analytical Data is not backed up.

Backup UNUM Configuration

Select Option 1 to backup your configuration. 

Option 1 - Advanced Settings Backup Configuration - NFS Mount not configured

The Backup and Restore function configuration is dependent on the UNUM instance. A standalone UNUM instance requires an NFS mounted share.

Note: In a clustered UNUM environment data is replicated automatically across the nodes.

If an NFS mounted share is not configured an error message is displayed as shown in the above image.

To configure an NFS share, use the following steps to set up the Backup and Restore function.

Note: These instructions are intended as an example running under Linux. The actual configuration of an NFS mounted share may differ and is dependent on the systems used on your network. Configuration files in the /home/vcf/srv/vcf/config directory and the /home/vcf/srv/maestro directory are backed up to an NFS location under the /home/vcf/var/vcf/data/snapshots directory.

NFS Server Configuration

On the intended NFS server and at a Linux prompt perform the following steps:

1)Run sudo apt-get update

2)Run sudo apt install nfs-kernel-server

3)Create the share directory. For example: /var/remote_unum_backups

4)Add this directory to the /etc/exports file. using an editor such as nano and add the following line:

/var/remote_unum_backups *(rw,sync,no_subtree_check).

5)Run chmod 777 on the /var/remote_unum_backups folder.

6)Restart NFS services using  sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart.

7)Run the command showmount -e to display the export list. In this example, the output is:

Export list for <my_nfs_server_name>:

/home/vcf/remote_unum_backups *

NFS Client Configuration on the UNUM Instance

On the standalone UNUM instance run the following process to mount the NFS storage:

Select Option 6 followed by Option 1 to configure your NFS Client. 

Option 6 - Advanced Settings Backup Configuration

Note: Please stop UNUM before setting the NFS Client.

The following is an example configuration only. Configure the NFS settings per your specific requirements.

Option 6 - Advanced Settings Backup Configuration

Press any key to continue.

After the NFS mount finishes the menu screen updates with the NFS host and path settings.

Option 6 - Advanced Settings NFS Configuration

When the NFS configuration completes, return to the Advanced Menu and then exit the Advanced Settings menu.

Use Option 3 to restart UNUM from the main menu.

Option 3 - Start UNUM

Backup UNUM Configuration

Return to the Advanced Menu and select Option 1 to backup your configuration.

Option 1 - Advanced Settings Backup Configuration

Press any key to continue.

Restore UNUM Configuration

The Backup and Restore functions and the configuration is dependent on the UNUM instance. A standalone UNUM instance requires an NFS mounted share. Refer to the instructions above to configure an NFS Server and the UNUM NFS Client.

Select Option 2 to restore your configuration.

Select the applicable backup file from the list of Available Backups and follow the on-screen instructions.

Note:UNUM automatically restarts during the process.

Option 2 - Advanced Settings Restore Configuration

Option 2 - Advanced Settings Restore Process

Press any key to continue.

Delete UNUM Backup

To delete a configuration backup select Option 3 and follow the on-screen instructions.

Option 3 - Advanced Settings Delete Backup

Option 3 - Advanced Settings Delete Backup Complete

Press any key to continue.

Enable | Disable Debug Mode

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use the Enable | Disable Debug Mode function.

To enable or disable the Debug Mode select Option 4

When enabling or disabling extended logging follow the on-screen instruction to Stop and Start UNUM services.

Option 8 - Enable / Disable Debug Mode

Option 8 - Debug Mode Enabled

Note: The restart dialog includes the warning debug services are enabled - WARNING: debug mode is enabled. 

Disable Debug

Select Option 4 to disable the Debug mode and follow the on-screen instruction to Stop and Start UNUM services.

Option 8 - Debug Mode Disable

Option 8 - Debug Mode Disable Restart

Note: When Debug mode is disabled the restart dialog does not contain any references to Debug mode.

Configure Collector Services

Option 5 enables and disable UNUM Collector services.

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use the Configure Collector Services function.

Mount NFS

Select Option 6 NFS Settings followed by Option 1 to mount your NFS Client. 

Note: Please stop UNUM before setting the NFS Client.

The following is an example configuration only. Configure the NFS settings per your specific requirements.

Option 6 - Advanced Settings Mount NFS

Unmount NFS

Select Option 6 followed by Option 2 to unmount your NFS Client. 

Note: Please stop UNUM before setting the NFS Client.

Option 6 - Advanced Settings NFS Settings

Option 2 - Advanced Settings Unmount NFS Complete

Install Monitoring System

When upgrading from a installed UNUM 5.2.0 version, the monitoring tools do not install automatically.

To install the monitoring tools, Select Option 7. Enter your UNUM password.

The monitoring tools install without any further user interaction.

Option 7 - Install Monitoring Tools

Option 7 - Monitoring Tools Installed

Press any key to continue.

Reconfigure PNC Connection

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

Select Option 8, Reconfigure PNC Connection, to update the Pluribus Networks Cloud URL.

The current PNC URL is displayed.

Only if directed by Pluribus Networks Technical Support enter the new PNC URL.

Option 8 - Reconfigure PNC Connection

Press any key to continue.

Install License Key

Note: Internal Pluribus Networks use only.

Select Option 9, Install License Key, to install a UNUM license.

Enter your UNUM password and enter the License Key.

Entering an invalid license key results in an error.

Option 9 - Install License Key

Press any key to continue.

Display License Information

Select Option 10, Display License Information, to view installed UNUM license details.

Enter your UNUM password.

UNUM displays the license status.

Option 10 - Display License Information

Press any key to continue.

Change ONIE Provision Time

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

To change the ONIE Provision Time setting, select Option 11.

Enter the new time in seconds. UNUM updates the time setting. Press any key to continue.

Option 11 - ONIE Provision Time

Configure VW / PB Discovery Delay

Caution: Please contact Pluribus Networks Technical Support before attempting to use this function.

To change the VW / PB Discovery Delay Time setting, select Option 12.

Enter the new time in seconds. UNUM updates the time setting. Press any key to continue.

Option 12 - Configure VW / PB Discovery Time

Note: The default setting is 60 seconds and should not be changed unless advised by Pluribus Networks.

Enable/Disable vPort Tagging

Enable or disable Kubernetes and VMWare visibility in the Insight Analytics Connections and vPort tables.

To Enable/Disable vPort Tagging setting, select Option 13.

Option 13 - Enable/Disable vPort Tagging

Select the required Fabric from the list of options.

Option 13 - Enable/Disable Select Fabric(s)

Note: Option 1 enables tagging for all fabrics.

After selecting a Fabric, view Current Status or Enable/Disable tagging, as required.

Option 13 - Tagging Status

Select Option 1 to review current status.

Option 13 - Tagging Current Status

To enable/disable tagging for Kubernetes or VMware, UNUM must first be stopped, as shown in the example below.

Option 13 - Enable Tagging
